Recent content by brennas

  1. brennas

    my thoughts and a small question

    Cèsar de Quart said:
    the medieval 2: total war  grand campaign mod,is kinda accurate,alot of the added factions u have added here with the aragon seljuks

    The M2TW grand campaign has nothing close to be considered "accurate". It's an unhistorical way to see Medieval Europe.
    Dominion of the Sword, THAT´s gonna be accurate  :grin:
    Btw, great mod, Cèsar! nice to see it progress!
  2. brennas

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Cèsar de Quart said:
    Bon Nadal a tothom!

    That's one of those sentences that only come true in one's own languange, isn't it?

    Goyosa Nabidat ta toz!!!
  3. brennas

    Ideas for Gameplay Enhancement

    ThaneWulfgharn said:
    Sorry for the late 15th century rulers.Here the Rulers of the time:
    Albanian Princedoms:grin:himitër Progoni
    The Ottoman Empire->The Seljuk Empire:Sultan Saladin I
    Viking Kingdoms:Haakon Haakonsson
    No more Iceland(conquered by Haakon)and Finland(Conquered by Eric IX)
    Kingdom of Sweden:Eric IX

    mmm...Saladin was kurd, not Seleucid, and was the commander of the Ayyubid Dinasty. About Albania, I think it is not relevant on 1200 Europe background...I think that Navarre Kingdom would be much more comprensive to be included. And of course before Navarra would be Bulgaria, Halych, Kievan Rus, Novgorod, Norway (what´s that about viking kingdom????)...
  4. brennas

    Ideas for Gameplay Enhancement

    I think it would fit well to create more Jewish citizens and people. On this age, Jewish population was quite extended on Europe (specially Spain, HRE, Poland, Bizantine Empire...), so I think the idea of Jew moneylender would be cool, as well as adding new models.
  5. brennas

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    And, now, comrades, only one thing is left! Let´s pray for the return of Cruger Magnus!
  6. brennas

    Preview of Aragon

    I made some research about names of the units on medieval Aragonese language. I understand what did you mean about the matter of putting all the units on native languages, but I think it would fit to put the names of the Aragonese elite units on native language, in the same way made with the alforrats.
    On this way:
    Knight would better be cauero, medieval word refering in Aragonese to Knights. It appears on the Vidal Mayor, the compilation of laws and forals in the Crown. In the other hand, squires are called in medieval Aragonese escuder (I think it is the same in Catalan).
    I think putting some of those names would help to the historical inmersion in the game. Probably you think I am an Aragonese pain in the neck... :smile: but, as you are Catalonian, I think you can easily understand as important it is for us to defend our own culture, our own language...and so, I hope you notice why I give so much importance to these details.
  7. brennas

    Preview of Aragon

    Great! Long live to the Crown of Aragon! Maybe can the name of the troops being translated to Aragonese-Catalan?
  8. brennas

    Signatures for Europe 1200

    And where did you take the other pics from? I really like them.
    Entalto Aragón!
  9. brennas

    BNL EYW - Main Topic

    Jezze said:

    • Spanish Armor
    • Spanish Suit
    • Mailled Armor
    • Spanish Breastplate
    • Heavy Spanish Breastplate
    • Captains Armor
    • Shooters Armor
    • Skirmishers Armor
    • Heavy Breastplate
    • Spanish Scout Armor
    • Sword of Espanol
    • Rapier
    • Captains Rapier
    • Claymore
    • Spanish Scout Lance
    • Light Morion
    • Heavy Kettle Hat
    • Heavy Sallet Hat
    • Burgonet
    • Sallet Feather
    • Lancers Helmet
    • Captains Helmet
    • Jinete Helmet
    • Strong Steel Shield

    • Spanish Recruit
    • Spanish Soldier
    • Spanish Lancer
    • Spanish Swordsman
    • Spanish Sergeant
    • Spanish Captain
    • Spanish Elite-Lancer
    • Spanish Skirmisher
    • Spanish Shooter
    • Spanish Marksman
    • Spanish Men at Arms
    • Spanish Knight
    • Spanish Mutineer

    It's quite a list. So take your time :wink:.

    I actually finished the list. I didn´t a literal translation, but one more precise in order to fit in the equipment of the Spanish tercios, and create a more historically acurate atmosphere.

