Recent content by Hanz01

  1. SP - World Map Map expansion and suggestion

    the map was small and it only has a few town and castle within calradia. i hope devs can expand that where in you can travel seas by boat and have sea raders at sea and a group of pirates similar to viking conquest where i love how big the map is and how you can travel land to land. building...
  2. SP - General settlement change suggestion and feedback's

    i played the game probably after 1yr of it release. but till now castle and and town is underrate the option of visiting them. probably it lack the reason to enter them. the only feature is probably the barber and gang alley or tournaments. to be honest there is nothing to do in the game when...
  3. SP - Battles & Sieges seiging a town/castle is underated

    seiging a town/caste. i would like to add something on the seige option. comparing viking conquest or bannerlord. viking conquest has more option when seiging a town/castle, where you have a Planing siege. such as sanitation blockage mantlet etc. on bannerlord it has non the only option is to...
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