Recent content by Ulfrick

  1. Ulfrick

    Diplomacy for 1.174

    Hoping someone here can point me in the right direction, having some issues in my current game (running warsword conquest that has diplomacy as a sub-mod) where the various factions are a little "too" eager to become friends with each other. I suspect this is due to the faction relationship gains from concluding things like non-aggression pacts etc making it joke easy for them to become BFF's quickly. so i'm looking for a way to either reduce the relations gain between the kingdoms from concluding treaties, or to increase the minimum relations required to reliably get the next "Steps" in the road towards a full alliance (or both)
  2. Ulfrick

    Screenshots and Videos!

    Only problem I have with game of thrones is that alot of the filming was done in iceland and they refused to use the local viking troupe as extras. despite them all coming a) pre-equiped and b) most of them had previous film experience... apart for that I enjoyed it.
  3. Ulfrick

    The Mead Hall

    urggg... going mad waiting for everything to settle down and get updated. getting tired of killing bots already ><

  4. Ulfrick

    The Mead Hall

    *wakes up from the booze blackout he was in, looks around and seeing whats about to happen relocates to an out of the way corner to continue napping*
  5. Ulfrick

    The Mead Hall

    TBH, when I first heard about that game I was quite excited, but after having tried M&B out, going back and seeing the gameplay there... it just seems really, I dunno... cartoonish I guess would be the best word for it.
  6. Ulfrick

    Community Map Pack

    I love the look of the map editor, I'll have to try my hand at it. I'm personally thinking about making one based on the L'Anse aux Meadows settlement. as for battles, well there is some signs pointing to a "conflict" that came up between a greenlander and icelander group that where sharing the settlement at one point. either way it could make for soemthing a bit different (and the fact that we have very good layouts for what the settlement would have looked like could add a nice touch of history even if we then trample all over it with hordes of rus and gaels)
  7. Ulfrick

    The Mead Hall

    yeah, patches always play hell with mods, which is quite unfortunate. I'm still kicking myself because I only discovered mount and blade the day AFTER the last steam sale ended. I gave a good loud viking yell when I found that out.
  8. Ulfrick

    The Mead Hall

    Hello all, Just wanted to introduce myself and say Hi. Just recently discovered mount and blade and have been fully enraptured by it (actually only found out about it because of a video about this mod) Just messing around with the trial version right now but soon as I get the money together/the patches stop screwing things up. I'll be right in there to swing some axes into some faces.
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