Recent content by micot

  1. micot

    Bug Reporting HQ

    the forest near Aldeburgh when you enter it says it is a quarry and even if you buy a forest charter from Baron Delinardus can`t enter or do anything. And the stone quarry near Yalen is my farm.
  2. micot

    Bug Reporting HQ

    1. after you build your castle and train troops there will be a bug with knights weapon.
    2. you can not end the discussion with knight (from yuor nation) if you change his weapon, have to close the game.
    3. salary for treasurer and other members of council is way too high!
    4. New Praven ant the other villages from the New World are not displayed, there is only a stick.
    5. when you change the investment, from the court steward, to 25000 it apears a message in left corner that you have changed to 50000....
  3. micot

    Main Topic

    Good day, nice mod, I was waiting for something new and good! good luck.
    strenght and honour!
  4. micot

    Echipa nationala [MULTIPLAYER]

    da bineinteles!
    astept Bannelord. Nu sunt adeptul a nimic dupa aparitia armelor de foc.
    cu plecaciune
  5. micot

    Echipa nationala [MULTIPLAYER]

    Va salut,
    daca meciurile au loc in weekend, puteti conta si pe mine.
    am licenta de M&B din 2008, deci experienta exista.
    va rog sa ma anuntati cu 2-3 zile inainte de primul antrenament
  6. micot

    SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

    In my opinion this song is a "must"
  7. micot

    SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

    Furrnox said:
    micot said:
    People, have you heard the news???
    What news?
    Winter is coming! :smile: sorry, could not resist
  8. micot

    SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

    People, have you heard the news???
  9. micot

    Bun Venit!

    multumesc pentru raspuns! de abia astept acel mod, sa ne luptam cu turcii
  10. micot

    Bun Venit!

    Va salut, mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata, dar oricum ma bucur ca avem si noi coltisorul nostru. salut prietenii de pe Acum am o MARE dorinta (apropo de :pohta ce-am pohtit-o), rog pe cei care au "influenta" sau cunosc pe cei care lucreaza la mod-ul Blue Blood sa introduca si Transilvania, Tara Romaneasca si Moldova. Am inteles de pe forum ca inca se lucreaza si acum ar fi oportun sa aparem si noi corect pe harta lumii, eu voi incerca, ar fi bine sa fim mai multi care insista cu ceva informatii legate de cetatile, orasele, satele, voievozii si boierii din perioada 1184. O zi faina!
  11. micot

    SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

    it would be very realistic if you make some ports from where you get a boat. What about the twins?  you have to enter in to the castle and cross a bridge? or just cross by ...
  12. micot

    ->Sword of Damocles: Warlords | Download Here!<-

    After 2 months in the game, I can not find any bolts and gauntlets to by.....
  13. micot

    SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

    great ideea! it would be a first in Mount&Blade
  14. micot

    SP Fantasy [WB] A Game of Thrones

    and if you manage to make this option to give extra armor while closed than you are a master :smile:
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