Recent content by Kathek

  1. Kathek

    Old thread (locked)

    "if you mean someone doing a really poor job of something that was already done more than a month ago, I wouldn't call that any merrier"

    Well dont complain that nobody wants to help if people offer their help and you insult their work.

    I mean, you could have just said "no thanks".  :???:
  2. Kathek

    Favourit Mod

    Custom Settlements. Actually built up a bond for my towns and kinsmen, being able to patrol my lands and get some feedback. I felt the most lordly in that mod.  :grin:
  3. Kathek

    SP Fantasy Second Age

    Glad to see my preference for sidekick is winning  :smile:
  4. Kathek

    SP Fantasy Turmoil In the Province (v. 2.0 released for 1.011)

    Adorno said:
    Coin Keep - Coin Take ... ha :smile:

    An army of Trackers and Executioners; That must be expensive. Good thing there's plenty of food in the loot, and good money in slave business  :smile:

    Kathek said:
    ... I find that using mostly ranged units in my armies is the most effective. Since everyone has light armor, headshots are common.
    I was afraid of that, even with very week bows. But then again, ranged units are also powerful in native.
    But I like how horses have been reduced to means of transportation, rather than for war.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Um ya about money...I dont really worry about it since my char I import has around 700k.  :grin: oops. But on the upside, I do capture alot of enemies so I would be making a tidy sum.

    Besides my general strategy at the start of any new mod is to do the tournament circuit to gain quick renown and money. 20 renown is alot if you think about it. Even my best battles never gave me that much (which I disagree with but we do what we must with what we have). 
  5. Kathek

    TLD preview

    Looks exciting, although I think the original was out before I joined the forums. Good luck on the continuation though, it looks spectacular from what I have seen in screenies!
  6. Kathek

    SP Fantasy Turmoil In the Province (v. 2.0 released for 1.011)

    I actually have my army almost entirely comprised of trackers and executioners. Try this idea a few times, I found it very effective if the enemy is attacking with a siege tower. I jump off the wall and tell my men to follow. Then I tell them to hold position right in front of siege engine. Let the rock throwing slaughter ensue! This is especially effective if you have alot of range attackers. I once defended Coin Keep against 430 clergy and lost not a single guy since they only send small waves to try and push the seige engine. This wont work with ladder maps but lemme tell you, it was glorious fun to defend that way :smile:

    On that note, I find that using mostly ranged units in my armies is the most effective. Since everyone has light armor, headshots are common. And it staggers them when they get hit. Just some things I noticed :smile: I can usually take on a force much larger than myself. It also helps almost no enemies use cavalry (which was typically used to ride down ranged units). Using calvary against anything larger than your army or even equal to it is almost ineffective and will almost certainly guarantee a swift death to your horsemen, since the horses they use have so little charge. In almost every battle I tell them to dismount.
  7. Kathek

    SP Medieval M&B Enhanced: Crusades, updated - Jan 29/ Rigger wanted

    Omzdog said:
    Ya people need to calm down here. This thread should be relatively inactive anyway.

    Sad truth to that.
  8. Kathek

    SP Fantasy Second Age

    userpay said:
    Xendor said:
    Alright, it's 5 a.m in turkey and I'm still working on banners. I really want make them perfect, each of them, as the other features of mod. My eyes looks like cup of blood with a black olive on surface. It has been fourth full-day which I spent to this. I'm taking two pills per day for headache. My girlfriend gone crazy and has no idea about why am I not calling her or answering his messages. I think it's time to make a break. If yo guys show some understanding I want to be away from that s**t for a few days.
    ...and good morning to me
    Dude its just a mod, real life is more important than something you don't even get paid to do. So what if it takes a few days or a week, Dwarf Fortress (different game) is in the middle of a massive overhaul and a new version hasn't been released (nor will it) for a long time because of the work. Just take it easy, mount&blade will still be here.

    What he said. Even though I would like to see it sooner, he is right. Take the time you need, you are doing an amazing job. We wont think any less of you. Honest  :smile:
  9. Kathek

    SP Sci-Fi Star Wars: The Rise of the Clones Mod.

    :shock: Those pics were stunning. Simply amazing. Keep up the nice progress, starting to get a good feel for this mod  :smile:
  10. Kathek

    Bandits and Heroes - how?

    Sounds good, keep up the good work, let you know if i find anything else  :grin:
  11. Kathek

    SP Sci-Fi Star Wars: The Rise of the Clones Mod.

    QuailLover said:
    Sometime between a second, and 67904276027129765207902.2461 years.

    I want to know how you arrived at that exact number.I suspect foul play... :mad:
  12. Kathek

    SP Fantasy The Chaos War Mod FIRST BETA RELEASED V0.1

    I havent but then I havent played it recently.
  13. Kathek

    Bandits and Heroes - how?

    Dragon13 said:
    Also, I just want you to know, Borcha in my game captured Custow on...what? day 20? And made it Khergit Khanate a day later :razz:. Too bad I have no proof though.

    Hm mine did the same thing only she captured it earlier but she still chose the Khergit Khanate. Interesting.
  14. Kathek

    Bandits and Heroes - how?

    ya hehe it also restored my troops and the enemies troops as well. So it really was as if the battle didnt occur. Just thought I should add that as well.
  15. Kathek

    Bandits and Heroes - how?

    wickedshot said:
    How did you leave?  By pressing Tab or by going to the edge of the map?

    I thought I made it so you couldn't retreat heh.

    Oh you bastard! :lol:  Thats why it kept telling me there were enemies close by! But ya I ran to the edge of the map. I also got out of a battle by running inside the enemy castle. Once I was in and came back out its as if I didnt attack and was just visiting.
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