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  1. MayPeX

    After beating the 2000 army of darkness

    That would make me squeal a little inside.  :lol:
  2. MayPeX

    Is there any way to make the speed of Blood And Steel, into other mods?

    I think you're referring to the weapon speeds.

    To do this you'll need to manually edit the weapons to have a faster speeds. Something like Morghs M&B Editor can do this. The only downside is you'll be doing it for 1 to 2 hours of editing.
  3. MayPeX

    After beating the 2000 army of darkness

    Would it be possible to have an additional patch to re-introduce the reinforcement waves? I personally found the idea of slugging out a battle for an extended period of time worth while.

    I'm only saying this because I've never had the issue of crashes during battles though and that this is not the same for everyone.
  4. MayPeX

    Your defence forces and tactics.

    Generally I use what I got, I also try to stay away from mercs because of their heft upkeep.

    Anyone with short weapons do the trick, paticually Macemen, can't tell you the number of times I get sieged by vaegir troops and the battle wages on because we can't kill that one man because our swords bounce off him sometimes. Maces do the trick just fine =3

    So yeah, a good supply of macemen.
  5. MayPeX

    [BUGS] Freelancer 1.1 Bugs and Fixes. (LOCKED)

    Hmm on the latest version of Warband with Freelancer 1.1 without siege fix.

    I have encountered a problem where the lord whom I join will not reinforce his army. I been stuck with my lord who has 7 troops for 3 weeks, he owns a castle and two villages and you're telling me he can't get more troops? Anyone else had this problem?
  6. MayPeX

    Knight Hood!!

    Or better yet to actually answer the question.

    Knight Hoods are more a status in the game, you get their gear and such so it's useful if you're not really rich enough to buy plate armour.

    Sadly you can't make your own Knight Hood. (At least to what I'm aware of.)
  7. MayPeX

    Who has the Weakest Faction?

    Only thing I would say about the Rhodoks is. I love the fact they are an all Infantry faction, sure they could use some merc cav here and there. But I wonder whether the faction they only have three types of troops, one being the Sergeant.

    I feel that they need more than just Crossbowman, Spearman and Sergeant. Maybe they can have a more close quarter unit, still keeping the Rhodok feel of insuperior armor and shield wall tatics, the Rhodoks use picks yes? Maybe we could have a troop tree to a more close quarter unit dedicated to picks and board shields.

    Thus remaining quite fragile they will have a more prominent counter to plate units without relying on crossbowmen to dish the damage. The Spearman are damned useful I give them that, but once a few plate units get through the Spearwall lines, it all collapses.

    Just saying. I Still love my Rhodoks though, DOWN WITH SWADIA!
  8. MayPeX

    Lord Recruitment

    I'm curious, do the AI Kingdoms recruit non existant lords into their Realm if they haven't got many? If they don't, could you like win the game by just capturing and killing off all the lords till like your the only one left? (For ****s and giggles.)
  9. MayPeX

    Chamberlain, where is he?

    I think I need to find this man to collect my upgrading troop fees =P
  10. MayPeX

    An unsettling yet amusing event

    Ok I'm not sure who said what, but someone has upset some which upset someone that is upsetting someone. Anyone else got a chance to experience this? I know diplomacy kind makes people go to war often but never have I seen it like this?
  11. MayPeX

    Mercenary and how to get rid of it

    You'll have to find the King whom your working for the end the contract.
  12. MayPeX

    Best weapons and armors in your opinion.

    If you looking to take on the horde by sword, then do not get a Two Handed Sword, it is slow as ****e impossible to duel a one hander once they have successfully blocked or started hitting you. Unless you chamber somehow.

    Chekan's are my personal favourite melee weapon, does piercing damage and has a ok reach.

    Generally Pistols are great hit and run weapons with a punch. (Rumour has it they are more accuate than rifles?)

    I don't bother with Helmets really. A head shot with a musket is a head shot with a musket you'll die regardless.
  13. MayPeX

    Warband mods.

    wannyboy said:
    think mercenary was better version of CRPG.
    You buy your armor permanently with cash yo ugain by fighting

    -Would also like to see diplomacy

    New players can easily be discouraged playing Mercenaires because the Tincans with Great Swords will forever remain Tincans with Great Swords. (Like I have, it's annoying to fight a team of Tincans with Leather Padded Armor and a Voulge.

    Atleast in CRPG Playing as a Tincan is rare and money draining, thus allowing lower levels to beable to damange even the highest levels.
  14. MayPeX

    Campaign AI (cowardly) Behavior

    Were you lords companions or actual lords?

    From what I've heard and etc and kinda of experienced that companion lords are less cowardless and most of the time attack parties more frequently and when they are ether slightly out number or out quality-d.

    It's a known issue for lords to just scurry away from a single larger party, it's pretty silly really.
  15. MayPeX

    Beware WINDOWS 7 users - Fire and Sword doesn't work for me

    I use Windows 7 and it works fine, though I got With Fire and Sword through steam.
  16. MayPeX


    xenoargh said:
    1.  Smallish skeleton armies on Normal occasionally.  Larger skeleton armies much more often on Day One of Mommy.  Still working on their stylistic components, and am hoping Barf's horse is done before I have to release.
    2.  You cannot capture skeletons alive (duh), so they give 4X xp and gold, along with the usual loot.  Should be slightly more gold and considerably better experience.

    This post made my day =D

    I thank you for such a feature.
  17. MayPeX


    Retire? You must fight on! FOREVER!
  18. MayPeX

    Slow Combat Speed!

    lovestofeast said:
    I am getting the impression that thrusting in this game is buffed and made faster, and slashes (left right, overhead) were nerfed. Probably because there are so many thrust-only weapons in this game.

    mp in warband, I was a mediocre duelist and I got the most kills spamming swings with a 2hander. It seems a little slower in wfas.

    That's great news, I'm sick to death with 2h spammers  :lol:

    But melee combat seems really sluggish in With Fire and Sword
  19. MayPeX

    Melee in Fire and Sword

    Range may be true but because of the slow speeds your average Warband player moving into With Fire and Sword will block your attack and spam you to death.

    I just feel that all weapons should beable to equally challenge each other to an extent. Your Claymore may have power and range, but the speed of a Saber makes the Claymore useless agaisnt another player.
  20. MayPeX

    Melee in Fire and Sword

    For those who have played Warband and the original Mount and Blade as primarily a melee role may have found the With Fire and Sword melee a bit... Awkward? And not fluid? What I liked about Warband, it didn't matter what parrying weapon you had. Some one with a Great Hammer can fight somewith...
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