Recent content by rmancrusader

  1. rmancrusader

    How to create this texture?

    I see what you mean.
  2. rmancrusader

    How to create this texture?

    Is there anybody here that would be able to help me create a texture similar to the one in this photo: mainy it is the muscle fibers bunched together like that, i cant seem to make them in photoshop, but it would also be nice if someone...
  3. rmancrusader

    SP Native Ago Ergo Sum - "Mount&Trade" - Need Help!

    If anyone else wanted to I could help this mod out, mostly with visual stuff though.
  4. rmancrusader

    Flying mounts

    The engine wasnt built to handle them, thats what i think.

    Also, move to the Forge Please.
  5. rmancrusader

    SP Native Southern Realms - First release since February!

    Dagge said:
    This mod seems really promising, might have a 10/10 potential. Please keep feeding us updates on how your work is progressing  :smile:

    LAWL!!!!!! How I hate it when some random noob logs on and acts as a mod critic! " This mod seems really promising, might have a 10/10 potential." , honestly? Keep feeding us updates? Maybe if you contributed. Wow this just ticks me off. Great mod by the way, looks sweet!
  6. rmancrusader

    How can I make borders on textures?

    Sorry Admins for the double post, but thanks Jlgx50, it works amazingly well. Well done sir! :mrgreen:
  7. rmancrusader

    How can I make borders on textures?

    Thanks guys, ill give that a try, and see how it turns out.
  8. rmancrusader

    How can I make borders on textures?

    I can make wood textures easily enough, but i cant seem to figure out how to make the cracks in between them, such as in this picture:
  9. rmancrusader

    Texture Seams, How to make them disappear?

    Is there any function in photoshop that will do this for me?
  10. rmancrusader

    Texture Seams, How to make them disappear?

    CheeseOnToast said:
    Lowered graphics settings use a smaller version of the texture (a mipmap). When mipmaps are created (auto generated by the DDS converter), they are blurred to prevent graphical artifacts appearing. You need to account for this blurring by painting a few extra pixels outside your UV map.

    So, i should paint my textures over the uvmap a bit, to blend the seams?
  11. rmancrusader

    Texture Seams, How to make them disappear?

    Thanks for the tips guys.

    I have on e more question though. When I turn M&B's graphics all the way down, I can see the seams of the textures, but when i turn the graphics all the way up, they blend into one another, how does this happen?
  12. rmancrusader

    Texture Seams, How to make them disappear?

    Recently I made this sword, and decided that I would make a texture from scratch for it. Well, I made the texture, and applied it, but when i looked at the textured model, i noticed that the seams really spoiled the look. Does anyone have tips, or a way to make these disappear?
  13. rmancrusader

    Progress reports

    MAXHARDMAN said:
    to rmancrusader
    Very good !
    You make scabbard(sheath) too ? And you may make animation for BRF ? And texturing  :wink:
    Anyway very good work ! Be wait new arms and armors  :wink:

    Thank you everybody for the feedback, I will adjust the weapons accordingly.
    To MAX, I can make sheaths, and texture them, but I am clueless when it comes to BRF.
  14. rmancrusader

    Progress reports

    Hello all, I'll be helping MAX out with models, so heres a few to begin with.




    Feedback Please.
  15. rmancrusader

    Referances for weapons from the 11th to 13th century.

    Raz said:
    Depends on what region and what type of weapon you're looking for. I think I could name them from the top of my head for Europe and Asia Minor.

    I'm just talking about weapons in general from that time period.

    To mdk31: Thanks, those really helped out! :grin:
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