Recent content by McKannister

  1. McKannister

    Does morale or banners of my clan member parties affects auto calc battles?

    With death enabled, any clan member or companion is a potential replacement for your player character when he/she dies. I try to build them all on the assumption that I might take over playing any of them - you don’t know who’ll be left at a suitable age when you need them.
    I have death disabled for all, it was so random and annoying sometimes. No matter how many times i deafeated the enemy they were like immortal, and sometimes 3 of my lords died in a row in series of 3 sieges against 40 men garrisoned castles because they rushed the ladders first and got bonked by militia peasant with sickle... Like they couldnt wait for their men to do it
  2. McKannister

    Does morale or banners of my clan member parties affects auto calc battles?

    Like in the title, does npc parties even have morale? Don't know if morle boosting skills are worth picking for my clan members or companions just like giving them rare damage improving standards
  3. McKannister

    Prisoners in your clan members party

    It's so annoying for me too, because of the large prisoners number they are unable to chase enemy lords, or run away from them, then they are being killed and refill enemy party with fresh troops so your villages can be raided without any problems
  4. McKannister

    Needs help with brigands!

    Yeah its the worst especially whey you assign one of your companions to patrol that region to protect vilagers from bandits, then u got guaranted quest fail
  5. McKannister

    Is there a place I can make mod request for money?

    As in the title, there is a thing in the game that annoys me since the begining, namely, uselesness of "Defensive policy", at the current state it does nothing, i would like it to forbid AI of my faction lords from laying sieges and raiding enemy villages. Instead of learning all the modding...
  6. McKannister

    500 lords execution, could be avoided

    Ironically, this is actually a good thing; if you're in perpetual war with a landless faction they will never be able to gather enough strength to actually take a fief except maybe one thousands of miles away at the front lines where they're conveniently cooped up in one place. Giving them peace--for any length of time--just gives them an opportunity to not only recruit fresh blood but potentially take a city or castle in the rear.

    However, the mechanic is pretty crappy as it stands; the factions ought to disappear after a predetermined period of time and only reappear via the independent cities or secessions/rebellions. As it is, they're a perpetual annoyance that drive down the property values of their former capitals and the best you can say is that they make good XP/loot/money grinds compared to normal bandits.
    Southern empire (The ruler clan, because rest of their faction was on my side already) once tried to besiege one of my castles like that 3 times and at best they had 600 troops, anihilated badly every time. For me its sad view, poor lords running around wasting themselves with no chance of dignity life, because they refusing to join and potentialy gain a fief
  7. McKannister

    500 lords execution, could be avoided

    No its not realistic, they had no fiefs for few years, they looted and pillaged my teritories hundred times and when i catched and decapitated those bandits everyone gets mad all of a sudden. If i let them be, in the long run they would take countless number of lifes by looting villages and attacking caravans. Dont wanna play joker and batman, bullet in the head, or rather guillotine, would solve the problem
  8. McKannister

    500 lords execution, could be avoided

    I was playing as an elected king of northern empire, i recruited all the lords from western and southern empire, sturgians and some khuzait. Prices they were asking to join me were sicc, like 1,7 millions and later the option to start the dialouge dissapeared at all, even thou they were very...
  9. McKannister

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops "Defensive policy" should prevent lords from besieging new settlements

    Hello, I'm a king in a late stage game, i want to get some break from conquering and fortify already existing borders, recruit new lords and manage some other stuff. Setting defensive policy should disable siege option for my faction AI because now they are taking and losing one castle or city...
  10. McKannister

    Bring back donating troops to villages option

    I'm in a late game stage and there is a bunch of fiefless lords with small parties who don't wanna join me that are looting my villages non stop not giving them any time to recover, my clan parties are needed on frontline and it would be a massive loss to assignn them to patrol villages. My...
  11. McKannister

    SP - World Map Remote management of settlements

    Improved Garrisons mod solves it, though u still have to donate money to reserve personally to boost projects
  12. McKannister

    Resolved No option to recruit Rebel Clans into kingdom as player

    I also have this problem, rebelion in occupied by Aserai Onira broke out and i declared war on them to thelp them survive, after they lived long enough to become indepentent clan there was no dialouge option at all to persuade them to join and after some time they joined Vladians, creating small red island inside of my kingodm...
  13. McKannister

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Intra-clan party controls need to be better. Party Ai overhaul will resolve some of ur issues Improved Garrisons is also helpfull

    Btw, do u know any mods that are gonna bring back donating militia to the villages? I got so many of them laying around them so it would be nice to put them to protect villages and make actually use of them
  14. McKannister

    Do NPC lords have benefits from taking prisoners?

    Hello, I heard that lords have their own money which they use to recruit and upgrade their troops, so I'm wondering if they make profits from leaving prisoners in castles and cities bacause their number is decreasing with time, but when they leave them in my city, i can just take them and sell...
  15. McKannister


    I'm lacking the option of donating troops to caravan from mods like TLD. I don't like the caravans from my city getting plundered by random 60+ size bandit group. Currently i have to follow a caravan and wait till it gets attacked by bandits to give them troops by releasing them from my party so adding a direct option in the dialouge menu wound be nice
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