Recent content by Apex

  1. The Melting Pot Version 2(not an update)

    When looking out of the windows of the waterside inn (just northeast of the wood fort in the overhead view) water and terrain get graphically anomalous.  Is this just me or the engine?

    Full res screenshot
  2. NA_PW4_RolePlay Complaint/Suggestion Thread

    This isn't a complaint per se, but I'd like to get clarification on commoner captains of boats being fair game for enemies of the faction they're hired to transport.  I encountered a situation earlier this evening where as the neutral captain of a ship I was killed while unarmed, having only utilized a shield to protect myself from arrows.  When the ship surrendered and stopped, I put away my shield and stood unarmed, but was shot none the less.  Is this considered collateral damage or off limits?

    Again, not getting bent out of shape over it, just wondering.  I usually keep armor and shield as passive defenses for just such an occasion, hoping that being unarmed will keep me from getting run through :lol:
  3. Serial Key Woe

    This isn't your average "I lost my serial key, how do I get it back" post, though I wish it was that easy.  You see, I have a terrible habit of losing serial keys, so using website key recovery systems is second nature by now, but my situation is a bit more...complicated. I recently moved to a...
  4. Simple suggestion: mouse wheel

    I made a thread about this a few days ago and got the same response: "It works for me, so I don't know." It's not me. I have three computers with varying hardware, Windows versions and mice, and none of them can bind MWHEELUP and MWHEELDOWN in options. I've polled everyone I know that has the game (3 or 4 people I've infected with the M&B flu) and none of them can use the wheel either.

    I, too, use the wheel for weapon changing in other games and would like to see this looked into. For now I have the switch keys set well enough, but I would like to use the wheel and free that prime key real estate for other functions.
  5. Small key handling suggestion

    I noticed you added the inverse mouse movement for attacking Armagan, thanks! I've grown too used to attacking by the enemy's location, so the "normal" direction seems strange. Anyway, what I would like to see is having the mouse wheel as a bindable key in the game. I, like many people, use...
  6. Add New Items to Mount and Blade: VIDEO TUTORIAL

    Awesome, now we can all make our own horse-wolves!
  7. Forum awards!

    I guess I should be happy then, I've managed to avoid nominations for the negative awards while having a low post count!

    As for I've been hanging around the boards for a lot longer than my registered date implies, but truth be told I don't pay attention to all that much aside from news. I know a bit here and there about the mods, but there's only one member here I know that well.
  8. Tips on being a horseman and being against one!!

    Personally my favorite tactic for foot against horsemen is to use javelins/jarid against them. If you practice a bit you can time your move perfectly as to side step the horse's charge and lodge a few feet of skewer into their throat. Takes even knights off their horse with ease.

    I'm an infantry guy personally, but typically in M&B you need cavalry to survive. I hope eventually the AI gets smart enough to handle horsemen fairly well.
  9. Forum awards!

    Awesome, I don't post frequently enough to get nominated for anything!
  10. Is Mount&Blade too one dimensional?

    The way it looks is not as much Armagan is trucking full speed in one direction (ie combat, for instance), but rather he's splitting up additions everywhere. It seems with each new patch he adds a bit of each spice: better AI, visual improvements, economic reforms, as well as combat.

    I think Armagan is doing a really good job of spreading tweaks out among every aspect of the game as he goes. I don't really see how you're getting the idea the process is becoming one sided at all, but maybe the topic is a bit misleading :smile:
  11. Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy

    I ran JKA (as it was known by the community) on my server for about a year, maybe less. It was really a dissapointment. The game wasn't too bad in and of itself, but you can get basically the same features from Outcast with JediPlus mod (the mod they copied the ideas from). *gets philosophical and rants about how the community destroyed itself...*

    I've recently gone back and played JK2 with some friends of mine for old times' sake. I once had a pretty popular server back in the day, and it was probably one of the top games I really enjoyed playing online. Ah, the good ol' days.
  12. The Member Above You Thread (TM)

    /\ Should consider other people have to read and understand his posts.
  13. Three Word Story

    Noone knew exactly
  14. Stupid aliens.

    Being mega-powerful and ruthless alien conquerors gets boring after awhile. They staged the whole scene to create some excitement.

    Or they used it as political propaganda. Enemies on the home front...That's always a good way to stir up a recruitment drive!
  15. Version 0.704 is ready.

    Raz, you can make a mod, basically, without having to modify the main program's data. That means you just throw a module in the folder and fire it up, like mods in most games. No backups needed.

    It also means distributing mods is alot easier, since you can tell what's installed and where with the dropdown box.

    I can't wait for some cool mods (besides mag7, of course...Steppe Bandits rule!) with the new system.
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