Recent content by Monkeys_Uncle

  1. Monkeys_Uncle

    [BUG] Red Sky Textures in Linux

    EDIT: Woops! Never mind, added the bug to the tracker; should have checked that first, silly me!
  2. Monkeys_Uncle

    SP Fantasy [WB] Return of the Shadow - Seeking 2D Artist, Apply Within...

    Ahhhh, so you've found the old thread have you?
    Well, I do probably owe everyone an explanation...

    The mod, as many of you rightly surmised, is dead. This was partly due to many people involved in it moving on to other things; the main blow however, was my PC getting a virus and me needing to reinstall. Sadly, I hadn't backed up any of the mod files and I couldn't face the idea of starting from scratch again (not that I'd really done much though).

    Much as I'd like to release the code to the community, I don't have it, so that isn't an option. The mod was really a victim of being announced waaay too early (something I wouldn't have done had it not been for pleas from the community for a LoTR mod).

    I'm now up to my eyeballs in work (college and otherwise), so don't really have time to mastermind anything. Though I am a much more accomplished Blender user now, so if anybody else wants to re-start a LoTR mod I can offer models.

    Sorry all. I really should have made this announcement long ago.

    All the best, Monkey
  3. Monkeys_Uncle

    SP Native [WB] Polished Buildings Ported! (RELEASED)

    *Looks Embarrassed* - Oh yes, so they are.
    I really shouldn't post when I'm ill, I always end up making stupid mistakes.

    That's very kind of you anyway, thanks!
  4. Monkeys_Uncle

    SP Native [WB] Polished Buildings Ported! (RELEASED)

    That's great SendMeSmile, it's really nice to use both without issues!
    Is it possible to get the module-system files for what you've changed? It would be nice to use as the basis for a maod.
  5. Monkeys_Uncle

    LSP 2D Art Custom Game Fonts - You pick ’em, I convert ’em.

    Dawiduh said:
    Anyway, I'll bugger you when I find a decent font :smile:

    Are you sure that's what you meant to say?

    On a totally unrelated note: Fonts are cool! A good font can make the difference between a good piece of work and an exceptional piece of work.
  6. Monkeys_Uncle

    B Fantasy [WB] GRIM AGE - Skirmish MOD is CLOSED

    Alvuar said:
    I still don't see how you guys can get mad at 'that guy' who comes in like a 5 year old and asks 'are we there yet?' over and over. I practically bounce up and down in my chair every time I check this thread in anticipation of an update. I mean I know asking doesn't make it go any faster and it's a big undertaking and everything else, but I totally understand the sentiment.

    I take it you're not a driver by the above statement. As soon as you've had to put up with anyone constantly distracting you while you're trying to do something that requires your full concentration, you'll understand how annoying it can be. It's especially infuriating when you've repeatedly told people to stop and they persist in doing so.

    It's been a while since I've browsed this thread and the first thing that struck me was how incredible the work that the mod team are producing is. Sometimes you forget how amazing something is when you're not exposed to it on a regular basis.
  7. Monkeys_Uncle

    Spelling/Grammar checking for mods in testing stages

    Bluehawk said:
    Starting a sentence with "also" is usually meant as an adverbial disjunct, which is perfectly fine so long as it's followed by an actual independent clause and not a fragment. It doesn't add much compared to other possible disjuncts though. So "words like 'joyously' ... are [also] not the best choice" as opposed to merely being a poor choice in a vacuum. While superfluous, it improves the cohesion of the paragraph slightly when one idea flows directly into the next.

    "I love cats. Also dogs." This is wrong.
    "I love cats. Also, dogs are fine too." This is better, but the hypothetical person is still a moron. Grammar can't help that.

    Touche! While I knew that starting that sentence with also was going to bring everybody down on me like a tonne of bricks, I thought that my sentence was getting a little long. Time to start using colons properly methinks.

