Recent content by Floh

  1. Floh

    I hired all of my mercenaries and cant find my hand-crafted items.

    Talk to the armor or weaponsmith and just continue as if you were to order a new weapon. You'll recieve the weapon/armor eventually.
  2. Floh

    NEWs: BRYTENWALDA 1.34 , wait to Module system of Warband 1.142

    :/ I was so much looking forward to this.
    Well at least now it wont interfere with my current exams. I would probably fail every single exam in the next week if 1.34 would release tomorrow. Thanks for saving my education. You're always so considerate... :mrgreen:

    On a side note:  How much knowledge of modding the game do you need for making a translation?
  3. Floh

    How to use the banner

    Just equip it an you will see your leadership score rise on your char sheet. (Marked in green) Unequip it and it goes back down. So at least the stat boost works by just having it in an equipment slot. My guess is it's the same for the morale boost, although I haven't tested that yet.
  4. Floh

    Santa Hats

    The big question is: Why do you so desperately need them removed? You could wear them. Sounds crazy I know but it just might work. Try it.
  5. Floh I am a noob...

    You're probably looking for something like this?,178132.0.html
    (Second Post)
  6. Floh

    Santa Hats

    Haven't found a single hat in this game that I like. Eastern europe sure had a fancy for ridiculous hats. However it's period apropriate so I put on my silly fur hat and kill people like a man!
    It would help though, if the engine was able to display hair under those hats. Would make most of them less funny to look at. Any chance this will happen?
  7. Floh

    The 'renown' system dilemma

    Well, one way to discourage players from renown farming could be to cap it. Instead of  being a continuously rising value that grants benefits every few points, it could grant certain benefits at a fixed value. In order to not make the system obsolete after reaching the cap the value could decay from certain actions or inactions (read decay over time).
    Alternatively, instead of capping renown, how about a diminishing returns forumla? You gain prestige fast at the beginning when you have none, but the more famous you get the harder it is to becoe even more famous. Someone with 800 renown is already a superstar, defeating massive armies with just a handfull of troops himself is pretty much expected of him, he's done it countless times before. He gains maybe 1 point of renown, if any, for a fight, whereas a newcomer with 100 renown would gain maybe 10 renown for the same fight.
  8. Floh

    Bug Reports: 1.243

    In the camp menu there's an option to reset the character once. Whenever I use it, it deducts the 10000 denars and then I'm stuck in the screen. The go back button does nothing.
  9. Floh

    Question about skills

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the trainer skill was the exception to that rule. Every hero with trainer skill adds experience to troops of lower level than him.
  10. Floh

    bug question

    Judging by her game badges she's probably aware of how trade in M&B works, so she's probably refering to the bug/feature that causes you to loose money on an otherwise profitable caravan.
    That happened to me a few times with the release version of the game, on chars without a trade license but hasn't happened to me again sofar. However I only made one new char in the patched version and managed to get a trade permit quite early, so I just might have been lucky.
    So if it is indeed not a bug but a feature it's probably due to not having a trade license. Just trade velvet the oldfashioned way by lugging it around yourself for a bit until you got enough money for a trade permit. It should be smooth sailing from then on.
  11. Floh

    bug question

    Well, sadly you can't start your own kingdom in this game. The function simply isn't implemented. You will aways remain a rebel and on your own since you can't recruit lords. If you alone against eastern europe is exactly what you want however then this is the solution for you.
    The Quests however will sooner or later put you on the throne.

    Trade permit still costs 45k and it seems this is intendend. Caravans still make you filthy rich and you still can carry around some velvet with you to sell to a city to allow you to send a velvet caravan from there.
  12. Floh

    Mercenary Camps Marksmen

    Well, in the beginning my caravans often made losses when I had no trade permit. Meaning I would send a caravan for maybe 10k and arrive at the destination and only earn 900 Thaler. This happened sporadic and randomly. But that was the even buggier 1.138 release version and it didn't happen to me again until now. So that can mean I was either lucky or it was not intended behavior at all and just a bug that has been squashed.

    Concerning Items: The adjective before the name does influence the quality of the item, however that influence is also reflected in the stats. Compare a surdy helmet with its non adjective version and you will see that the stats on the sturdy one are a few points higher than on the generic one. So you basically can just ignore the adjective and directly compare gear stats and choose the best one.
  13. Floh

    M&B wFaS:...Patch List

    1.134 is the current Warband Version. Your links also point to the Warband patch and Warband Setup respectively. 1.138 was the release Version of the western WFaS edition. 
  14. Floh

    Does anyone have a good trick for gauging musket range?

    I disagree on the "don't bother to shoot if they're far away" thing. I recomend trying the european musket with sufficiently high firearms skill. My firearms skill is around 300, which almost closes the reticule on the european musket. In fact it is perfectly possible to snipe across the battlefield with it. Of course it still helps if there are several targets bunched close together but still it works most of the time. The main deciding factor for hitting long range is not the weapons accuracy anmore but how well I judge bullet drop and enemy movement. You just need to get a feel for it.
  15. Floh

    Stats of armor and weapons ordered from town

    The thread you're reffering to is,170595.msg4123068/topicseen.html#msg4123068

    However has a full list with screens at the end.
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