Recent content by Lemon3

  1. Suggestions

    Marius_Marich said:
    Haven't played yet, looking forward to it though:smile:


    This mods absolutely needs the "Commander Battle" mode just like the one NW has.
    Not only would it be awesome considering the equipment and troops/factions in the mod, it would probably make the mod feel more alive considering the current low player count the mod is apparently suffering from.

    Note: I base my assumption that this mod has no Commander Battle mode from the fact that there is none on the server list, if this mod actually has the option...ignore my ignorance.

    You can poll to change the bot count on NA 1, and then do commander battle. We've done it before, but the factions aren't completely fleshed out or balanced. For instance, some factions have full plated knights on plated chargers, while others have light infantry only. It would need more work before it had a dedicated server.
  2. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    Locking thread until admins come. Getting bored of you saying the same thing, and trying to dilute the thread from its purpose.
  3. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    ALLAH said:
    I'm a bad troll who has been proven wrong and gave up all hope of actually having a decent conversation and moving on from it, and is now ****posting random things because he ran out excuses.
  4. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    ****post all you want at this point, it's not helping anyone.
  5. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    Froi said:
    Lemon3 said:
    Because just quitting the game when someone TKs you and harasses you is obviously how you should deal with it.
    Yes, it is lol.  If you're getting frustrated, just leave the game.  Instead you stay, get even more pissy, then argue like 5 year olds on the Forums over a couple TK's.

    So you're telling me, that every time I join the game and ALLAH is on, I should just leave? So you're saying I should quit the mod because some kid feels like being a douche? Rather than simply reporting it and having him punished or warned so he doesn't do it again, and then both of us can once again enjoy the experience?

    1. Respect other players

    5. Do not intentionally team hit or kill
  6. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    At this point, we both know I didn't hit you on purpose at spawn. I'm pretty sure you're just trying to troll me, so i'm gonna stop responding and leave it to the admins to decide.
  7. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    Except I wasn't trying to do that.
    Lemon3 said:
    But I didn't try to teamkill you, explained that to you, and apologized. You apparently didn't care seeing you TKed me a second time, on purpose.
    Matiss_Veinbergs said:
    so it was again NOT the lemon3 fault.
  8. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    I didn't notice that happening, and nobody going up to the tower was shot.

    You seem to not be sorry or care about the teamkills at all, and admit over and over again that you did it because you wanted to, not because you needed to
  9. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    Because just quitting the game when someone TKs you and harasses you is obviously how you should deal with it.

    I don't really understand the whole 'aiming rifles at me' the round had just started and the enemies were no where near us, and you seem to pretend it was a life death situation. You killed me because you wanted to. Not because you 'needed' to. If people were aiming rifles at you, i'm sure they would have killed you as you lined up the shot on my skull.
  10. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    Yes, I had my shield up because I stopped to type and wished to protect myself. The same reason you wished to enter through the doorway. You could have also waited 2 seconds for me to move, and then we'd have 4 alive teammates. TKing is never the answer. You seem not to understand this, and you continue to insult me throughout this thread. Really makes me glad I made the thread.
  11. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    As said earlier in the thread, and you could probably see from logs, I stopped to type. I did not realize I was inconveniencing you to such a degree, and I also did not notice or hear any shots come at you at all. In fact, the only shot I saw was the one from your gun, killing me. You could probably also see from the logs that I sent a chat message before and after my death, which would once again show that what I am saying is true.
  12. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    But I didn't try to teamkill you, explained that to you, and apologized. You apparently didn't care seeing you TKed me a second time, on purpose.
  13. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    I wasn't at first, but it got to the point where he TKed me for two rounds in a row, was talking trash to me in chat, and just harassing me. You get tired of it.
  14. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    i didnt casually walk up and stab you, I spawned in, swung, and tried to move it. Just like any rational person who isn't trying to teamkill his team would do.
  15. Punishment/Warning on ALLAH and or Tydeus

    Playing on the server with almost 20 other people at around 11:26 EST (-6 GMT I think) and I accidentally hit ALLAH at spawn. I was team switched and had all the stuff open, so i quickly clicked out of it and clicked one too many times. Him and his friend, Tydeus, who is impersonating tydeus...
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