Recent content by Stinky_Pinky

  1. Discussion Model & Animation Viewer What is the proper rotation for R Finger when it comes to animations using weapons (props)

    Hi, just wondering if someone can help or offer advice on the proper r-finger bone rotations for weapons that use custom character animations and poses. I am using Blender for animating and I don't know where to start when it comes to the bones proper orientation and rotation.Also, I do not...
  2. In Progress Crashing on 1.2.2 Not sure why

    Thank you, hope it helps
  3. In Progress Crashing on 1.2.2 Not sure why

    Hey, can you please share your Crash ID with me so we can further inspect the issue?
    Hi there, is there a link or resource where it can show me how to share Crash ID? I've just never dealt with posting about bugs/crashes before. I thought I was experiencing an issue when trying to send files through the CrashUploader, because it was taking so long (over 20 minutes) is that normal?
  4. In Progress Crashing on 1.2.2 Not sure why

    Summary: Hi guys, this is my first time posting about a bug and I am just trying to figure out the problem and how exactly I can get it to where the devs can hopefully get a good look at it. I am currently running the game with the new 1.2 beta patch and the newest hotfixes and it has been...
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