Recent content by Danijongo

  1. Danijongo

    Policies working as intended????

    harsh reality check yikes
  2. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    Over on mp forum we've been told custom servers and server stability are coming in the near future (days not weeks). I hope you guys reconsider Multiplayer when that happens. It really is great fun trust me. And most clans I've seen don't seem to discriminate when it comes to skill level if you wanted to join one.
    Big hopes following the groundwork laid by 1.80
    This will be huge and I want to believe by this year custom servers would be a thing.
  3. Danijongo

    Battle Terrain System: Thank You Taleworlds

    this is one video out of numerous but the consensus is that terrain is not really a factor.

    This is all brilliant really but as some nerds in the community have tested out, for the most part the terrain actually plays a smaller role than we would like to think.

    Perhaps archers shooting from above at slower targets going straight-uphill and cavalry being slower and more prone to stuck in a blob instead of open-field charges give this an element of play.
    All in all it seems if you put identical formations head-on with different terrain advantages: all outcomes would still reach the same 50-50% and it's a bit lackluster of an element to consider. (unless you really micro-manage around it)

    There's still ways to improve this but it's definitely welcomed as a feature nonetheless.
  4. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    Thing is, if one person quits before warmup ends, everyone is booted back to the lobby. Also crashes lol.
    Other modes (TDM, Siege) have massive stutters (on any hardware) that makes them very unenjoyable.
    That leaves us with... Duel lol. But that has also been crashing.
    It's incredibly disappointing how not only it's major performance issues but also lackluster design choices that kill this experience from it's root.
    People really only asked for custom servers and a working product really, the competitive and queue thing are cool modern touches but have proved to fall short aswell with their current execution two years ago.

    For a game that made 1000v1000 battles possible a simple 20 player lobby can die for some reason is for sure an ironic achilles heel for the whole saga.
    (Which birthed many still-alive communities and even subgenres of games that started with it's own concept and platform years ago.)

    Oh but really fix your servers and game-breaking crashes at top priority jesus christ, who leads this snail-train of development roadmap? Because it feels there isn't one at all and devs go on at their own pace fixing/creating what each of them wants/cares about more like some open university instead of a cohesive team with goals.
  5. Danijongo

    Along with custom servers...

    Maybe Soon?
    Still Soon™ unfortunately brother.
    Same old at the non-existent multiplayer roadmap.
  6. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    I think it s all about server side, servers keep crashing middle of the game.
    I see, although I think I experienced this only at the browser servers (with the high playercounts) and not at the 6v6 skirmishes which I barely-can't find games for. Depressing either way in contrast to the unlimited opportunities of then-Warband
  7. Danijongo

    typical multiplayer experience as of now

    Don't link it to chiv2, it's performance drop and constant lag that killed multiplayer.
    Even then at least it's possible to find games with just some simple general queue-able gamemodes that people enjoy/ACTUALLY play, a customization/progression system that's actually feasible without 10000 hours of grind to use and not a placeholder. This excluding the server browser and the weird ranking system placeholder thing too.

    And that's barely scratching the surface of the reasons for their each popularity
    (WITHOUT MODS, that made Warband multiplayer timeless and a platform that reinovated itself and it's communities a thousand times over)
  8. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    Current state of multiplayer is: unplayable due to performance drop. I would play otherwise, and probably some others too. I uninstalled bannerlord, and will reinstall after next patch to check if multiplayer is working or not.
    Can you elaborate? I suppose i'm not experiencing this
    So is this the situation since last patch?
    3080Ti + 12700K
  9. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    Most M&B players have literally never even opened multiplayer.
    Yea but ~95% of players only in Singleplayer? I really doubt this number
    Then again I might be wrong.:confused:
  10. Danijongo

    Where's everyone? What am I missing?

    So at any given time via steam hubs/stats you can see Bannerlord as a whole has about 13,000 players on average concurrently. At the same time It's practically impossible to find a game on multiplayer, ignoring the occasional 30-50 players spread apart between two servers at the custom...
  11. Danijongo

    Parting Ways!

    Thank you for all the time you put in this, you've very much been the face we saw and communicated with from our favorite game.
    Goodluck in the future & cheers! :oops:
  12. Danijongo

    [RTC2] Rookie Team Competitions 2 | About

    When do you think the tournament will start?
  13. Danijongo

    Native Completed Blademaster Duel Tournament -Complete-

    In-Game Name: Danijongo
    Steam Contact:
  14. Danijongo

    Floris Evolved (Sub Mod - Released)

    NeoCat said:
    Im trying to get the text log to work with Floris evolved.
    If i launch Floris evolved though steam it loads V 1.172 but the text log dosent work.
    After much hassling and waiting for Tale world support i got the mod to run using the provided desktop launcher but it launches an out of date version of the mod with a working text log but is incomparable with my save

    How do i get the text log working on 1.172
    Same boat here, pls help :sad:
  15. Danijongo

    Map: River of Sorrows

    Lately looking for my favorite map which I never remembered it's name, I only know it was quite old (Alpha or Beta of PW) and it was Scene 7...
    Maybe its this but all the images of the map in the original thread are dead.... :???:

    Can anybody screenshot the map or something, and please update it  :smile:
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