    EDIT: It's funny how any internet discussion about grammar and the correct use of the English language quickly descends into chaos isn't it?
  8. Monkeys_Uncle

    Spelling/Grammar checking for mods in testing stages

    While not meaning to sound overly aggressive or unfriendly, I think that as somebody who is volunteering to check mod's grammar, you may want to use a few more commas. Also, words like joyously, while not incorrect by any means, are possibly not the best choice as I find few people understand what you are going on about.

    I do agree with you, however, that many mods could do with somebody to proof read for them. As no matter how many times you check something yourself, a few mistakes are bound to sneak in.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Grammar Nazi

    P.S. You spelt 'favour' wrong  :wink:
  9. Monkeys_Uncle

    B Native Other Polished Landscapes [RELEASED][news pg. 19]

    Delzaros said:
    I've reuploaded a different archived file now.
    Tell me if it worked.
    That works great now, thanks!
    I've had a quick play around with it and it's brilliant to be able to use PL in the latest warband version.
    Thank you very much for taking the time to update it (and then sharing it with us).
  10. Monkeys_Uncle

    B Native Other Polished Landscapes [RELEASED][news pg. 19]

    I'm getting an "unexpected end of archive" with your revised version, is it possible that there was an error in compressing?

    EDIT: I tired re-downloading to see if it was just a problem with that one, and now it's ending the download only half-way through.
    Would it be possible to host it on another server?
  11. Monkeys_Uncle

    Bow Sheath Trouble

    Guacamolez said:
    in the OpenBrf editor it says faces:332 vert:262 pos:179 frames:3, for the khergit bow case,
    for the one im trying to put in it says faces:1076 vert 1652 pos:586 frames:3, could that be the problem maybe??

    Not entirely certain of what your problem is being caused by, but the sheer number of faces on that case is going to cause issues later on.

    You don't really want to go more than twice natives poly-count for items otherwise your going to get massive slowdown.
    I can't remember the name, but there is a good freeware utility that reduces the number of faces on models. Alternatively, Blender can do it as well if your familiar with that program.
  12. Monkeys_Uncle

    MP Fantasy The Hornburg [LOTR] (Invasion co-op)

    Rest said:

    It got to be made low polier tho,would some of you like to do that?

    Otherwise,i'll do it

    E: Fix'd : P Didnt resize it tho


    You've got a little better since I was out Rest!
    Not that you were bad in the first place, but those are b,e,utiful, they make my recent attempts at Rohan swords look like child's drawing in comparison!
  13. Monkeys_Uncle

    SP Native Warband: 'Bloody Hell'

    That's a bit sexist isn't it?

    Sounds good what you've been coming up with though!
    I like violence in all it myriad forms and varieties and nothing gets me excited like the prospect of maiming other individuals!
    Virtually doing it means you also don't get the associated problems from the authorities!

    Keep up the splendid work,

    P.S. Well done for getting into coding, it is a very male dominated world and there seems to be this view that if your female and you program your a little bit weird (although, being male, I'm also considered a 'a bit weird' for programming, so it treats all of us the same I suppose)
  14. Monkeys_Uncle

    Problem with MS

    Are you using an administrator account?
    As an account without admin privileges will not be able to disable read only.
  15. Monkeys_Uncle

    SP Fantasy [WB] Return of the Shadow - Seeking 2D Artist, Apply Within...

    Hey Guys!

    I've been fiddling with the bare bones module system over the weekend and I've come to the conclusion that there is still a lot more I need to learn about the module system and it's language.
    I can still work on the mod, but it may take a bit longer than expected.

    I thought (having considered the above), that it may be an idea to work on multiplayer first, as this would be much faster to complete and require less advanced use of the module system. Some may be concerned that this might bring us into competition with Kazzan's the Hornburg, but as he is planning to branch out into SP anyway and that the mod's have different aims this shouldn't be an issue.

    What do you guys think?

    Should I continue working on single player, or do multiplayer first then move to single player?
    I'll run a poll on the matter for the next week and continue working on models (which can be used for both SP and MP) and we'll see what the general consensus is then.


    EDIT: Regardless of what we choose to do a Scene Editor would be helpful, anyone with talents in this respect who could help with the mod is more than welcome on the team.
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