Recent content by lordboy54

  1. last soldier alive

    I have the same issue, what to do?
  2. Freelancer mod tells me to return to captured lord, but lord is prisoner!

    I went to Yalen where he was supposedly held prisoner, talked to the guard which told me to get permission from a lord first. Which i tried to do but there was no option to ask, so i went back, bribed the guard, got into the prison, but then my only option was to tell the king i was resquing him, so ended up getting outside the prison, attacking the guard for the keys, getting quickly beaten, and now im imprisoned too...

    What the heck are you even meant to do in cases like this? Whatever i do seems wrong, but i cannot figure out for the life of me what the freelancer mod wants me to do with the quest to return to a lord after losing a battle and the lord is imprisioned.  :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :???: :roll:



    But i did! I even tried to save him  :cry:


    This is bull****


    wanted to add a that part of full metal jacket where private pyle goes "Everybody hates me now" but for some reason no one have bothered to upload it :C

    Anyone have any tips for me?

    edit3: ended up cheating by closing the game with the process manager before it could save, then with control shift f4 to knock out guards and to resque him. Didnt work cause only have a few hours before timer runs out(and everybody hates me), and it takes a while for them to return after being resqued.

    is there any way to cheat/mod the quests or something?

    I really really really dont want so many kingdoms and people hate me just so early on for no particular reason. Not to mention the honour loss.
  3. Floris development question

    nomercy253 said:
    is there an ETA for bannerlord yet?

  4. Freelancer mod tells me to return to captured lord, but lord is prisoner!

    I only have 3-4 days left before im a deserter, but the king which i joined his army remains prisoner of his enemies. Is this working as intended? What am i supposed to do?
  5. Floris 2.5 Normalmaps Minimod

    The screens are broken :C
  6. Floris development question

    OSP? Google tells me that that's a village in slovenia. Urban dictionary told me it means "Oral Sex Party" or "Old school *****"

    What filth are you doing with Floris!!!11!

  7. Quick question regarding religion update

    Except i recruit from lances, and my finnish troops(which seem to be balt religion, my swedes being catolic) are enough to cause 90- clash penalty, from lance. Or is this just cause my few (2-3 companions) that i recruited as merc companion with other religious beliefs, can that really cause -90?
  8. What's up with the severe cultural penalty?

    I mean, I might, might understand it if you have something like, mongols in your scandinavian army. But playing as a Swede, and owning a fief in both Rum and Åbo(Abu), my finnish recruitment in åbo adds almost 60- morale for "cultural/religious reasons" finns and swedes fought regularly side by...
  9. SVN Version: Which One?

    the "FINAL FINAL" verison is an SVN link, is there another version which is more recent and non svn? Or what are you talking about. What should I download? its all very confusing.
  10. Why does my fief hate me and how do I reverse it?

    On very low and still my relation has been decreased. The original religion for the city was christian IIRC, and they hated my faith. It changed to bastion of my faith randomly. Maybe its a bug? Maybe they're still christian in reality?
  11. Lords of defeated factions

    Idibil said:,283638.0.html

    Is that patch incorperated in the current brytenwalda version or do I need to apply it as well?
  12. Why does my fief hate me and how do I reverse it?

    MickDick said:
    lordboy54 said:
    MickDick said:
    That sounds very strange.

    Bastion of your faith?  So I assume that you built your faith's upgrade for conversion and relations.  You say you have it set to very low.  And it's still going into the negatives?

    That is very unusual.  You cannot ask guild master for tasks.  Interesting.  Did you fail a quest for that particular town do you remember?  It could be on some strange loop of constantly failing the quest.  In the meantime you can go to the mead hall and pay 1k denars to buy everyone a barrel of ale or whatever.  Should help keep it at bay.

    I do not know what to do about the cows.  I think if you make a supply wagon you can auto throw all their **** in there, then send it to towns and it autosells all it can afaik.  I feel your pain there though.

    I switched it back up to normal now. What does tax rate effect anyways? Assumed normal would be a middle ground
    Tax rate affects how much money you get every week from it.  It also changes relations.  normal tax rate changes no relations.  High makes it go negative.  Low makes it go positive.  Which is why it's strange tax rate did not significantly improve your relation with the center.

    You cannot send a spy to one of your own fiefs.

    Ï guess I'll keep it on very low for a while then. Anything else that affects relations significantly?

    edit: I don't think I built the faith thingy yet(since they are a bastion of my faith and whatnot, didnt see it as a pirority) it increases relation too?
  13. Why does my fief hate me and how do I reverse it?

    MickDick said:
    That sounds very strange.

    Bastion of your faith?  So I assume that you built your faith's upgrade for conversion and relations.  You say you have it set to very low.  And it's still going into the negatives?

    That is very unusual.  You cannot ask guild master for tasks.  Interesting.  Did you fail a quest for that particular town do you remember?  It could be on some strange loop of constantly failing the quest.  In the meantime you can go to the mead hall and pay 1k denars to buy everyone a barrel of ale or whatever.  Should help keep it at bay.

    I do not know what to do about the cows.  I think if you make a supply wagon you can auto throw all their **** in there, then send it to towns and it autosells all it can afaik.  I feel your pain there though.

    I switched it back up to normal now. What does tax rate effect anyways? Assumed normal would be a middle ground
  14. Why does my fief hate me and how do I reverse it?

    Especially my city, I even kept my taxes on "very low" for a while, just to make them like me, didn't work though. Even though its bastion of my faith and everything. I can't ask the guild master for tasks either, and currently im down to -31 and decreasing. How to I stop this, and what do I do...
  15. Turned of battle wounds, does my current wound dissapear?

    now i got a "during the days training, you were wounded." does this mean that my wounds are now permament thanks to a random event I have completely lack control of?
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