Recent content by conleyc86

  1. conleyc86

    Suggestion General Increase Maximum Number of Hairstyles Allowed by Engine

    I have half a dozen hairs I'd like added to the game, and can only get three of them in. After digging around I've learned it's a hard limit set by the engine. Can we get this number increased from 32 to 38? I assume there is a good reason for the limit so a modest bump would be incredible. Thanks!
  2. conleyc86

    Clothes that fit character's gender and culture

    if you are on PC there is a mod that fixes that among other things

    just realize it doesn't play nice with every mod that changes equipment sets
  3. conleyc86

    Will Vlandia get some new armor pieces in the future?

    I know this is subjective, but It feels like Vlandia is kinda lacking in the “cool armor” department. They have 4 good looking chest pieces, the 2 good “mail coif” helmets (an acquired taste imo) and “mid” shoulder pieces. Also it would be dope if “white mail over hauberk” showed your clan sigil. Sendin love to the dev team.
    Vlandia has the most helmets and the best shoulder pieces so I'm not sure they'll be getting a whole lot more.
  4. conleyc86

    Some of the beards not showing

    There's a mod that solves this
  5. conleyc86

    The only 2 playable factions

    Bad take after bad take... Once a kingdom no longer has fiefs they have no shot at gaining one again. Having them mindlessly raid is neither fun nor realistic. Civil wars and invasions would help keep the late game fresh. Wanting a lack of mechanics is a terrible take.
  6. conleyc86

    Please remove Khuzait and Vlandia

    C'mon. I've conquered both these factions as Sturgia. The game isn't in need of LESS content. This may not be a joke but it is not serious.
  7. conleyc86

    In Progress [1.1.0 Beta] Clone children bug (2-years old bug still not fixed)

    Fixed by modders.

    Nexus link

    Taleworlds, rise and shine pls.
    Appreciate the shout-out. It looks like it's fixed in 1.2.7 heads up. The issue was what should've been a random integer used as a seed number was hard coded (I believe it was always 1) - and that looks to be remedied.

    That link is also old now I broke those two modules apart.
  8. conleyc86

    Need More Info dungeons full


    To reiterate what's been explained...

    Garrisons take prisoners and put them in the dungeons, and lords will also "donate" prisoners to dungeons - but it isn't *just* lords but regular troops as well. There is no reason to put regular troops in dungeons, and even if there were (garrison potentially converting prisoners to troops) it does not make sense to prevent nobles from being put in dungeons in favor of regular troops.

    Despite dungeon size, after sieges, there are TONS of prisoners, and they are all put in a dungeon, often to triple the capacity of the dungeon, preventing any nobles being placed in there.

    When you join a faction you can manage your own dungeon, but as a mercenary you can be left with nowhere to put nobles leading to capturing them over and over an over again.

    While it may be "intended" (though I dunno, just going off the comments in the thread) it certainly *looks* like a bug and is a poor experience and adds nothing to the game. It's not fun, nor is it realistic, nor is it a real challenge, just annoying (although I would argue anything that adds a challenge that is neither fun nor realistic shouldn't exist).

  9. conleyc86

    ***Community Feedback ROADMAP - What Taleworlds still needs to fix!***

    Multiple potential ways it could be done - any one of these or something different could do the trick:

    * setting up camp (like in Warband) and fortifying it with stakes (like Viking Conquest) could give early xp
    * the option to help rebuild raided villages: could give XP as well as positive reputation and Mercy trait gain
    Rebuilding villages is a great idea - it makes sense in vanilla without any additional mechanics and beyond just providing xp. I am all for it.

    * Skill books you can buy and read as you travel (like in Warband, which had an Engineering skill book)
    * Similar to the above idea, Skill Trainers in different cities, who you can visit for a day to gain XP in specific skills, for example the "Engineering Master" lives in Danustica and will train you up to a certain level for a fee

    The other thing is there should be more peaces concluded with neither side paying tribute.
    That I can get down with - I also wish you could trade fiefs for peace. Like when my nobles take a town a million miles away, I can give it back for an earlier peace arrangement at no tribute.

