Recent content by Revenge

  1. Need More Info Losing mass amounts of troops after siege

    They garrison troops in the newly conquered settlement or when visiting a fief with low garrison, sometimes I've seen it can be 10 troops per party of an army even if I already put in 20-30 basic troops myself following the siege. I wouldn't suggest removing this mechanic as it will just go back to near empty garrisons and armies targeting it from the other side of the map.
    I feel this should be an option in the options menu. Maybe put it in the campaign options. It's a lot of work getting my parties troops the way I want them for my party members to just donate them. It makes me feel like I loose the ability to choose and after all I am the leader right? Maybe a screen pops up and asks you if you want to donate after a siege or visiting a city and if not maybe give a warning about what would happen if you don't donate and let the player decide. I prefer it to be in the campaign options as I don't want any more additional pop ups to occur that I know how I will answer it. I am pretty sure I read a post about the AI lords parties don't donate their troops to player owned fiefs. So the mechanic is obviously just down right broken. I really lost the want to play this game after finding out I cant form my parties how I want and cant command them to do what I want them to do and than realize the PC gets all these perks so I quit the game because of these issues. I truly feel the console has the watered down version.
  2. Need More Info Losing mass amounts of troops after siege

    Does this happen only when you win the siege? To clarify, those troops lost are not lost in battle but afterward on donation to the castle/town garrison?
    They are donated to the castle/city and I "lost" them because I can't get them back and I don't want them donated because I am working hard to build my clan. I don't want them donated. This is game breaking to the point once I found this is happening I don't want to play anymore. There is no setting or option that allows me to check a box that says "Do not donate troops" option or I would select this.
  3. Any mod that prevents your clan's parties from donating troops to settlements?

    I wish something like this can be done for the console version.
  4. Resolved Armies no longer donating troops post siege

    We should have the option for this like a box in the campaign options that reads out "companion party troop donation" make sure to unclick this box.... We need this option. Why don't we have this option yet???
  5. Stop companions from donating troops

    OMG please I can't take it please I need my troops to stop donating it is hurting me so badly and my companions are donating mass amounts of troops like over 150 after a besiege. Why is this a thing? Please allow us to toggle "Companions don't donate" fix or something please it can't be hard. Please just do it.
  6. Need More Info Losing mass amounts of troops after siege

    I am trying to take over the kingdom, not going around donating all my troops. I need my troops to take over the kingdom. Stop allowing my companion party leader lose their troops.
  7. Need More Info Losing mass amounts of troops after siege

    Massive bug where I am losing mass amounts of troops after a successful siege. This is frustrating and hurts the quality of gameplay. Than I have to go all the way back to a castle I own and gather more troops from my garrison. This is an awful bug/feature. If I don't win the fief I lose those troops. Please fix it. I did love this game but after having issues with trying to get married and figuring that out to now losing troops to a garrison that I won't be able to pull the troops out unless I win the fief.. this is game breaking to me and as a result of this my feelings towards this game has been destroyed and I give this game a 2/5 Stars as befor finding this issue of losing troops was a 4.5/5 Stars.
  8. Need More Info Losing mass amounts of troops after siege

    Summary: How to Reproduce: gather an army with your companions as their own party leader and fill them up with troops. After the siege you will notice you actually lost well over 120 troops around 4 for each party after the siege is completed. Even though as a whole you only lost 10 in the...
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