Recent content by K M

  1. K M

    MP cut down shock inf's movement speed made no sense in siege and tdm

    well, shock infantry is a tiny bit slower than the light infantry and a tiny bit faster than the heavy ones.
    it still has better mobility, better attack range, more damage, higher stun probability and before the last balance patch even damage reduction with every solution for

    i can´t say that there is hardly any shock infantry in tdm or siege, quite the opposite since there is no friendly fire you see them everywhere.
    one solution for the melee expert perk issue cloud be a restriction, that it only works with 1h weapons.
  2. K M

    Why are overheads so hard to hit?

    the hit detection itself is not that reliable (i guess because of technical limitations). sometimes you can swing through obstacles or teammates, some other time a stab gets stopped by thin air (most of the time there was someone close behind you or on your right side) .
    the same with blocks, you have to directly face your opponent or else there is chance that the block does not count.
  3. K M

    1.6 Patchnotes That Would Make Multiplayer Playable for More Than The ~100ish People That Still Play

    why stop at kangaroo jumps, wall running would be nice as well. :grin:

    but i try to remain modest so i hope for a bit less random hitdetection.
  4. K M

    1.5.7 and beyond

    I am glad with the skirmisher speed buff, well i prefer fast and nimble fighters so i may be a tiny bit biased.

    What i dont like about the skirmisher is that you are loaded with stuff, a sword, a spear and throwable things. There is no option to choose one weapon over another (i mean a spear or a missile). So in the end i get always the whole package and have to toss away the stuff that i don´t need.
  5. K M

    In Progress shield block + a throwable weapon does not work if an enemy is close by

    if you block with a shield and have a javelin in the other hand, then you get pushed back like as you take aim with the javelin. the footage is from version 1.55 but it is still the case in 1.57.
  6. K M

    Easy ways to make siege better

    I have liked the short round time Warband siege. Six/seven minutes at max and if the flag has hit the ground, it was over.

    Anyway, the basic concept in Bannerlord is not that bad either. Well, at least for the first stage. As attacker you have serveral options to seize parts of the wall and push the spawnpoints of the defenders further back.
    My personal issue is the fight for the G flag. Ever if you have raised your own flag you have to hold the flag for ages before you have won.
    Overall the fight at the last flag is a huge mess and quite unfun for me, but i guess this is intended by TaleWorlds.
    That is why i am not a fan of the "G is locked before you have all of the other flags" idea.
    This would lead to two messy battles for the "last" flag. Until F falls defenders could ignore G completely and focus at one point.
    Sure currently attackers can sneak to G and try a fast win, but most of the time it is the fault of the defenders. Their own cav opens the gates for the attackers. Well in Skala Landings it is mostly because of the map glitch.

    For the cav problem in siege mode a fix of the ancient "stair climbing horse" glitch would be a start.

    Oh and the moral system could use a remake. Sometimes you have a flag point under complete control, no opponent in sight but the flag is not fully raised yet and then you lose because the morale runs out.
    Morale could be something like a ticket-system. If to many of your fighters die, then the morale drops.
    This would somewhat fix the continual breakouts of the defenders. Don´t get me wrong, this is a valid tactic, but currently it involves no risk to waste your resources (menpower) as defender.

    I agree with the rocks. I do prep the defences my self because it is fast and easy but a quite cheap tactic.
    The stonework should have more hitpoints so it does not disintegrate if hit by hand-tossed 20kg boulder.
    Oh and self splash damage for the pots would be nice, too.
  7. K M

    Cavs outreach Pikes in brace mode

    The whole mechanic is quite cumbersome.
    If you brace the spear/pike you are a siting duck and you have to toggle to walk mode for some basic mobility.
    Now get ambushed by infantry you have to change weapons and switch to run mode again.

    With an automatic toggle of walk and run it would be somewhat useful at chokepoints but the current version is a way to risky.
  8. K M

    State of Shield Infantry in 1.5.5

    How would you rework the cav then?
    Hmm, remove the horses and give all riders a pair of coconuts?
  9. K M

    MP can you remove the death icon pls

    When they first appear I didn't like them.

    Last game I played It actually did help me to find a person.

    However I'm just not sure about it. If I'm in a skrimish with 5 people, I should know where they all are.


    Well i have forgotten skirmish mode. I guess the death indicator makes some sense there, on the other hand there is still the "the dead ones do not talk" thingy.
    Anyway, i mostly play siege and tdm and the information that a dozen people have died on the other side of the map is useless for me.
    Even at the nearest flag, i do not care because the flag is still the objective, the virtual life is cheap and the next respawn is just a few seconds away.
    And who knows, maybe you got lucky and beat a whole group of enemies.

    So, for me personally the feature adds nothing but it clutters my screen.
  10. K M

    Siege Baravenos Encirclement

    This happens at the B flag as well. I have spawned in the wooden tower at B several times, while the flag was held by the attackers.
  11. K M

    MP Remove damage taken upon "team hitting" defendant barricades etc with ranged or all together.

    it seems like some kind of an anti-grief mechanic on the other hand o lot of the barricades hamper the defenders more than the attackers.
  12. K M

    MP can you remove the death icon pls

    ... it adds no real value.
  13. K M

    MP Suggestion for a change to how ramming the main gate works

    I would prefer some hold mechanic like in warband instead of the single button press. sure you can open the gate to prevent damage but then it takes a few seconds to close it again. in other words make it riskier to open the gate while attackers are in front of it.
  14. K M

    Siege Baravenos Encirclement

    i have played on the updated map for a while, but i still have the same issues as with the older version.

    as defender half of the team still can be locked out at A and B and if the other half pays no attention, then you lose the round.
    well, bad luck but is it possible to modify the door mechanics so that defenders can open doors from both sides but attackers only from the inside?

    another thing is the new gap at the G flag. is it possible to add some kind of ramp at the scaffolding? i am a bit lazy and it bothers me a bit to take a detour to get back to the courtyard.

    as attacker not much has changed except you have fewer options now.
    you still have your three attack routes (A - main gate, B/C over the walls) but now B and C lead straight into defender spawnpoints.
    and there is still a spawnpoint directly at the G flag.
    a solution could be to move the spawnpoints to the cavalry spawn so the defenders do not spawn directly near the flag. from there they can climb the tower to man the walls or go through the gap to defend the flag.
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