Recent content by Rjpck

  1. Rjpck

    Leadership for Comapnions?

    Yea I've noticed that when they are just a companion leadership doesn't matter but when they are lords with an independent party it matters so they can have more men.  Trainer is EXTREMELY USEFUL on companions if you get 3-4 companions and yourself lvl5.+ training you get ridiculous amounts of xp for your troops  :grin:!
  2. Rjpck

    Questions about my vassals when having my own kingdom.

    That will help when I start a new warband playthrough :smile:!  Thx, and in a totally unrelated collection can I add games to my profile if I got the collector's edition the code doesn't work... :sad:
  3. Rjpck

    Trouble rebelling - Too good standings?

    Well in my experience even I get refused fiefs I capture and ask for and I have 31 friendship with King Yaroglek 100 (loyal) to Vaegirs but my difference is I am -honor have bad relations with other lords and only have 500 renown but no controversy RtR will help when independent but in this case is bad...
  4. Rjpck

    Useful tips to players

    Yea Swedish Reiters are quite useful in field and siege combat even though I'm more familiar with warband I know the ropes of with fire and sword since I got collectors edition  :smile:.  And investigating prisoners in weak groups after a siege can help build men back up fast and valuable high tier troops depending on the scenario.
  5. Rjpck

    Useful tips to players

    I also have some useful tips I own all 3 base games and there are some tricks I've picked up.  First get intelligence high up for trainer and then charisma for leadership then strength.  Also when a nation takes over a city they leave a small garrison behind.  You can lie in wait for the siege to end then wait till the big army leaves, take the castle/fortress/city and reinforce it quickly.  Hope this helped newer players.  :smile:
  6. Rjpck

    Are Swadian Knights Really the Best Cavalry Units?

    Note I'm not a noob I've played M&BW for 3 yrs just joined the forum today :smile:
  7. Rjpck

    Are Swadian Knights Really the Best Cavalry Units?

    Well they certainly last the longest :razz:.  But the mamlukes are good as well but I'd say Vaegier knights are a Bit better than mamlukes  :???: But all three combined (which I do) work well.  With 20 Swade knights 15 Vaegier knights 10 mamlukes I easily take down armies of 100-120 even if I'm lucky :lol:
  8. Rjpck

    How does one rank up?

    Just by posting relevant posts!  :mrgreen:
  9. Rjpck

    Favorite M&B Warband Faction to Start as.

    Ok ok ok I admit nord his carls are OP beasts... BUT have you people that say never choose Vaegiers, well I believe you are wrong in the extreme.  Don't take me for a noob because I have played M&BW for 3 yrs.  Sure Vaegiers are not coordinated in the tier 1-2 stage but when you hit veteran they die less and less than you get horsemen and eventually the very nice Vaegiers Knight.  Plus the Vaegiers still have a good amount of land.  At the moment I control Dhirim (great for trade) and Rivacheg.  And with over 10 VKs they destroy the bulk of Rhodoks and Swades.  I do also charge with Mamelukes and Swade Knights which have good health all around.  So if you say Vaegiers are good for nothing you don't know how to use them :evil:!!!  On the contrary if I attacked a nord castle lets say Jelbelgi Castle with all Vaegiers  knights and they had huscarls I'd get creamed.  Only because huscarls are infantry built for that combat...  My second nation to play with would be nords then Swadia... :mrgreen:
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