Recent content by tyg3r

  1. tyg3r

    Quest Suggestions - Europe 1200 Warband

    Has any thought been put into emerging factions quests ? I know I posted about this a while back, or at least I think I did..
  2. tyg3r

    Quest Suggestions - Europe 1200 Warband

    Well some research could be put into it, but beyond that I don't know how it could be implemented after the realm gets created. For the vlachs I think byzantine mercenaries could also be considered as they were in that area of influence quite a while, if an entirely new troop tree can't be put in once the game's on the way.

    The quest could be taken from a potential lord as pretender, but not from one of the existing factions. Or from a village elder, case in which the player himself would be trying to acquire the title of King, prince or whatever. The ending could be a battle the player needs to win against the current owners of the land, after previously having to gather support from villagers and possibly the opponents of the faction he goes against to gain independence.

    I don't know if vassalage is currently used in the game, as in instead of completely destroying a faction an option might be given to force its leader to submit an oath of vassalage to the victorious king and subsequently pay tribute and offer military aid in case of war. Similarly a quest to regain independence could be added for the player to take. 
  3. tyg3r

    Quest Suggestions - Europe 1200 Warband

    Now I know that Player factions are available and one can start his own kingdom, but I was wondering if certain quests could be created whose target would be the birth of certain realms that are currently only represented as troop trees in their respective cultural influence area.

    Likewise it would be interesting to see some quests about raising kingdoms from ashes sort of speak, perhaps instead of having all the lords choose new masters once the kingdom is no more, some of them could remain loyal to their old banner and perhaps a chance encounter with the player could spark a revival of their realm.

    Not sure if this is even possible but it would somehow please all those who can't have their own favorite realms in the mod at the start, maybe make it an optional thing so all those entrenched in historical accuracy won't be affected by it.

    Just my two pence.
  4. tyg3r

    General suggestions thread.

    Any chance of expanding the number of factions, I'm especially interested in Wallachia  :mrgreen: but also the Holy Lands and maybe the Seljuks or Ottomans
  5. tyg3r

    Suggestions and Critique

    Is there any chance of seeing more of the eastern and oriental kingdoms such as Wallachia, Moldavia or the Ayyubids or the sultanate of Rum ?? I know the Wallachian Kingdom isn't historical accurate at all but maybe make it a quest or something.
  6. tyg3r

    Quest Suggestions - Europe 1200 Warband

    I'm wondering if its possible to make possible the uprising and appearance of new kingdoms, be it in case of two heirs with equal claim or the death of a king that has none or simply a rising up against an oppressive king by a certain population of a different culture.
    Also it would be interesting to see reemerging kingdoms that have once been vanquished when the conquering king dies or faces severe unrest within his realm.
    Of course these revolve around having a system in which kings and lords can be slain in battle or die of old age and a way to procreate which i'm fairly sure is not available in M&B,
  7. tyg3r

    Mod general Info

    I was wondering, is it possible to introduce a way through which vanquished faction could rise from their ashes ??
  8. tyg3r


    Just a quick question about ladies faces, are they being reworked ??  :mrgreen:
  9. tyg3r

    BUG Reports v 1.332

    I don't know if this can pass as a bug, but i had once accepted the "borrow companion" quest from a lord, while i was trying to gain more respect with him as to in the end being granted the chance to court his daughter, but during that period my faction went to war with his and the quest has naturally failed, the problem is i now cannot get a hold of a very potent companion anywhere, and the travelers i've met in taverns can't help me either.
    Another mistake i made is not setting a target for the wagon before sending it out, losing yet another companion whom i cannot find either.
    My question is if there is any way to find them and reemploying them again.
  10. tyg3r

    POLL: Want you a future Brytenwalda expansion? You Choose (Read before voting)

    Either the Viking Invasion or the Crusade themed expansions would be great, also a roman invasion of Britannia would be interesting as well.
  11. tyg3r

    (268) 268 B.C. Information Center / Credits and ==DOWNLOAD== for =.960=

    Hey everyone,

    First of all i should probably thank the mod creators for the hard work put into it and to say that i hope their final creation to be ze awesomest possible.
    Now to the point i really need that fix for the textures as i recently reinstalled the old beta game just to get another go with Hegemony so if anyone can re-upload the fix it would be greatly appreciated.
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