Recent content by coo_snake

  1. coo_snake

    Crossbows gameplay?

    Crossbows won't be included in Bannerlord, they cancelled them and will never be patched in! The one you see is overpriced so you don't buy it. It will be removed via a hotfix eventually.
  2. coo_snake

    Is CO-OP supported in the campaign

    Let us hope that it will come as a vanilla feature after release at least. Enabling all and any mod to take advantage of it. Endless replayability with friends.
  3. coo_snake

    Armagan: "Co-op won't be in launch but it may be added later."

    This is exactly my sentiment, Scarf Ace. I actually also believe these people with unrealistic co-op expectations are not the majority.
    I would like to have the ability to share campaigns with my friends either full time or not, in that fashion. I think it would immensely help the game to have that feature in vanilla, letting every mod out there benefit from it and add their own flavor/features to it.

    I believe the Battle Time mod sparked quite the attention. It's a little annoying to setup and use, unfortunately.
  4. coo_snake

    Will Bannerlord support animations at 240hz or lock at 60hz?

    This seems to make no sense at all.
    What's "old RPGs"? And are you confusing frame rate with refresh rate?
  5. coo_snake

    Armagan: "Co-op won't be in launch but it may be added later."

    What you're suggesting is already straying too far from what the game is though. Single party is the way to go.
    Multiple parties only opens the game to aberrations and exploiting the AI or bugs.
  6. coo_snake

    Armagan: "Co-op won't be in launch but it may be added later."

    According to this turkish interview: Co-op and naval battles will not be in the game at release but may be added later. Armagan seemed to say he is unsure how to do co-op, that it will be difficult. I'm not sure if he meant conceptually or...
  7. coo_snake

    The chance to ask

    Where is the damn campaign party co-op?
  8. coo_snake

    Nvidia Ray Tracing, Ansel, Hairworks, and other Nvidia exclusives in Bannerlord

    Goes against the spirit of these developers. They should stay clear of any hardware favoritism especially now.
  9. coo_snake

    Weapons that do multiple kinds of damage.

    I think that's for the developers who have the keys to balance and tweak the game to decide.

    The reaction time is a non-factor in this. The switch to a different stance doesn't have to be a twitch reaction mechanic. It's adapting yourself to a different context. You have time to think.

    It could be something meaningful like having a special ability on the secondary stance, like being able to hook people and displace them on a billhook. Or perhaps the secondary stance would net you better stagger at the cost of damage/attack speed to help your allies. What else? Maybe you could get wider sweeps that can hit several enemies instead of just one.

    Or it could be a minor stats change with satisfying audio/visuals as I first stated. People could use it for the cool factor.
    Maybe in some specific cases this stat would serve a greater purpose. Maybe better at destroying objects?

    I think I could see all of these ideas fit into the game in some way. And that's just on the top of my head. I don't think you should think of this in terms of balance. We don't know how similar to Warband the combat will feel. I am hoping the feint spam and overall feel of combat will change. Get a fresh look at Mount and Blade.
  10. coo_snake

    Weapons that do multiple kinds of damage.

    The switch doesn't have to be slow and could be easily seamless. Provided you get really good hit feedback (visuals/sounds) to indicate the difference between using one stance or the other I think the fun factor creates itself there.
    The damage bonus wouldn't have to be massive for people to use that. But any damage would be good to have for someone who likes to maximize (perhaps resulting in one less hit to kill).

    Who doesn't want to switch to a heavier two handed stance to finish off an opponent in a cool 1v1 situation? I can imagine cool situations from that feature.
  11. coo_snake

    [Poll] Co-op, why it's possible and why we should have it.

    Rungsted93 said:
    Actually why not just make 2 different co-op modes:

    1. Everyone is in the same party, 1 control as the leader (Can be changed during gameplay) and rest are sort of companions but can be granted default control of unit groups etc.
    2. Make seperate parties and everything real-time! Is this ideal? no! But it's probably the easiest to create and I'd much rather have that mode than none at all. If you don't like it don't play it or wait for mods to make the pauses/slower times at the points you want: Battles, Visiting scenes and so forth.

    I think the real time one (2) is the much harder one to create and will create too many inconsistencies, not to mention conflict with what the game has always taught players.
  12. coo_snake

    Multiple Damage Types in a swing

    It's already simulated in the game, if you deal zero damage your power strike is too low or your sword is too **** or their armor is too good or a combination of all three
  13. coo_snake

    An Open Letter

    No one is getting jimmies rustled, it's all in his head because he can't handle the fraction of criticism bound to happen to literally any creator in this world. Gsanders, your posts seem to indicate you are a grown up family man and yet you display this limitless immaturity and thin skin? Keep deleting posts and throwing tantrums online, the situation ought to get better that way.
  14. coo_snake

    [Poll] Co-op, why it's possible and why we should have it.

    Largoras101 said:
    Again, if we wanted that we'd play Multiplayer.
    Co-op in different parties, even just with 2 players would be immensely better.
    And to prove that people do want this system more than 1 party co-op, just look at the poll on the first page.

    I find that a strange argument.

    Multiplayer isn't the same thing. You have no campaign. There are no decisions to make. You don't have a character with progression. It simply isn't co-op, just pvp or mindless pve.
    What the single party co-op brings and what interests people is that there are things at stake. You progress as a party to achieve one goal together.

    The poll results don't matter. They are hypothetical. Of course in an ideal world, it would be best if the option to split up was possible. But it isn't possible in Mount and Blade bar rethinking what defined Mount and Blade until today.

    Intel Guardian said:
    Co-op still requires development time. If enough people didn't want co-op while Taleworlds was intending to include it, it could speed up the time it takes for Bannerlord to be released.

    I'm pretty sure Taleworlds mentioned co-op as their most requested feature. Make of that what you want.
  15. coo_snake

    [Poll] Co-op, why it's possible and why we should have it.

    They should stick to the simple and non-intricate solution that is let players band together in a single party and let one lead. May give other tasks to other members. Compatible with every mod, simple, allows true co-op. Most people think of that when they ask for Mount and Blade co-op.
    Multi party is a different scope and asking for a different game that is NOT Mount and Blade.
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