    Spanish Armor  Coraza
    Spanish Suit  Vestimenta española
    Mailled Armor Cota de mallas (by the way, I think it wasn´t used by the tercios)
    Spanish Breastplate Peto español
    Heavy Spanish Breastplate Peto de los tercios
    Captains Armor  Coraza de capitán
    Shooters Armor  Coraza de tirador
    Skirmishers Armor  Armadura de batidor
    Heavy Breastplate Peto pesado
    Spanish Scout Armor  Armadura española de de batidor
    Sword of Espanol Espada toledana
    Rapier  Espada ropera
    Captains Rapier  Estoque
    Claymore Mandoble
    Spanish Scout Lance  Garrocha
    Light Morion  Morrión
    Heavy Kettle Hat  Capacete
    Heavy Sallet Hat  Celada
    Burgonet  Borgoñota
    Sallet Feather  Yelmo acolchado
    Lancers Helmet  Casco de piquero
    Captains Helmet  Casco de capitán
    Jinete Helmet  Yelmo de caballero
    Strong Steel Shield  Rodela (if small and round, tipycal Spanish shield), escudo pesado.

    Spanish Recruit  Recluta español
    Spanish Soldier  Soldado español
    Spanish Lancer  Piquero
    Spanish Swordsman  Rodelero (if he has the small round shield), Espadachín español
    Spanish Sergeant  Sargento
    Spanish Captain  Capitán
    Spanish Elite-Lancer  Piquero de los tercios
    Spanish Skirmisher  Batidor
    Spanish Shooter  Arcabucero/mosquetero
    Spanish Marksman  Tirador
    Spanish Men at Arms  Soldado de los tercios
    Spanish Knight  Caballero
    Spanish Mutineer  Amotinado

    I think it is all...and I hope it is useful  :grin:
  10. brennas

    BNL EYW - Main Topic

    Jezze said:
    brennas said:
    It seems we the Spanish shall conquer Flandes again  :grin: good luck with the mod!!! Anything to help with?

    Well, I think you can do some translations if you want to. Until now, I used google translate but it gives weird names which aren't correct. I have Spanish myself, but I am not that far yet that I can translate names of armor to Spanish.

    So, if you agree, I can sent you a list of items and troops that need renaming. We are also planning to add some new voice-acting, so maybe you are also interested in that.

    Farewell, send me names of troops and items and I shall translate it to Castillian  :smile: greetings to our Flemish brothers!!!
  11. brennas

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    Revoltie said:
    You mean, that they are easy to understand from one country to other?

    Why is portuguese so different from aragones and catalão? I can't get it, it looks more like italian, you talked about xerrar, likee italian parlo, french parle, and portuguese falar, they really sound like each other like:

    Non parlo italiano
    Não falo italiano

    Oi, Luso-parlante!!! mais é muito facil enteinder a tua lingua tambein, eu acho  :wink: eu gosto muito dela, mais nâo acho que é similar do italiano...
    It is a matter of etimology, I think...charrar (Aragonese) and xerrar (Catalan) come from the same point in latin language, and literally means "to chat". In the other hand, Italian "parlare", French "parler" and Catalanonian "parlar" come from Medieval latin "parabolare", wich mean "to speak", so that words have no relationship with "falar".
    Portuguese-Galician "Falar", Castillian "Hablar" and Aragonese "Fablar", in the other hand, have the same origin, from Latin word "fabulare". In fact, the Aragonese language (do not confuse with Aragonese dialect of Castillian, wich is a mix of both) is usually called the "fabla" (literally, "the speak"). So we can distinct two branches from two different etimologies.

    Cèsar, would can you put an example of dialogue, so we can make a better idea to write it, please?
  12. brennas

    BNL EYW - Main Topic

    It seems we the Spanish shall conquer Flandes again  :grin: good luck with the mod!!! Anything to help with?
  13. brennas

    Signatures for Europe 1200

    Great signatures!!!!!!!! I love so much the pics with Aragonese did you make them, Cesar?
  14. brennas

    Preview of the Almohads

    I like so much the new models for Almohads! as a Peninsular, I think the other mongol nomad-style was terrible...
  15. brennas

    The Development Thread (Look here for progress)

    Of course, Estonian is a Fino-Ugric, language, inside the Baltic branch of the Uralic languages (do not confuse with Baltic branch of the Indo-european languages!).
    Por lo que veo hay mucho castellanoparlante por aquí final vamos a ser mayoría y todo.
    Bi-ha belún qui charre aragonés?  :smile:
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