Recent content by Brandis.

  1. Brandis.

    Post-Release Plans for Multiplayer?

    For a studio the size of TW it was already abandonware, and now they have even less incentive to do anything. At least during EA they could make the argument to improve MP so that the game would be more appealing for official launch.

    No multiplayer game with servers that constantly crash is going to have a playerbase. No self-respecting studio would launch an MP knowing that they have had awful servers for 3.5 years and did nothing to fix them.
  2. Brandis.

    well well well, you just murdered the last straw for mp

    People are going to think that servers crashing every couple maps, login issues, group issues, random lag spikes, are all launch issues, when really they are core Bannerlord features.
  3. Brandis.

    In Progress Unexplained 10-20 second lag

    Summary: 10-20 second visual lag when performing any action, such as attacking someone, blocking, picking up a weapon, switching weapons, mounting a horse or being killed. Teleporting allies and enemies. Intangible bodies everywhere. My internet is stable 100 down 10 up Mbps, this happens on...
  4. Brandis.

    4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    Easy solution, MMR decay.

    True, even if people placed silver and had to play a number of games to reach top 20, once you got there you could still camp until the end of time.
  5. Brandis.

    New troll inside. Сomplaint against troll.

    TerribleRave throws every round, running away from his team and teamkilling teammates and their troops. He polls random teammates every match. He also plays all day so there's no avoiding him.

    Idk where to report players, but this guy ruins the game.
  6. Brandis.

    4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    Also you forgot to mention resetting Ranks. In order for anything to work or be fixed the Rankings of players would have to be reset & everyone would have to re qualify and play their 10 matches again. I mentioned this important factor but they moved my post so no one could see it.

    Yes I agree. Ranks should be reset.

    People should place gold/silver max. At the moment, you can see almost none of the top leaderboard players play, because the chances are that they'll lose rank even if they win almost every game they play. This should be the opposite.

    The only way you should get the top ranks should be because you play. Not because you play less than 15-20 games with a very high winrate.
  7. Brandis.

    Algorithmic handicapping is WRONG for Online Games

    Irrational rants about Elo Hell next to gameplay that would make bronze players cringe. Truly incredible.
  8. Brandis.

    Closed Cancel Queue Bug

    Summary: I was queued for a matchmaking game and pressed Cancel. However, I loaded into a map (with players on both teams) for a couple seconds, before the game switched back to the main menu. (I didn't press anything during this time, since pressing Cancel.) I did not see a leavers penalty...
  9. Brandis.

    Opinion Poll

    Feck no, the concept is a problem! XD this isn't League of Legends, we don't need forced competition, and we need to be able to play the game. There is no benifit to constantly being unable to play a match because of fewer people then 12
    That's not how the system works. It makes 3v3s or 4v4s if there are not 12 players available.

    There's no PvP game where putting players with 1000s of hours against brand new players is an enjoyable experience for the new players.
  10. Brandis.

    4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    On the party issue: allow partying for gold and below. Allow duos in higher ranks.

    This will lead to people making new shared accounts to play with friends, but it prevents stacks from ruling the leaderboard and makes the games slightly better. And don't forget that stacking and winning every single game makes the game less fun for new players you're going against, even if you're just doing it to play with friends.
  11. Brandis.

    4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    But we gotta wait 4months for another patch
    Some of these changes should be relatively simple. But yes, probably even if it's a 1 number change in ELO it will take months to get.
  12. Brandis.

    Opinion Poll

    The problem is the execution, not the concept.

    Ranked (in theory) means games are higher quality and the devs are able to balance the game better, which is good for any game.

    The playerbase size could be called a problem, but as we've seen in pickups, even with 24 players and just 2 lobbies, splitting into a higher and lower tier lobbies means both are more fun for everyone involved.
  13. Brandis.

    4 Problems with Ranked (placements, gains, everyone is in the same lobby)

    Assuming dodging will be fixed, there's still many issues. TLDR of my suggestions: Massively lower placement rewards; max placement should be Silver/Gold You should be a high rank because you play many games with a high winrate, not because you play a small amount of games with a high winrate...
  14. Brandis.

    Ranked fix

    TaleWorlds wants me to win 300+ games in a row with zero losses to get Conqueror.

    Meanwhile rank #1 in captain has played 4 games.

    This is not how ELO is supposed to work.
  15. Brandis.

    Get rid of Clanstacking/Partying up in Ranked modes.

    Yeah split would be a bad idea. Just limit it for higher ranks as in the other thread
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