Recent content by Diddle

  1. Diddle

    Native Completed [ESSC - 2x2] Started!



  2. Diddle

    King Biggie's Big Boys Big Thread

    less than 2 weeks hahahahahahaha. You even had gibby as a leader
  3. Diddle

    Apis Europae [AE] Masters of the Universe

    hello just got to say. As Liverpool has the midfielders and forwards to score goals I think they are fine. Coutinho on his best performance lately and that's hard to stop him.
  4. Diddle

    Defenders of Wonwokie

    absolute, clean rooster!
  5. Diddle

    Gibby's Video Thread

    mjup, Gibby you should stream matches
  6. Diddle

    Native Completed [ESSC - 2x2] Started!

    Team Name: Viscious and Delicious
    Members: Rd and Righty
    Steam Contact (Team leader):
    TaleWorlds Contact (Team leader): here
    Faction Desired: Nord
  7. Diddle

    Tony's Tanks (TT)

    Windle said:
    It was nice to see Mos back into the scene, even for the short amount of time it was.
    Hoping to see him rise up again in the future!

  8. Diddle

    Tony's Tanks (TT)

    it's happening :ohdear:
  9. Diddle

    Terry's Tank-busters

    this sh*t is lit!!
  10. Diddle

    Tony's Tanks - TT

    YEAH! Lets go TT
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