Recent content by TafferHats

  1. New Patch v1.127 crashes my game

    Yoshi Murasaki said:
    CalCD said:
    Strange, i dont appear to have the Appdata folder in my user folder.
    Im on win7 and using steam warband.

    It's hidden. You have to enable "Show hidden files and folders".

    TafferHats said:
    Credit for the fix goes to Katie in a similarly named thread, first page, some where in the middle of.

    Not that it matters much, but I believe credit goes to me as I fixed the issue first. No one before me managed to solve the issue. You can freely do the search. Katie added that uninstall isn't necessary and that's it (I did reinstall because I wanted to be sure all's going to be ok). But I wrote exactly where the problem was, in AppData folder, and after my post people suddenly were having issues solved. So now it's "Katie's solution", looking at the other thread, but hey such is this world..

    :oops: My bad, the credit is yours. Misread the post-mabob >< That is a tad unfair to you since you solved alot of people's issues with that hot fix. I believe in giving credit where credit is due, I therefore apologize to you friend.

    See you on the field sometime eh?
  2. New Patch v1.127 crashes my game

    Are you sure you deleted the proper files? Also keep in mind that uninstalling the game itself is not necessary. Just the Documents/User/Appdata/Roaming/Mount and Blade Warband file needs to be moved or deleted...

    This worked for me, and hopefully will for you... unless you already tried this WITHOUT uninstalling, then I admit I'm baffled.


    C:\Users\ *USERNAMEHERE* \AppData\Roaming\Mount&Blade Warband

    The above path is the one you need to delete/move. The game will create new files in their stead, stabilizing the game for the new patch. Note that the above path is using the Win7 OS, and will differ slightly under XP and below. Credit for the fix goes to Katie in a similarly named thread, first page, some where in the middle of.

    -The Taffer
  3. 1.127 RUINED MY WARBAND!!!

    Katie's solution worked for me, too. Excellent work! And thank you very very much!
  4. Patch 1.127

    That and it seems to be a tad touched in the code. Some of us get CTD's upon entering a server or battle of any sort, myself included.
  5. 1.127 RUINED MY WARBAND!!!

    It did me in, too. I can't tell what is causing the CTD bug, and it seems to only affect some of us (rather like the earlier empty server list glitch)

    I just reinstalled the 1.126 patch and it worked fine. No populated servers though...
  6. New Patch v1.127 crashes my game

    I just had three consecutive CTD's, without mods, using the new patch. Single and Multiplayer...

    Hm. Not really sure what to do, other than just bring it up I suppose.

    I downgraded my install to 1.126 and that seemed to fix the issue.
  7. Post your battle cry

    "I Farte In Your Gen-err-ralle Direction, You (insert faction name here) Kiiiiiinigget!"

    Though more often than not I bravely run away... away.
  8. Not Retrieving Server List, Solutions??

    That's the thing, I have gone as far as to turn my firewalls off. I have played WoW, League of Legends, and some Rune something that is not Scape Freeware thing no problems.

    This however, I cannot. I can only shake my head and shrug, what else can I do?

    As I said, we really, really need tech support on this.
  9. Not Retrieving Server List, Solutions??

    Didn't work for me...

    We really need some tech support on this.
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