    Side note - paying a little bit of tribute can be an advantage as it buys you longer peace time. Kingdoms are less willing to fight you if you are paying them money and it's something I've only taken advantage of when I start my own kingdom. It'd be helpful if it was less tedious to track tribute amounts because they are also highly volatile - I've seen multi thousand denar swings in a day.
    Yeah, that's silly.
    Yeah it drives me nuts.
  10. conleyc86

    ***Community Feedback ROADMAP - What Taleworlds still needs to fix!***

    Be good if you could build your siege equipment with out having to siege so you could carry some ready to a siege and have a sorter set up time. you could say for every 60 men carry one or have the weight really high on equipment. The heavy crossbows could be deployed on the battlefield too. This would let you increase Engineering. Also your could help in your cities building projects for a build time speed buff that could aslo give you engineering.
    Ah. So, historically you would never deploy siege equipment in a pitched battle and it was always constructed at the siege, not beforehand. This was for a multitude of reasons. So in this case history makes things simple for TW. (A note on ballista - while deploying them in pitched battles was foolish in the early medieval period, the Romans who developed it did deploy it effectively in pitched battles - but their engineers were better and their ballista were a bit different.)

    What i would like to see is a chat between faction leaders king to king. The one that offer peace and the other then can except a meeting and meet face to face on a battlefield or city what ever and use speech checks to get the be deal you can. Could use some of that influence to make it more useful. The more intelligent and social kings would be best at this naturally but a threat of brutality could also sway a diplomacy meeting.
    It's funny - this is technically possible, but you have to be faction leader talking to a faction leader and suggest peace which I have never seen in all my hours playing and testing.

    I think entering a region with a army without permission could raise tensions . So maybe a tribute of money to the kingdoms you pass through or if i can pass through your domain you can pass through mine. So more meetings. Thats have i would like to see it go. Plus when the player gets his own kingdom there would more to do and it would feel like you got real power as king or queen and everyone else doesn't. Obviously caravans would travel freely to keep the economy ticking.
    They have code in the game for something similar to this that is unused so I am guessing there were some problems they didn't have time for at some point. I forget what and where I saw that in the source - but next time I see it I'll try and remember to bring the details to our little thread here.
  11. conleyc86

    ***Community Feedback ROADMAP - What Taleworlds still needs to fix!***

    I could have worded it better (trying to reduce post length), but what I'm trying to say is: you can't partake in sieges at all in the early game (or even some of the midgame), and there is pretty much no other source of Engineering XP, making it impossible for an Engineering oriented player to do anything with that stat for the entire first 25% of the game. The post used to say "there needs to be more ways of gaining Engineering XP" until I cut it short for brevity.
    I am curious - what would you like to see gain engineering xp outside of sieges?

    I think what most players want is for their kingdom not to propose paying tribute to a kingdom they are inflicting insane casualties, imprisonments, and fief losses on.
    Tribute isn't about winning but willingness - willingness to wage war. I am on board with the winning kingdom not agreeing to pay extortionate tribute which I do see and agree with. A lot of posts I see. however, complain about the loser not wanting peace without the player paying which is usually justifiable.

    To expand on this, I've been on the losing side, fought tooth and nail to finally get the upper hand only to have my fellow nobles sue for peace because we were getting a little bit of tribute after a long war.

    Seems sensible to me. I don't think factions that don't share borders should never go to war, but it should be a bit less common than now.
    Right on - and it's impossible to be perfect, as borders can change dramatically but watching vlandia march on Jalmarys from their starting borders I am just like "why?" - oh it has the smallest garrison of any town.
  12. conleyc86

    ***Community Feedback ROADMAP - What Taleworlds still needs to fix!***

    Two things I note on this list:

    Engineering being slow to level? It takes only one siege to max it out if you use siege equipment and levels quickly throwing rocks off walls. And levels fairly quickly just laying siege.

    Tribute - the system could be better, but most players seem to want factions to roll over when they are losing which is unrealistic and just makes the game easier. On top of that, you faction might roll over too easily - I am now in a faction paying 4k in tribute when we had finally captured all their nobles so we were ready to take some fiefs and they offer a 4k tribute and we took it because it was the oldest of our two wars.

    I'll also add the AI should prioritize proximity more and garrison size less. They shouldn't know all the garrison sizes, really, and it's less a border gore thing and more a, hard to defend and you open yourself up to more enemies if you're willing to cross a fourth of the map outside your own territory. With minimal expansion from both I've seen Sturgia and Aserai go to war.

    Just my three cents.
  13. conleyc86

    In Progress Bannerlord , problem loading saves

    @pala_55 - I have had a similar issue and if I change my game from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 I can load my save again - AND vice versa.
  14. conleyc86

    Resolved Order of Battle bug

    My point is why was the change made. I was not like this in 1.0.3. So why was this crucial to the game and someone ha to worry about it. The system was fine so why tinker with a working mechanic only to upset your player base. TW explain that

    It's why it being intentional caught me off guard. Why break a system for a feature that is neither fun nor realistic?
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