Recent content by Cryptecks

  1. Honor

    I've released prisoners before.. No honor gain whatsoever. And somehow I'm at -48 honor now after finally getting back into the positive.. I'm not sure how it got so low.. The only things I've really done is trading and then some random event in between. A couple bards wanted to compose songs about me so I paid them, and I received a message saying peasants love me and are ready to join my cause or some such thing. Would either of those give me a major honor hit? And would there be any reason releasing prisoners wouldn't give me honor?
  2. Honor

    Okay, it's not burying the dead then. Thanks!
  3. Honor

    My honor was at -3 first time I looked at the reports page. I didn't think any of this and just went about my business doing some quests and killing groups of bandits. I look again and now it's at -7. Is honor dropping normal? And on a completely different note, did I hear some music from...
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