Signatures for Europe 1200

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not quite I meant, by mean similar but different, I played both mod, they look the same in a blink, but totallly differen from gameplay and gear equipment and texture

each has their own unique in quest and hero system

I am just asking the signature tought, it use the same pic for 1257 loading screen, but I guess its fine since the team from there not use it as their signature, I think
Arrakhis said:
not quite I meant, by mean similar but different, I played both mod, they look the same in a blink, but totallly differen from gameplay and gear equipment and texture

each has their own unique in quest and hero system

I am just asking the signature tought, it use the same pic for 1257 loading screen, but I guess its fine since the team from there not use it as their signature, I think
Well - to extinguish your fire - just take a close look at page 2 of this thread. Maybe you will find out, why some pictures are close. If I got you right there.
And anyways, what is the problem? Sources are open. Thank good. Or someone else.
Since the noble part of my family (my granma was a noble, daughter of a Baron) battled with Anjou against Aragonese, gaining thr France lily in their coat-of-arms, well, i choosed this one, depicting a French King.
Aye, when i play in Calradia I support Vaegir, but in the real Medieval world i support France monarchs.

My great dream was a mod centered on Carolingian times, Charlemagne, the Paladins, etc. 

Roland frappa contre une pierre bise
Il en abat plus que je ne sais vous dire.
L'épée grince, elle n'éclate ni ne se rompt.
Vers le ciel elle rebondit.
Quand le comte voit qu'il ne la brisera point,
l la plaint en lui
même, très doucement:
«Ah! Durendal, que tu es belle et sainte!
Ton pommeau d'or est plein de reliques:
une dent de saint Pierre, du sang de saint Basile,
et des cheveux de monseigneur saint Denis,
et du vêtement de sainte Marie.
Il n'est pas juste que des païens te possèdent:
des chrétiens doivent faire votre service.
Puissiez-vous ne jamais tomber aux mains d'un couard!
Now that we're talking songs and French kings:

Ja partí lo rei de França
un dilluns al dematí:
va partir per pendre Espanya,
i els espanyols bé l'han pris,

posant-lo en presó molt fosca
que no-s coneix dia i nit
sinó per una finestra,
dóna al camí de París.

Treu el cap a la finestra
i un passatger veu venir:
— Passatger, bon passatger:
a França què-s diu de mi?

— A París i a França deien:
« — Nostre rei es mort o pris.»
— Passatger, retorna a França
portaras noves de mi:

diras a la meva esposa
que'm vinga a treure d'aquí.
Si no'l ha prou diner a França,
que vagin a Sant Denís,

que venguin la conxa d'or,
que's venguin la flor de lis.

Francis I was captured by Charles V in the battle of Pavía. This is the theme of this popular song from the XVIth Century, with its lyrics adapted in the XIXth.
Well, since we're talking about French songs and ancient kings, I just love this one (sorry, no YT video available)!

Otherwise, a 9th century mod is something I'd love as well. Especially if it's set in the 800-810 or so, thus having not only Charlemagne and Krum the Terrible, but also Harun al-Rashid f.e. (Btw, have you listened to Christopher Lee's Charlemagne album?)
Cesar's are hosted in ImageShack, and ImageShack has been screwing up quite much lately, while mine are in PhotoBucket. I hope Cesar can re-upload them somewhere though, since his are quite better.
Ok, until that happens i'll make my own.  :cool:  LONG LIVE EUROPE 1200














Good job!
Just in case anyone may want to use my minimal one (which obviously still works):

And with the link:


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