Modding Q&A [For Quick Questions and Answers]

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@ Johao

  you must edit  to have an output directory that is not forbidden for write permission by User Access Control under Windows 7/8/10.  instead of, for example,
  export_dir =  "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Test/"        <- the last  /      is *absolutely needed*!
    which writes to a mod folder called "Test"

  you could make a folder that is NOT a system folder (program files is system folder, so UAC in Windows OS blocks writing to it) 
  make this folder instead, for example

  now edit your export directory to use the new path
  export_dir = "C:/Warband/Test/"

  and when you are finished copy all the output .txt files (right click  control-a, copy)  to the mod folder you wish to run and test
    such as the path above
C:/Program Files (x86)/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/Test
                                                                                  ^^ whatever you wish to call it

  Or, control panel: User Accounts: change User Access Control settings:  set to lowest setting
    (but this allows easier access by virus, so I would rather have small extra work now than many more virus problems later).

  anyway your 2nd large error list is wrong export path set in

  - GS
I created my own "game mode" in single player, I got a nice wave/reinforcement system going on, etc.

Now I want to mote to multiplayer but with a twist: There will only be 2 players, the rest are bots.  Each player is a "hero" with a company of soldiers under his command, they're obviously allies, fighting against waves of enemies.

My question is, the whole option menus, where do I edit that? I got the scripting and mission templates relatively down, but that whole menu system is enigmatic to me for now. I don't mind stripping any MP mode out of it since I only plan of playing this with my roomate.

YES! That definitely solved the problem. C drive is a ***** in the noble arse and I have to put the system back to desktop. Thanks for the help.

Although this seems like extra work. The last time I used the module system (funny how I don't understand it before then) it oddly works in program files after much trial & error, now I can't do it directly to the file location it seems.
Does anyone know how to change the world map camera angle when zoomed right in?

I want this kind of angle:

instead of this:
Ikaguia said:
Lex Hugs Pandas said:
So is a way to think about slots like they are a like a sort of 'interplanetary' variable,  where a local variable is only used in a tuple, a global variable is used in a document and an 'interplanetary' variable is used across the module system?

almost, if you are familiar with C programming or sth similar, the slots or constants are used just like a "#define ABCDE 1", the compiller itself writes "1" whenever you write "ABCDE" in the code, the global and local variables are used by the game itself, globals being acessible anywhere and locals only in their correspondent block code(tuple)
Thank you that makes sense.
produno said:

Have you tried adjusting the map settings in module.ini?

Ah, I didn't realise "map_min_elevation = 0.5  #maximum zoom 0.5" also controlled angle, I presumed it was something more obscure. Changed it to 0.1, much nicer:

Thank you!
I've just started to make a map. It's my first try.


I made it by changing the Calradia map. That's why there are stupid elevations in everywhere (even in the sea). My question is how I can set whole heights to zero.
If you want to make a map of a real territory, find a high res heightmap of it and then import it in Thorgrim's. Or import it in Blender on a plane mesh as a displacement modifier, then the .obj into Blender.
# -*- coding: cp1254 -*-
When I add that code to python files I can use lowercase letters (ığüşöç) but I can't use uppercase letters (İĞÜŞÖÇ). Is there any solution for python 2.7?
buz said:
# -*- coding: cp1254 -*-
When I add that code to python files I can use lowercase letters (ığüşöç) but I can't use uppercase letters (İĞÜŞÖÇ). Is there any solution for python 2.7?

No, you can? I've just tried using İ now and got no error.

Sherlock Holmes said:
If you want to make a map of a real territory, find a high res heightmap of it and then import it in Thorgrim's. Or import it in Blender on a plane mesh as a displacement modifier, then the .obj into Blender.

I tried to import a jpg photo of Europe Physical Map but it didn't work. Only an empty area appeared.
This may be a dumb question but I'm not sure how to solve this issue. I'm not very familiar with 'computery' stuff. Everytime I run the build_module file, I get:

NameError: name 'party_set_marshall' is not defined

It appears repeatedly.
jacobhinds said:
You've done everything right, it's not your fault. Someone who was working on Viking Conquest decided now was a good time to rename a single vital file called, and change the word marshall to marshal for no good reason. This is extremely frustrating because it broke a lot of stuff even outside of viking conquest, and due to weird compiling errors I didn't realise what was going on until I'd reinstalled the module system twice.  :neutral:

If you're using notepad ++, search through all the files simultaneously and replace every instance of "party_set_marshall" with "party_set_marshal". It shouldn't take long as there aren't many of them.

But damn, what a pain in the butt.
I've been searching for the past 2 hours and found nothing.

Is there a way to turn off horse laming? Horses have a chance to get lamed when they die in battle. Is there a way to turn off the lame effect? Turn the chance down to 0?
JYATY said:
This may be a dumb question but I'm not sure how to solve this issue. I'm not very familiar with 'computery' stuff. Everytime I run the build_module file, I get:

NameError: name 'party_set_marshall' is not defined

It appears repeatedly.

you are using a corrupted module_system, use this one instead,324874.0.html

problem is that you are missing a line in the file
I've fixed the issue already and have added in a few things into my game such as factions but I can't seem to find a detailed tutorial on how to create a town (caravan routes, shop keepers and guild masters etc.) I swear, I saw one around here. Is there one around here? If yes, I can't find it.
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