Recent content by Radok

  1. Vista and Brytenwalda installing ;the main issue for me

    Ive already red it.

    PC: Vista 32b, AMD X2, 4GB RAM, ATI 4850 1GB videoRAM

    set: bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVA 2990, virt. RAM 8GB;
    in game: English, render_buffer_size to 256, scan_module_texture = 1

    I tried also:
    Enable Cheats = Off
    Load Textures on demand = ON
    Texture detail = 60%
    Antialissing = Off
    Shadow Quality = Low

    So, very often (50%) program crash when I choose "walk through streets". Its runtime crash.
    V 1.332 was unequally more stable.
  2. Vista and Brytenwalda installing ;the main issue for me

    I´ve problem with Brytenwalda 1.34 too.
    PC: Vista, Dx11, ATI 4850

    Brytenwalda 1.332 with PL ran, with some crashes during playing (opening troop tree, usw), but arena, battles was ok.

    On same PC, same configuration, I installed Brytenwalda 1.34 according ",136401.0.html".

    Tutorial and creating new person is functional, but first play after creation new person (saving trader) always crashed.
    Next i tried load saves from 1.332 - global map run (some red error mesages on screen), program crash if i choose "walk througt streets" or "Arena" -> person view, program use shaders. But tutorial run OK.

    I can send "postFX.fx, rgl_log.txt, 48700_install.vdf".
  3. Bug report version1.0 & all known bug. Please point out incorrect English.

    Thank you rucchi.  :smile:

    I wouldn't like to use fire arrow in field battle.(I think fire arrow is not useful in field battle. It only reduces FPS.)
    But some people want to me it.

    I agree. Fire arrows during siege and naval battle is OK, its one step closer to more realistic gameplay.
    But I think that using fire arrow from horse saddle is impossible. But mod is finished - let it go.

    - please reduce twice fire arrows graphic effects

    Sorry, I wrote it wrongly  :oops: . I didn't think FPS problem, I thought reducing size of flame after fire arrow impact. But mod is finished - let it go.

    Propably I found one bug - Wheat farm of Jayek (near Wercheg) is in sea, Buillin's and Pagundur's Wheat farm are in river. I use also world map HD v.1, maybe that is problem.
  4. Bug report version1.0 & all known bug. Please point out incorrect English.

    Hi rucchi, nice mod, but I found two bugs (version 1.003):

    - new customized banner doesn't work on "Heraldic mail with Tabard" (Heraldic mail from Native),  on shields and on every other mails new  customized banner work good (I can send picture)

    - during tournament in Halmar always fall one segment of wall and it open arena to town and field

    I have some suggestions about mod:

    - not allow fire arrows if men firing from horse saddle

    - not allow using large bows (long bow, war bow etc)  from horse saddle

    - could you make to using fire arrows in field battle depending on level of tactics? for example: to using fire arrows in field battle you need tactics 5 and more. Not every ancient or medieval battle was like battle in Gladiator movie :smile:

    - please reduce twice fire arrows graphic effects 

    Please excuse my English.

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