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Hey, nice thread! I will try to contribute.

Recently started the game with a khergit style character and managed to get a raiding pack of a 20 men, consisting of Khergits, Mercs and the scum of the land. Made a nice amount of denars by winning tournaments and selling captured bandits. The hunt for profits and honor drove us to the coast, where sea raiders were feared by commoners and soldiers alike. A small group hailed near Wercheg: "I will drink from your skull" And we answered: "Come get some." They stood no chance. The survivors were enslaved, their equipment sold in Wercheg. While drinking ale and wine all night long, we thought that this could become our favorite hunting ground for ages to come.

The next morning came and we went on patrol as usual. It was a quiet and sunny day without any fights... My men began to joke around, threw food at each other and shot bunnies and birds for fun. Suddenly something happend that we never saw before... Fog came up so thick we could hardly see each other. We decided to call it a day and return to wercheg for some R&R when were ambushed by 2 groups of about 20 sea raiders. The following battle was a desaster. My cavalry got slaughtered in no time and in the end it was only me, 10 sea raiders and the fog. Killed 5 of them before I got dehorsed. The scenery was like "Return Of the living dead". Throwing axes flew at me out of nowhere, followed by fierce warcries. The remaining sea raiders stepped out of the fog like ghosts and ganged up on me. I managed to kill them all in a desperate fight, badly wounded and near death. When the battle was finally over, I sighed as the fog slowly ate the corpses of my once proud gang. I was alone.

Morale of the story: Fog, pride and sea raiders are a deadly combination.
SantasHelper said:
Headhunter said:
Morale of the story: Fog, pride and sea raiders are a deadly combination.

Oh yes, the fog of death ! In horde mode it's quite deadly ! I ran into steppe bandits that way  :mrgreen:
Dont talk about fog...If I know it's a fog where i am fighting in and the enemy got lots of achers..I am the first one to run
You can recruit cavalry, blade and crossbow mercs in the tavern. So... what's the problem? It's expensive but you can do an all merc cavalry pack and run down sea raiders for profit.
Running down Bandits and Sea Raiders is losing it's luster...and working for a Faction as a Merc or even as a lord,it doesn't pay enough :sad:
Captain Proof said:
Running down Bandits and Sea Raiders is losing it's luster...and working for a Faction as a Merc or even as a lord,it doesn't pay enough :sad:
I suggest you become trader. You will see that money comes easily useing this mod.
Agreed. Buying spice in khergit lands and selling it in rhodok or nord lands nets you thousands in profit, as does furs, iron and salt. And don't forget about tournaments! If trading bores you, increase bets you can make (see this thread ) and do some tourneys. This will put you way ahead.
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