Recent content by klazd

  1. klazd

    268 B.C. Multiplayer

    It was mentioned before but i thought it was i good idea. A DotA map... Think about it would it not be awesome to play DotA in a 3rd century bc atromsphere :shock:
  2. klazd

    Mod idea collection: I want this mod.

    i think we can discuss the idea on the mod idea collection  :wink:
  3. klazd

    Mod idea collection: I want this mod.

    ofc some off them wore chainmail but most of the vikings were just farmers sons who go out to make a name off them selfs. they would usualy not buy chainmail becouse its expensive and they would loot it from castles or towns they would raid.also chainmail is not a good choice when you are sailing specialy not on longboats when you need to be swift and agile . and i got those fact from school belive me in iceland you start learning about vikings from 4th-10th grade  :wink:
  4. klazd

    Mod idea collection: I want this mod.

    if anyone would help me making this mod then ofc they would not be wearing surcoats. In fact vikings usually never wear any armor mostly just their clothes or a simple leather armor and a helmet and a shield
  5. klazd

    Mod idea collection: I want this mod.

    I have an idea of a mod and i would be willing to make it but i do not have the means to make it. Can barely make a model of a sword but I'm getting better. This mod would be similar to custom settlements but it would be in the viking era or somewhere around 900-1100 AD . The map would be of Iceland, Norway,northen Britain and ireland . The game starts of in Norway , a new island has been found and landspace on norway is too small. continuous grudges between kings and jarls make norway not a good place to be at. people move to this new island called iceland where there are plenty of landspace for anyone. you will have to make a choice to go to iceland or go viking to Britain or ireland and raid and loot and then move. when you get to iceland you will decide where you will make your farmland buy animals like sheeps and pigs and slaves to help. you will also have to find a wife and if you are good enough a woman with good and rich family.You can upgrade your land with smithies or warmspring pools(don't remember the English word for most off thees would be able to start fights with the other settlers and they can decide to start fighting you. side quests where you must avenge the death of your relatives if someone in your family is killed or wronged and if the fighting continues you will be able to fight massive battle against other families. This mod would be a basic viking life at this timeframe and like other viking mods the troop names will be in old Norse. If anyone would be intrested in helping me in making of this mod pleas pm me
  6. klazd

    Scandinavian Factions (Denmark, Norway, Sweden)

    im not sure if anyone has posted this before but im too lazy to go over every post on this topic.But i think atgeir is a spear with a long tip and the tip is about as wide as the spear it self. here is a link to a picture of gunnar á hlíðarenda with his atgeir
  7. klazd

    Polished Landscapes - Mipmap Mod 2 [Test version released]

    :shock: speechless  :grin: Great job here. Hope it will be realesed soon :grin:
  8. klazd

    The Shieldings: Sister Clan to the Einhärjar Clan (Recruitment Opened)

    I'm willing to join

    I'm 15 years old and from Iceland
    my online name is klazd
  9. klazd

    Einhärjar Klanen

    Unfortunately you cant. We have reserved this clan for the Scandinavians only. BUT... we're creating a sister clan, just like polovolo said.
    It's not up and running yet, but it will be later in the week, I hope.

    Many people that are not from Scandinavia try to apply, and that's the reason we create the sister clan. So you'll be fighting along with us, in battle!
      Well makes sense that i can't join since the main language is danish and Swedish but Iceland is part of Scandinavia :razz:
    still will wait for the sister clan and join then  :grin:
  10. klazd

    Einhärjar Klanen

    hi I would like to join but I'm from iceland and do not speak any other scandinavian language than icelandic. Would that be a problem and would i be able to join
  11. klazd


    you sir are a retard. And it it is not pasion to use capslock or shift or whatever. Just retarded :lol: 


  12. klazd

    Custom Settlements

    It would not be very historically accurate to add custom settlements and well yeah would take allot amount off time to add it
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