Cumandante Clan

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Thel said:
I always thought it was spelled commandant, but oh well.
wiki said:
Commandant (pronounced /ˌkɒmənˈdɑːnt/ or /ˌkɒmənˈdænt/) is a military or police title or rank. In the French, Spanish and Irish militaries it is a rank equivalent to Major. In anglophone nations it is a senior title often given to the officer in charge of a large training establishment or academy.
MaHuD said:
Thel said:
I always thought it was spelled commandant, but oh well.
wiki said:
Commandant (pronounced /ˌkɒmənˈdɑːnt/ or /ˌkɒmənˈdænt/) is a military or police title or rank. In the French, Spanish and Irish militaries it is a rank equivalent to Major. In anglophone nations it is a senior title often given to the officer in charge of a large training establishment or academy.

mahud, that was lame XD
Hethwill said:
cumbaya thread

Arabic: السلام عليكم (hello) pronounced: asslam alykom alycum

Stupid, I know.. And it's more "God be with you" then "Hello"..
either way my friend i feel your pain I remeber the first days of my guild dam was it painful you have my support should I *** to the rescue lol sorry i had to.
but trust i will help you if u need it.
Me adicione entao ao grupo Cumandante!
AHAHAHA Nickname interessante!

Me chamo Gabriel, tenho 21 anos e sou iniciante no jogo, mas te garanto que tô apto a batalhar!

:razz: Comprei o Jogo essa semana!

(Falo ingles fluente!)

Mande PM!
I am saddened to inform you that I will be leaving the glorious Cumandante Clan.. But the Cumandante's long absence is finally getting to me... I think I will try to join the Somalian knights instead.
Obama said:
I am saddened to inform you that I will be leaving the glorious Cumandante Clan.. But the Cumandante's long absence is finally getting to me... I think I will try to join the Somalian knights instead.

Goodluck Obama
They are alot more stricter now and all so I doubt you would make it but give it a try still
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