Recent content by Velox

  1. Velox

    [M][WB, WFAS] Halo AS

    I'll start the AI Meshing as soon as I can. I feel a certain responsibility toward helping on this mod, since I am one of the few team members.
    I have found a bunch of online modders resources, that went into Halout 3 as well. Those authors will be named fairly soon for their OSP's. :smile:
    Sorry (to the team) for not working as hard as I had before, but right now I am working on messing with all of the models that have unneeded poly's, faces, and verts. As well as trying to find new. :razz:

    Don't stress about it. I haven't done much either, especially since the huge bulk of assessment from school. Almost got it all done though and I'll be getting a few HD backgrounds for the installer and menus and all that once I'm in the clear.
  2. Velox

    [M][WB, WFAS] Halo AS

    There is no dedicated modelling, texturing or AI Meshing team so give the crew a break. I've done enough work around copyright to know that it's only going to be of concern if 1. the original creators are not credited at all, 2. there is profit being made off their work, 3. if they actually care enough to pursue a case and 4. if it's recognisable as someone elses work.

    Just take it for what it is and be happy someone has put in an effort to give to the modding community. If you don't like it, do play it. If you don't agree with it's use of other sources, don't play it. If you love Halo and you love M&B, PLAY IT AND APPRECIATE THE PEOPLES EFFORTS, which I can assure have been of substantial amount. And if you don't want to acknowledge that society lives of rebuilding from the past and you're going to go into all the technicalities of copyright laws and theft of intellectual property, you're beyond ignorant.
  3. Velox

    MP Sci-Fi [WB] MY Halo Mod (very W.I.P)

    BalanceofTerror said:
    Why make a mod for Halo when you can play Halo on your X-Box

    Because Halo is nothing like Mount and Blade. This is a strategy and big battle scenario. It's like saying "why play Halo: Reach? There's already 3 others."
  4. Velox

    MP Sci-Fi [WB] MY Halo Mod (very W.I.P)

    Awesome to hear that it's all still going good. I'm really keen to see the end result and will follow the mod all the way 'til the end. Best of luck, chaps.
  5. Velox

    MP Sci-Fi [WB] MY Halo Mod (very W.I.P)

    After reading the thread, I'd like to say in regard to this whole stealing/ripping/copying/whatever argument that the creators of Halo (Bungie) would probably love the mod and love to see other peoples work being inspired from their own. They supported Rooster Teeth and they were making a series out of their game. Bungie also worked hard on their forge mode for the sake of having an awesome creative community where people could make amazing things from/within their own creation.

    Basically, Bungie loves people doing creative stuff with their work and the guy isn't even gaining profit from the mod so why does it matter? They won't ruthlessly attack him over the theft of a couple skins (provided the peoples claims that they were stolen are even true) before serving justice to those who put the Halo games on the net for free.

    Even if it's against the site policy, I think this mod has too much potential to be canned and plenty of people will enjoy it.  He put it up here for you guys to enjoy so stop criticizing his hard work especially if you've given nothing to the modding community.
  6. Velox

    MP Sci-Fi [WB] MY Halo Mod (very W.I.P)

    Just found this mod now and had to sign up and post ITT. I've just finished The Fall of Reach book and am way keen on Halo at the moment so I'd be so much more than happy to do whatever I can to help the progression of this mod. I have barely any experience with modding but seriously, I want this mod to be successful.
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