Recent content by Volkodav

  1. Volkodav

    Can't get mod tools open

    Yeah, only load up the base game for now. Hopefully it'll get ironed out further along the line.
  2. Volkodav



    I'd also suggest bringing back the message log/recent messages. With so much going on in the world, it's impossible to keep track of it.
  3. Volkodav

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Early Access Announcement

    Maybe they just haven't gotten around to changing the date? Can someone clear up the confusion?
  4. Volkodav

    So, Just so we’re all clear. Bannerlord early access is coming to console too right?

    Console release is coming after the full release, iirc.
  5. Volkodav

    Won't be able to get the game due to economical recession in Australia, could I ask someone take some pictures for me to see?

    Floyd what you're describing sounds awfully lot like an ex-Yugoslavian republic.
  6. Volkodav

    System requirements?

    We don't really know at this point. I don't think TaleWorlds know, either. So you'll just have to wait and see. But I wouldn't worry too much about it. They are trying their hardest ot make the game accessible on as many PCs as possible. Also, if the beta is any indicator, their optimization work is progressing nicely.
  7. Volkodav

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Early Access Announcement

    Half the world is in lockdown and self isolating at home. A new Taleworlds game, for example, Bannerlord would help to pass the time. Any chance of an early release TW?
    Only five days to go... We'll hold out!
  8. Volkodav

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Early Access Announcement

    Planned features list maybe. I don't know if they'll give us a complete list of everything that's been ommited. Wouldn't surprise me if it went either way, tbh.
  9. Volkodav

    What are the modding possibilities you want?

    I don't know anything about modding, to be honest, but I hope the mod tools will be easy enough that I can create world maps from start to finish. I doubt I'd make anything that I would release, but if the map-maker is good enough then I can make things just as a personal challenge. I'd make my D&D maps in Bannerlord, or maps from fantasy universes like Wheel of Time.
    That's the idea. It'll be a comprehensive toolset, similar to Creation Kit/GECK used for Bethesda games, at least from what they have told us previously. The MIA modding blog should have official info and we'll know for sure when they actually post it. I'm going off of very old stuff they showed us like 3-4 years ago.
  10. Volkodav

    (temp) Dev Blog 14/02/20

    March 31st... Better than nothing. After 8 years we finally have a release date.
  11. Volkodav

    (temp) Dev Blog 14/02/20

    I'm wondering where the music in the combat overhaul showcase video is from. It has a serious Conan vibe to it.
  12. Volkodav

    ⚔️ Artems Video Thread: Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord ⚔️

    Wait did I read that right? Can we expect modding tools at launch/very soon after launch?
    I'm jumping to conclusions here, ovciously, but if the replay editor is dependent on the scene editor, and we might have access to it at/sson after EA launches, it's a possiblity, so that's why I'm asking.
  13. Volkodav

    When in march 2020 will bannerlord be released

    march 1st or i riot in the streets of praven
    I'll take on Reyvadin. Anyone up for trashing Jelkala, Sargoth, Shariz and Tulga?
  14. Volkodav

    SP Native Advanced Custom Battle

    Thanks for indulging my noob questions man @Bloc. I am starting to see, so to speak. Will probably try my luck at modding Bannerlord one day soon. In the meanwhile, thanks again for your mod. It's been fun testing it out, even though the game decides it wants to go full on derp from time to time. But that's a Beta for ya, I suppose.
  15. Volkodav

    SP Native Advanced Custom Battle

    Cheers. I was too lazy to explain that. I will add it to the first post.

    My only concern is this, some of the technical problems are not happening because of my implementation. Some of them are happening because of the poor AI or design choice which already embedded in-game which might be still there when the game is done. Let me give you an example. Might be mildly technical though.
    Sun in the scene is static. Therefore in the current shape, you won't have a battle that started at dawn and ended at mid of the day. Same goes with rain. You won't have heavy rain in the middle of the battle. Because there is only one location to change this right now. That is OnTick method which refreshes itself every ms. When you move sun slightly with delta time, usually you should get a smooth moving animation. But in Bannerlord, that's a dream. Because every single change you do on the light source is impacting already baked lightmap and making your screen shaking for at least 4 seconds to calculate that first move. And when you do it many times to achieve smooth sun rise, you are ending up with an almost unplayable game. But as you can see, whatever I do, this is not possible to achieve. This might not even be achievable for Taleworlds team unless they want to change something in the RGL. ( I'm assuming this is deep embedded in RGL ) And sometimes it's not possible to set winter OnCreate . That's why they have two maps for two different seasons right now. Although, for seasons, they are at least trying their best to add some atmosphere templates that might be applicable to every scene. ( For example Ruins in winter is quite lovely )
    Theoretically, is there no way to implement the sun changing location without relying on delta time/framerate and pre-rendered lightning?
    I know that movable light sources in Unreal are updated in real-time, so you need to build the lighting only once.
    Since both UE4 and Bannerlord engine are using C++ it should be possible, right?
    What would it take to make a similar implementation in Bannerlord?
    Would the modder have to make a custom RGL or is this similar to hardcoded design decisions we saw in Warband?
    Keep in mind that I am approaching the problem from a purely theoretical standpoint, as my knowledge of programming is still at a beginner's level.
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