TEATRC tribute & universe expansion

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I think she looks like an aunt who hates you because she's jealous that her sibling has children(you) and she can't. She will never not use her evil look when she talks to you and is not amused if you decide to visit her. Furthermore, she is very easily berserked with the slightest possibility of niceness in your voice or if you wear happy clothing. Also, your eyes will excruciatingly pop out their place if you look into her eyes.
Venitius said:
Since you are so knowledgeable in these matters, Bunduqdari, what happens when you snipe her?

When your projectile comes near enough within her aura of resentment(about 20m radius) it is frightened and flies away at the opposite direction. That means she can kill you with your own gun.. without touching you(thank god)
Sir Gawain said:
I believe that is Keleredan Castle and it's attached village Ruluns.

And I believe neither Sir Dirario nor Sir Ludon are scarred, with long hairs and a beardless face; the only Lion Throne commanders with scars are Mondo and Rugale the Martyr, and Rugale has a beard.  Sir Dilandau is clean shaven, with long hair, but has no scars.  I can post pics if you want(however, at the moment, upload is slow so I shan't right now..)

That's it! it was Sir Dilandau that I wanted. Thanks. He's the dude with a darker skin like Mondo's and has hair that sorta "fly away" at the ends right?

I already have plans for Elhaym, something that'll show just how strained her relationship with Mondo and Zalera is but she comes much later. Any notes I should know about this deva D?

So its Kelderan castle, who's the original lord? He's going to play the part of an extra, but nevertheless important.
Venitius, Kelderan is part of Ulm's state right? Duchy of Wurtzenburg.

I plan to add as much extra info that'll gleam about the world of EATRC. subtle or subliminal.
Bunduqdari said:
Venitius said:
Since you are so knowledgeable in these matters, Bunduqdari, what happens when you snipe her?

When your projectile comes near enough within her aura of resentment(about 20m radius) it is frightened and flies away at the opposite direction. That means she can kill you with your own gun.. without touching you(thank god)
The Aurora Cannon doesn't like facing the direction of Nibelheim. Aunt Imelda's hatred of all that is pleasant and joyous is greater still than the malice of the greatest of cannons. It will not dare to be a nuisance to its superior in the ranking of haters.

Thusly, it will proceed to self-destruct when fire is lit in its explosion chamber. Its only chance is if "The Aunt" would not be present in Nibelheim. Cannons are people too you know, they have feelings and fears.
More questions: Who is the lord of Marienburg and in turn, the elector count of the Margravate of Marienburg?

Venitius this is your last chance if you want to change him, cause I'm using him as a part of the introduction of FoV book II. Of course we could edit it out later on if you change your mind since he's not a main character, but you know... hassle, hassle.
I would say they're the same person. Think up a generic German first name for him and stick von Marienburg or something after it.

Like Wilhelm, Markgraf (border count?) von Marienburg.

Oh yeah change Swabiahocgen to Swadiahocgen; it's a spelling error.
Markgraf Siegfried von Marienburg. By chance, does anybody remember marienburg's vanilla name?

Franz is a markgrag? Are you sure? When I check my notes of Venituis's map of elector states, Castle Kelredan was part of Ulm, am I correct?
Thanks Sir Gawain  :grin:
If my convictions are true he shall be named thus forth Lord Franz Kelred, Lord of Castle Kelredan and the town of Rulun.

Venitius so I take it Swadiahocgen is Vienna's land? I kinda suspected Auctoburg since "burg" always reminded me of urban denotation. But anyway, swadiahocgen it is.
Quite sure, though it would be odd for a border title to be right in the middle of the Old Empire, so it must be a newer fiefdom granted after the Laurian Invasion and the Northern Border was re-secured.

Burg actually refers to a fortress, so most cities with -burg in them are named for the old fortress of that city.  Thus, Marienburg means Marien Fortress, or something like that.

Vanilla as in M&B Native, when Marienburg was Uxkhal(?) and Markgraf Sigfried was Lord Plais?

Edit: and you're welcome btw
Hmmm, I was basing from Venitius map you see, so I'm a bit confused on what to name him now, for in the map, Kelredan was part of the Duchy of Wurtzenburg, the entire northern HSE headed by UlmCounty of HechZollengen. But I guess Venituis was pointing out the elector states. Hmmm... a markgraf that is not an elector huh. Eitherway, I'll see to it then, markgraf it is. Nah I changed my mind, During the time of the old kingdom, Kelredan would no doubt be a inner territory fief, and thus not much of a full margravate when the laurians changed the borders. Besides it looks rather small and weak in my opinion as compared to Marienburg.

I was thinking of drawing Markgraf Sigfrieds surname from more ancient times, like he's a descendant from a family of the old city. Sigfried Ukskal. Nothing serious really.

