Recent content by Andrei[beast]

  1. Andrei[beast]

    How many days does it take for a clan leader to want to join you after failing?

    How many settlements and armies did you lose during that time?
    Apparently none as it was peace time at the moment
  2. Andrei[beast]

    How many days does it take for a clan leader to want to join you after failing?

    When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
    I don't know
    Welp...thanks? I guess?
    The problem got fixed in the time anyway as i forgot the game was running while writing this thread and browsing the forum for some nostalgia and around 35 days passed in the game so I was able to get him to join me...
  3. Andrei[beast]

    How many days does it take for a clan leader to want to join you after failing?

    So i got back to the game after a 2-3 months hiatus and having a lot of fun but i recently tried to ged Pharon to join me and failed the charm check. I waited like 8 days for him to let me try again but it doesn't happen. Is this permanent now?
  4. Andrei[beast]

    How is pathfinding implemented in Bannerlord?

    ok now I get what you mean:pathfinding in Bannerlord performs poorly, that's what I knew. What I'm trying to ask is like how exactly does the pathfinding in Bannerlord works, like how the route is computed/how the algorithm is designed.
    I wonder if title of this post is misleading, not a English native speaker.
    Now I changed the title, hopefully this new title won't lead to ambiguity again
    I don't really know, but i think the paths for each scene are custom made(?) and AI just follow them but they encounter errors along the way, maybe as i said bumping into other units, sometimes ignoring what's happening around them and so on. I saw a while ago a dev response on pathfinding but don't remember when so sry for that.
    I just don't understand why devs try to make it complicated...

    Entry positions to castle/town are predetermined and limited to:
    2x Siege tower landing zones
    2x Breached walls
    1x Gatehouse

    Spawn points for defenders are also predetermined let's say:

    According to each map's spawn point location's relative distance to entry positio an example logic should be:

    Considering A is closer to Siege tower landing A and Gatehouse ;
    If spawn in A run to Siege tower landing A or Gatehouse, if in perimeter of enemy attack.

    Simple as that...

    Not the best at pathfinding algorithms but what you described might for for small numbers, say a soldier in every position but when you have 300 men bumping into each other's path they end up breaking each other as it happens now.
  5. Andrei[beast]

    How is pathfinding implemented in Bannerlord?

    Bro I really don't understand what you guys are talking about
    If you tried a siege in BL then you'd understand.(and I don't meant to be offensive here)
    If not, from what i recall the pathfinding is pretty poorly made and in sieges units either all group up in a small area or ignore dangers around them while still doing their "chores"(shooting arrows, shield wall by the gate etc). The list can go on..
  6. Andrei[beast]

    The Final Release Date

    In their site they are hiring for an unannounced project
    ...damn.. there goes some possible work for BL..
  7. Andrei[beast]

    The Final Release Date

    now that they probably started the pre-production of their next title, it should be this summer. Or the worst-case scenario, late 2021
    Wait... next title? What have i missed while being off the forums?
  8. Andrei[beast]

    Give up fiefs

    @Andrei[beast] @Eugene Shutto Maybe it's a little bugged, I did it just after reaching clan tier 3 and joining a faction, they gave me the typical border castle and revoked it right away, and had little to none influence and not enough money because I rushed a bit that PT (1.5.7 before hotfix)
    Hmm, maybe in my case it's been different because i was the king? I can't see how that would change anything but who knows.
    Anyway, OP got his options even though they are not the easiest options out there.
  9. Andrei[beast]

    Give up fiefs

    In the kingdom fiefs tab you can give the fief to the faction to vote again
    Can you suggest giving away your own fief? I remember trying it many Times but I couldn't press the button. Has it been changed or something?
  10. Andrei[beast]

    The Final Release Date

    Ah yes, just read that aswell. I hope they delay the release, in the best of worlds I would like to see them add things for another 6 months and then fix everything for another 6 months, so maybe another year.
    It's pretty clear by now we should be waiting for a release delay, but they never said they're certain it'll be only one year. There was also no way of knowing all of the problems that will come with new features so there's also that. Imagine the bugs coming with the smithing being fixed/reworked.
    It's really a waiting game now.
  11. Andrei[beast]

    The Final Release Date

    This game is far from completion, gonna be another 6 months easily.
    maybe some more, say (let's hope) one year with some more features implemented?(hope for what OP said)
    A man can still dream tho..
    Ofcourse it won't be released within close proximity. Rebellion and diplomacy alone need a couple of months more and someone told me that he had read a dev say they are working on a third perk for multiplayer (never saw the forum post myself tho) but if that's true it will be something that needs to be worked on untill summer.
    there's party control coming, hope for a crime system, diplomacy fixed, the smithing being fixed/changed and only these would fit into Steve's 6 months vision. Other than that there are bug/performance fixes, adding scenes for villages and such and maybe that's it?
    At least this is what I''m speculating, if not 8 then maybe 10 months probably. They can take their time for all I know, the more time they take the more they'll be able to fix and polish the game
  12. Andrei[beast]

    Give up fiefs

    There's actually a trade perk that allows you to supposedly give away fiefs while bartering but I never actually got it as i don't do trading that much so I can't give actual experienced information about these or if it actually works.
    Also, it's pretty far out there, i think it may actually be the last one so yeah... good luck with that...
    Edit: it's implemented according to this site so other than this I don't think there's any other way
  13. Andrei[beast]

    Patch Notes e1.5.6

    I thought people already was dscussin with the UI Devs.....

    These were weird changes, shieldwall never were o F8 nor line fomration on F9
    Well emrozdemir said he'll look into changing the UI a bit if he can't bring back the old one. Haven't tested this one yet so I guess I'll have to see
  14. Andrei[beast]

    Patch Notes e1.5.6

    • Added one-click orders to F4 through F9 keys. Players can now give:
      • F4 - Toggle Fire
      • F5 - Toggle Mount
      • F6 - Toggle AI
      • F7 - Face Direction
      • F8 - Shield Wall
      • F9 - Line Formation orders
    Is uh.... no one going to talk about this?
    Is it like the old UI option or is it a bit changed, as i don't remember shield wall being on F8. Either that or it's been tooo long since i saw the old UI...
  15. Andrei[beast]

    We HaVe FiXeD DiPlOmAcY

    How about a gif representation of what I think @Foohy looks like right now?

    Or maybe one that describes what I think should happen to this thread?

    There you go! Two for one.
    Thank you sir, I value your presence on these forums
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