Recent content by Michikawa

  1. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Produced a new pompous battle theme called Last Stand. Just save the file to the music directory and add the following line to the music.txt:

    warehouse_of_distant_dreams_-_last_stand.mp3 2
  2. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Just a heads up - I had to change the project Essence name to Celestial Aeon Project to avoid possible trademark collisions. Feel free to update the tags if you like.
  3. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Thanks! And I definitely recommend getting that sound library! There's nothing like having a possibility to compose orchestral music in your "home studio" whenever you get the inspiration. No timetables and rush, everything available at the time of need and mood. It is a wonderful thing that the music technology has gotten so far during the past years.
  4. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Thanks guys :smile:

    I try to update the projects as often I can, so either check the project pages every now and then or sign up for the RSS feed. I'm also the lead musician currently in a modding team which aspires to create an unofficial ending for the marvelous computer RPG series Ultima by Origin systems. Currently the team is working really steadily and fast so we have hope for winter 2006 release, but time will tell how it goes. When the project is finished and published the soundtrack will be released in mp3 format. I have currently composed about 180 minutes of material and there's still lot of work to be done, so it will be quite a bit of music. I'm quite sure that not all of the stuff will be used ingame, but I'll release the whole packet anyways.
  5. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    I have to try and find my hotmail account info or make a new one... Oh well.. :smile:

    I have Cubase also with Tascam's GigaStudio as a main sampler with various libraries attached to it. Mainly Garritan's Orchestral Strings, Project SAM brass/percussion and some demo material from Vienna Orchestral Libraries. Can't remember the total sums exactly, but it is probably something like 1000-1500$ A hefty sum, but if you think of it as a hobby and you can use the tools for years, it isn't nearly as expensive as many normal hobbies people have.
  6. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Wonderful tune! I have never managed to create so dynamic and long pieces with strong classical backgrounds, I have always sort of fiddled around with simple and short ideas, kudos to you :smile: The collaboration idea sounds nice, only have to figure a way to implement it in reality...

    By the way, added a few new tunes to the first post, sort of minimalistic harp/piano songs. Hopefully they feel appropriate for the general atmosphere.
  7. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Destichado said:

    People like you who can make music like this remind me why one of my greatest regrets has been not learning to play and read music.  This is wonderful.

    But it's never too late to begin practising! And nowadays with the current music technology it is quite straight forward to produce music with just normal PC and MIDI-keyboard. You don't have to buy expensive hardware synthesizers, just a sequencer program and software sample libraries.

    The mod finished uploading, link to the detailed description here:
  8. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Pellidon said:
    hey, any chance you could make an installer so that lazy noobs like me don't have to mess around with coding? that would be nice. slap it into the installer, and it would be perfect.

    Good point, I registered at the repository and put a petition for upload going. I made a .rar file with Data and music subdirectories which include the updated music.txt and the mp3 files. The installation would require you to move the rar to the M&B base folder and extract it there with subdirectories and overwrite the old music.txt when asked. Only thing to watch out for is that if you have already included more music in your M&B installation you would have to do the process manually because your music.txt already includes new lines which would be deleted in this process.

    By the way, you can find the project homepage in my sig, feel free to browse the music material there if you happen to find more usable tunes. I tried to choose the most appropriate but depending on the atmosphere and possible mods there could be more!

    EDIT: Ok, uploading the rar file now!
  9. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    Thanks guys :smile: Glad to hear you find the soundscapes enjoyable!

    HHUK said:
    Excellent music, great sound to it. When does it show up though? In battles? Or just all the time?

    If I understood correctly the numbers in the music.txt that follow the mp3 names decide that. 1 means cities/wilderness, 2 battles and 3 both. Somebody could confirm this though.
  10. LSP Other Music Michikawa's Celestial Aeon Music Project

    I thought it would be nice to offer some extra music for everbody to use with Mount & Blade. Here are some tunes I've composed myself which I added to the game music repository and an upgraded the music.txt file. Just save the files to the music subdirectory in your game main directory and edit...
  11. Mount & Blade VS muut ritarityyliset pelit

    Mount & Blade on kyllä monelta osin poikkeuksellinen peli. Itseäni kiehtoo yhtälailla etenkin modikulttuuri, pelin vapaus ja taistelusysteemin innovatiivisuus. Täytyy vain toivoa, että projekti saisi osakseen ansaitsemaansa laajaa huomiota myös "virallisilta" tahoilta. Olisi tärkeää, että tällaiset nyrkkipajoissa värkätyt huipputuotteet pystyisivät osoittamaan pelibisneksen hallitsijoille, että ideat ja usko niihin voi riittää menestykseen, aina ei tarvitse mennä sieltä mistä kaikki muutkin.

    Upeaa työtä ovat tehneet ei voi muuta sanoa. Vain nettipeli puuttuu.
  12. Takominen

    Aika mainoita kapistuksia olette kyllä saaneet aikaiseksi, eritoten threadin alussa esiintynyt haarniska oli todella vaikuttava.

    ... ja erityismaininta täytyy kyllä antaa ketjun ensimmäisten viestien rakentamasta tunnelmasta. Jo toisen viestin kohdalla tuli fiilis että "nyt tämä homma karkasi täysin käsistä" :smile:

  13. Introduction/Hello thread

    Another Finn with quite similar background with the game as the previous poster. Currently downloading the newest version, the last one I played was the old 0.632 and it offered so much fun I bought the license after getting first character to level 6. I'm looking forward to the development of this wonderful game, keep up the good work!

  14. 9/11 Documentary

    Definitely rises a lot of questions... But still, after all these "revelations" it is really hard to say what the actual truth about the 9/11 is. I guess we will never truly know. It is interesting to see, how the official history school books reference to the happening. Do they just mention that it was a terrorist attack, or do they mention that there has been a lot of debate over the origins behind the plane crashes?

  15. Can anyone recommend a good, quite old, strategy game?

    Edit: Ah, this was already mentioned in the thread, but for some reason didn't notice it during the first read, but it is worth mentioning again, I think:

    Really old Panzer General based fantasy hex-stragey game called Fantasy General was exceptionally good game, although a bit simple. It is probably really hard to find it nowadays, since it was published in the beginning of 90s if I remember correctly and probably is only playable with DosBox or such emulator. But if you can find it, it is definitely worth trying.

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