Recent content by ZachC23

  1. ZachC23

    SP Antiquity [WB] troy-mod (no public alpha)

    hey rgcotl, since this is the Trojan war kind of. How about the number of troops in garrisons and lords are increased, and the amount of renown we need to increase player party decreased.
  2. ZachC23

    Please fill the feedback, reply this topic :D (for the 3rd version)

    Game days:72
    Have you cheated:money cheat, lvl cheat, true sight, teleportation
    Faction you are in:Central Army *My Faction should have a customizable name faction and troops instead of just being civilians*
    Centers number you are holding:2
    Military forces you have:72
    Other factions military forces:no clue alot
    Automatic weapons yep
    When would you use burst fire mode:never
    When do you prefer automatic fire mode:always
    What's your opinion of this automatic weapon system:really awsome
    Battle tactics and squad formation: dont use much in the begining until I get detailed armyed, calvary, machinegunman etc. Then works like a charm
    How often do you use combat plan and squad formation:After I have a legit army, always
    Do you find this tactic system helpful:Yes
    Where did you get the soldiers:NPCA
    Do you use "arm soldier" frequently:Always and love it, makes the game a challange and unique :grin:
    How often do you manufacture weapons: Always of course
    Which weapons do you order most:Auto matics
    The troops you find most helpful:Commandos
    How do you feel about the auto recruit:Gives me a break to fucos on other things.
    how do you feel about the weaponry system:Unique and awsome but you should get the cannons implemented along with the air strike,  Im excited for that
    New buildings
    Which are the useful buildings you think:All of them are great and have a meaning.
    What do you think about the prices and building times:Awsome
    Public order system Pretty Sweet, you should make it if its to low that they rebel
    How would the public orders of your centers normally be:60ish in the begining but after I upgrade everything the 90ish
    Did they change too fast:No
    Can you feel the influence of this system:Yes

    I just want to add that this game is really sweet so far, you should cosider getting tanks, with anti tank weapons of course, finish the cannnons and fix some of the script errors in the game. Also there is an error one time that happened to me was that after I won a battle it didnt say the battle win pres tab so i had to retreat. Only happened one time tho, still good great job  :grin:

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