Resolved 1.1.0 Beta Player Removed As Party Leader Bug

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: A companion leading a party was captured by a hostile party, and after freeing them I told them "I need you to lead a party" and then was prompted to give them troops. I didn't give them any and then the game proceeds to the after-battle troop management screen where I saw that my troop size was reduced to the default 20 and my prisoner pool size was reduced as well. When I tried to upgrade a soldier to the next tier it gave me a prompt saying "You need 50 Denars to upgrade" even though my character has 750k. After closing out of that menu I was returned to the main map and my character had his banner lowered and there was no troop count above my party anymore. I entered the clan party management screen and it still showed my party as belonging to my character, but with the reduced party size. Performing a save and reload did not fix this issue.
How to Reproduce:
Free a companion that was captured after battle and use the dialogue to form a new party. Chaos ensues.
Have you used cheats and if so which:
Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
GPU: GTX 1060 ti
GPU Driver Version: Geforce game ready driver 528.24
CPU: AMD FX 8350
RAM: 32 GB DDR3 1600 MHz
Motherboard: M5A78L-M PLUS/USB3
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD Operating system and program data files, HDD Game stored on
Hey, can you please share your save file with us so we can further inspect the issue? To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
Were you able to find it? Is there anything else you need me to provide?
Hey, can you please share your save file with us so we can further inspect the issue? To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
Hey, i have forwarded the issue to the QA team for further inspection along with your save file. Thank you for your time.
Has there been any movement on this issue? I have the exact same problem and have created a forum post with screenshot links and a support ticket.
Hey, i would like to inform you that our team have fixed this issue and the fix should be implemented. Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
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