Edit: The map of elector states is found somewhere on page 4 of the suggestions thread. Its the second to the last post by Venituis and it's spoilered.
Edit2: My bad, it was not Wurtzenberg to which Kelredan was part of, but Hechzollengen.
It's little things like that that really add depth and increase general awesomeness.

Do you know where that Map of the Elector-States is?  I remember seeing it once, but I can't find it.

Edit: Aha!

Venitius said:
[...] On a different note, here's my attempt at lining out the elector states, just mainly using the titles of the HSE Characters who own a fief in the states...
Thank you very much for the input Sir Gawain and Venitius. Anyway, here's an introduction to Fall of Vienna book II. Something similar to Jack and Jill and Gretta from the first book.

Edit: Moved to posts lower.
I was under the impression that Hengest would have already newly conquered Nibelheim when a call for aid from Vienna would reach him there.
What's stopping Hengest from turning back to Vienna to aid the defenders? Surely it would be stupid if he continued to march to Nibeleheim and do a bloody siege, while the capital of the empire and the emperor himself are in danger of being seized?

Otherwise, it's quite a good start. I'm looking forward to the rest of it.
Ack!!! I forgot the part where the insolent Franz asked why Hengest does not attempt to return!!!

Hold on I'll ninja edit. Thanks for pointing that out, that was one of my objectives in this little introduction.

Edit: Here we go.  :grin:

Fall of Vienna
Book II


“As quickly as possible? Vienna has blunted many sieges before, holding for weeks, even months. Why hurry? The last time I came for aid, those thronists have already been routed, and all my men’s marching have been for naught. Let them wait, I have Ormelis to keep in check.”
-Markgraf Sigfried Elector of the Marienburg Margravate to the messenger bearing a call for aid from the Emperor.

Hengest the Elder was brooding quietly in his war tent. The wind outside was strong enough that an eerie sound crept its way from the openings, winter is coming soon. He took a swill at the cup of wine he held, and then offered it to his guest, whom refilled the cup.

His guest was a captain Lordar Usuhkur, a captain of a large band of mercenary cavalry. An old friend of Hengest, whom also used to serve as one of the Elder’s retinue before forming a mercenary company of his own.

“You know they’ll start complaining soon.” said Lordar as he refilled his own cup. As if by cue someone stormed into the tent, it was Lord Franz Kelred; a noble from the County of Hechzollengen, the province of Zollern. Lord Franz was the lord of Kelredan castle and the town of Ruluns, like most lords very loyal to the Emperor or just wanted to gain his or Hengest’s favor, Franz joined Hengest’s campaign to seize Swadia Superior. 

“Lord Hengest, you’re pushing the men too hard!” bellowed the intruder.

“Calm down. Here join us,” Hengest pulled out an empty chair and placed another cup, “Have a drink with us.” One secret he had that he was still very active at his very old age is that he tried to move whenever he can.

Franz relaxed a little but did not sit down.  He was right; Hengest was pushing his men hard, marching the army with haste from dawn to two hours past nightfall nonstop. It was clear to all that he was rushing so early in the campaign.

“Yes, I was going to announce it to all of you tomorrow morning. But…” Hengest took the bottle himself and poured a cup for Franz. “but… since you’re apt to know about it, sit down and I’ll tell you why.”

Franz finally sat down and drank the cup Hengest was proffering.

Hengest pushed a scroll on the table towards Franz.

“That is a message from Vienna.” Hengest began. “The city is besieged by Lion Throne forces. What’s distressing is that it’s a huge host that has materialized out of nowhere. It made a lightning strike towards Vienna; Reindi castle was lost in a day. The emperor calls for aid.”

Franz dismissed the news as if it was just usual gossip. He did however glugged what’s left of his cup and pushed it as if he needed some alcohol to brace himself with.

After a short silence, Franz finally spoke “It’s Vienna we are talking about. They can hold and thwart whatever those southern invaders are throwing at them.  Why rush?”

Hengest gave a weak chuckle as if Franz was saying something stupid, “We Swadiahocgens can bludgeon their noses like what we did since the last two sieges. But half of its armed forces is with me.” For Hengest’s new campaign Emperor Sigismund loaned half of his army, which comprised the most experienced landsknecht companies and knight squadrons of Vienna.

“So they’re basically under a skeleton force?” interjected Lordar, “still, Vienna’s defenses are still formidable if I remember the first siege correctly.” The lion throne first siege was one of the moments when the enemy managed to take control one section of the wall.

“I’ve seen the battle of the outer walls personally, of both sieges.  And landsknechts could only hold for so long. The walls are undermanned, even if they find enough mercenaries to fill in, one section will fall.” Hengest drank from his cup then continued, “Especially if the enemies elite come into play.

