Recent content by Julio-Claudian

  1. Julio-Claudian

    Diplomacy in Barter Menu?

    Delete? I just assumed it was unfinished. Why delete it instead of making it work?
    Well it's been years and nothing has been done with it nor are there any plans to do anything with it according to what we are told. Things that aren't used get deleted, like the code for upgrading workshops, an abandoned feature, was deleted in a recent patch.
  2. Julio-Claudian

    Diplomacy in Barter Menu?

    They almost always say that they need to talk to their council. And then there is the 'other' tab what is that for? This reminds me of 'spice' that occasionally spawns its something that's in the game for some reason but its not like other trade items.
    Just more things they haven't gotten around to deleting from the game yet
  3. Julio-Claudian

    Diplomacy in Barter Menu?

    Does this mean at some point they will add needed 'diplomacy' to Bannerlord?
    This is what I thought at first but I imagine it will just be removed eventually. I think the only thing it has been used for is making peace when you are a ruler and speak to another ruler you're at war with
  4. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    TW please do something about armies almost always ignoring besieged settlements, almost never defending them. It never used to be this way.
  5. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    We need at least some communication and information from the developers to know what they're up to. They're a company with around 100 employees, right? So how come it takes them so darn long to get things done?
    I doubt they still have anywhere near 100 people working on the game, that would be extraordinary considering that no content has been added for nearly a year.
  6. Julio-Claudian

    Make Bannerlord better - remove half of the features

    Most of the major features that were added since release eventually came around to making the core gameplay loop even worse. The most popular example, according to how often it comes up, would be the OOB. Everyone was super-excited for it, then realized they'd had a year to get used to the original way and the easy UI just served to create a bunch of new issues.

    It also didn't do anything to the core loop except make it slightly more grindy.
    Because features are always implemented in a way that is almost good but ultimately frustrating and then feedback is mostly ignored. If they returned the ability to assign units to formations in the OOB system and remove the randomness there wouldn't be nearly as many complaints about it.
  7. Julio-Claudian

    Make Bannerlord better - remove half of the features

    Half of the features have already been removed lol
  8. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Siege engines can launch projectiles after they have been destroyed and hit engines that have been moved to reserve. It's like once the process of targeting and launching has begun nothing can stop it, even the destruction of the engine doing the launching.
  9. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9


    Why do reinforcements spawn into random groups like this? Causes complete chaos and makes the whole Order of Battle setup pointless as all your groups just get messed up when reinforcements spawn.

    Also have hundreds of archers in my army but after three rounds of reinforcements spawning I haven't been able to use any of them as only about 20 have spawned throughout the battle.

    Is it possible that TW could take this into consideration?
  10. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Are the flags on spears going to be that generic brown colour forever?
  11. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    I do, ive seen the code. Offense mean 1.2 * base chance of doing something offensive. Defense means 0.8 * base chance of something offense. It does do something, but it isnt much
    Explains why they have barely any effect on anything
  12. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Defend they never or rarely do anymore I agree, the AI is hellbent on conquest at all cost it seems.
    Epicroeta under siege by an army of 1200 Battanians.
    Battania have the nearby castle Macalova or how its spelled.
    NE have 1 army with 300, another with 1000 and final with roughly 500(bit under).
    So do they defend Epicroeta or liberate/conquer the castle.
    Now if you guessed conquer the castle you are correct.(no prize though).
    Meanwhile they lost Epicroeta, and then peace was struck..
    Yeah this is pretty much how it goes every time. I've seen an AI army defend a besieged settlement once on the past couple of patches. A settlement was under siege, nearby a friendly army of a similar size to the besiegers was 'patrolling', I formed an army larger than both and waited close to the besieging army, only then did the friendly army come to the defence of the town. If that friendly army had attacked without my help and combined with the garrison it could have easily defeated the besiegers.

    So it does seem like they are just far too timid about engaging in battle. Like they need a massive advantage to do so.

    I hope this can be improved in the next patch. Just makes things so easy for the player.
  13. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    maybe all the kings go offensive stance by defualt?
    You mean defensive? Idk if the AI uses the war stances.

    Army Ai used to be good but has declined to the point where it's just super easy to take whatever town or castle you want because no armies will show up to defend it.
  14. Julio-Claudian

    Patch Notes v1.2.9

    Yeah, never had it worse than these last a few patches. Armies only consider their own strength versus besieging army, I assume, hence it's quite common to see three 500 men armies walk by a besieged settlement by one 600 men army. I can't understand how they manage to keep getting this worse by every patch.
    Exactly. I never see armies defend besieged settlements anymore and barely see armies team up to besiege towns. I can pretty much besiege with impunity because no AI armies will try to stop me, barely have battles against armies.

    Army AI used to be good, what happened?
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