Recent content by Darrian27

  1. Resolved Companion party leaders dying after a siege

    This bug still exists, I am playing the most recent version ( and my companion (traits are Generous, Daring, Cruel). I have now tested it 4 times with 4 seperate fiefs and if I show mercy after winning a siege battle, my companion is "lost".
  2. In Progress Clan Party Roles being reset.

    Summary: I have discovered a bug, my clan members roles are being reset whenever I do the "Rival Gang is moving in" quest. I have done this quest 4 times over the last few hours and each time without fail, my Clan Members Roles get reset, examples being Quartermaster, Surgeon etc. roles get...
  3. In Progress Armies moving back and forth, not actually doing anything.

    Summary: How to Reproduce: Throughout my entire save (this current save is over 100 hours long now) this has been happening, armies will just go left and right and not do anything, they won't defend, attack or do anything. Have you used cheats and if so which: N/A Scene Name (if related): N/A...
  4. Resolved Campaign map crashing each time.

    Summary: I have been playing for about 100 hours with no crashes, today I have crashed 4 times while doing anything. I have tried safe mode, doing other things (choosing a different town) etc. How to Reproduce: Just play, try taking a castle, walking to another town, anything. Have you used...
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