“Elite?” asked Franz.

“Those brigadiers, some of them are fanatics of the highest order. And madmen as far as my experience goes.”

“Madmen?”  Questioned Lordar.

“They seem changed if you may, berserkers in battle. Think of Nikephoros’s White Wolves except… colder.”

Both men raised eyebrows. “Colder?” asked Franz. Both Lorgar and Franz never have much experience against the Lion Throne.  Franz reputed as a lead from behind leader; and Lorgar having fought with his mercenary company from the Ducal, Ormeli and Vaegir lands.

“It’s hard to describe, but you’ll just have to take my word from it. They bleed like any other so I’m sure they’re not demons.” Chided Hengest, his ability of lightening the mood was trying to get out, but his logical side opposed it, feeling that his two guests need to know the truth. “But, they are very unnerving once you meet them face to face. They can unman most regulars and even veterans on their first encounter with these elite.”

“And since you brought most of the veterans with you,” said Franz “…you fear that those regulars and recruits can’t handle these… madmen”

Hengest nodded, sipped some of his wine then added: “Hopefully they could, but I can’t help but feel that the defenders would suffer the first time they meet them. Once they learn that their elite die just like any other then they can fight on normally. But the men of Vienna is still badly outnumbered even for defender to attacker ratio.”

“Then if you’re so worried then why don’t we march back to Vienna then?”  said Franz. Hengest stared at him. “What?” asked Franz.

“We can’t Franz,” replied Hengest “Have you seen the men?”

“What do you mean?” asked Lordar

Hengest sighed, “Morale is pretty much low, especially for Sigismund’s subjects. Seeing their emperor go madder everyday makes them lose hope. There was once a time…” Hengest’s eyes glistened as memories began to channel through his mind, “… when the emperor lead his armies with such energy that men under him will follow him to the ends of the world. And now that is lost to us at these times where we needed it the most.”

All three gave a moment of silence to contemplate, then Hengest continued. “Only the high lords so far know of what’s happening to Vienna, maybe the nearby towns and cities as well. But I have ordered guards to bar any messengers that will hail of the news to the men. I can’t make another impassioned speech, not if they hear that their home city is in peril.”

Both of his guests nodded, Lordar swilled his cup. Hengest continued, “I have promised the men and the Emperor that we will retake the ancient capital, what would it look like if I could not fulfill that promise?”

“I’m sure the emperor…” said Lordar, “…err in his non mad state can forgive you in these circumstances.”

“Maybe, but the men cannot handle another blow to morale. We have march all this way, I have fired up their spirits.” Hengest stood up, taken by his words, “ For the first time since Sigismund, I have pulled together a swadian army filled with purpose and determination like no other.” Hengest’s voice was rising now “Many a king would have yearned for an opportunity to command an army that I now control. With it we could retake the ancient lands. With the ancient lands in our hands, Swadians could at last see that there is still hope.”

Hengest returned to his seat, Lordar and Franz still basking in his impromptu speech. Then playing at the moment Hengest added for effect while refilling his cup of wine, “We all know that in these dark times, when swadians are losing hope. We need a new symbol. We need a decisive victory. If we fall back now, we will fight at Vienna…” Hengest took a swig, “if we fall back now, many good swadians will die at the walls. We save Vienna, but we will be back to square one, or worse.” Hengest gave his two guests a weak smile.

Then everyone fell into silence, occasionally ruined by the refilling of one empty cup. The two guests processing what they have learned. After a while, Franz spoke in a rather anti-climactic fashion“But even if we do hasten to Nibelheim, we still can’t take it in a day or a week. I mean, we will have to build siege towers, set up our guns, build trebuchets, encampments…” he trailed off realizing that he’s lecturing two veterans who no doubt knew those things already.

“Unfortunately, he’s right.” Added Lorgar.

Hengest gave them a wry smile, and then spoke “Not exactly, gentlemen…” Hengest clasped his hands, “what if I say we could do it in a week or less.”

“Ha, you’re joking right.” Said Lorgar

Hengest smiled mischievously, “Let’s just say I have a trick up my sleeve.”
I don't want to be an ass, but wouldn't Hengest's soldiers prefer to be defending their homes and families instead and have a reasonable chance of preventing the fall of vienna, than to conquer Nibelheim but lose the capital?
After the victory of Nibelheim, his soldiers would murder Hengest for marching them away from home to conquer a far-off city while thronists were at the doorsteps. No-one would forgive Hengest such a foolish step. You don't go  and attack one foe, while you know you might make a difference in defending against another foe who's at your bloody doorstep already.
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