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Ah right, I remember  how the Padishah said "brother of the moon and sun, grandson of God" or something similar when swearing allegiance to the Ormeli. A looong time ago I asked D'sparil where he got these absurd titles from and he had said that he hadn't been able to do much research so he took these weird titles for the Padishah from here:

I pointed D' that the article above isn't accurate and doesn't provide any sources to the actual letter the Padishah sent. I presented him with a better and more accurate set of titles for Bayezid but he seems to have forgotten to change that in later versions. I personally played the game with the texts changed.

The religion of the Ormeli is loosely described by me here in this piece of history

Now, it is simply called religion of truth, and God is just called God here but the Ormeli religion is obviously meant to represent Islam in the world of teatrc and the theology should therefore be the same and that was the reason why I objected to those weird titles of the padishah as they come "out of nowhere" and don't fit in a culture type you expect to be Islamic. Also, I like to roleplay once in while.

Toffey said:
Why should they all have religions similar to the culture their based on? It would be a lot more interesting to have more unique, fictional religions. Not just, God, God, God, Filaharn, God, God.
There is no denying teatrc factions are loosely inspired by their medieval-or-later-time counterparts(except LT)
God is a word in English that can be used to refer universally to a deity. So either we add God in Swedish, German, Russian, Spanish, Polish and Turkish into their respectively inspired faction dialogs, changing all the text. Or we let every different theological definition of God just be called God like it its now.(filaharn is exception since LT is a bastard faction) I would prefer the former option, ie God in different languages, but nobody is going to do those changes to the dialogs 'cause everybody feels it's only a minor topic not worthy of discussion unless religion is incorporated into gameplay, which is not going to happen any time soon.
The reason religion is not discussed in more depth is because when I wrote the background I though of more "secular" reasons for the conflict, so I didn't bother with the spiritual side of it (except for the LT, even though it still had pretty secular reasons for a war: reaching the Obello sea). I leave up to whoever is willing to expand on the religion subject. Although I would certainly appreciate some sort of attempt at originality instead of carbon copies of real world counterparts.
The god of the Grand Duchy is known as the All-Father, their religion I'll be more in depth about once I've gotten off my ass and finished their histories. The Nirdamese refer to their god as the Great Father, most of the Nirdamese religion is based on Judaism, not a lot but you get my point.

However, the All-Father is not the god that's omnipotent and all that. The All-Father is basically regarded as the "first man," similar to Adam, but most of it's similarity to Christianity ends there. I'm writing more on it.
oby009 said:
You forgot the Grand Duchy but anyway

I saw someone mentioning that the IS only believed in the Kaiser or something not in gods

I left out the grand duchy because I was unsure of what to suggest of them, Polish-Lithuania was formerly Christian turned Protestant and Pagan? Can't recall.

But if you think about it, religion doesn't matter that much in Calradia anymore, except for the LTs of course, and to some extent the beliefs of a certain Emperor out their. Yeah, secular reasons. Besides we can plainly see that all factions are not protagonists nor antagonists.... actually I think all of them are antagonists (evil) except for the Grand Duchy, since the Prince Sovereign is "such a nice guy" - Biff the Understudy. But of course, being as a rushed faction, a dark lore for the duchy was not made.

Correction for the IS. The Imperial State is probably the most modern state in terms of goverment type, believing in the Teachings of the Leviathan (a political theory book, forgot the author). I have only read the wiki of it, so I'm no expert, but I think IS citizens are suppose to believe in the state, it doesn't matter what religion you are (except for Filaharnists, which I'm sure is being silenced by IS secret police), as long as you put the state first and foremost above all else.

Boomie said:
The god of the Grand Duchy is known as the All-Father, their religion I'll be more in depth about once I've gotten off my ass and finished their histories. The Nirdamese refer to their god as the Great Father, most of the Nirdamese religion is based on Judaism, not a lot but you get my point.

However, the All-Father is not the god that's omnipotent and all that. The All-Father is basically regarded as the "first man," similar to Adam, but most of it's similarity to Christianity ends there. I'm writing more on it.

I think you're only referring to the god of the Nirdam.

Different Question: What's the full name of the Duchy again? I think it got buried in the forums.
The Grand Duchy of what? It would be difficult to put a a background to these guys if we don't even have a proper name for them.
The basic idea of Hobbes's Leviathan is that people give up their liberties in exchange for security and order, provided by an all-powerful absolute monarch who becomes the embodiment of the Leviathan (the State).
The Leviathan is not actually the monarch. He is the state. That's the "revolution" in hobbes.

P.S. My old avatar was taken from the front page of the First edition of the Leviathan.
P.P.S. D'Sparil, i love you O_O
Nikephoros said:
The Leviathan is not actually the monarch. He is the state. That's the "revolution" in hobbes.
Aye, that's what I mean with "embodiment"  :smile:
P.S. My old avatar was taken from the front page of the First edition of the Leviathan.
P.P.S. D'Sparil, i love you O_O

Bah, I bet you say the same to every drunken modder  :razz:

EDIT: btw. now that I think about it Silver Wolf's New Zendar could be based on a Locke's approach to Social Contract theory, to provide a faction with an opposite doctrine to that of the IS.
D'Sparil said:
EDIT: btw. now that I think about it Silver Wolf's New Zendar could be based on a Locke's approach to Social Contract theory, to provide a faction with an opposite doctrine to that of the IS.
I rather like that idea...
Pointless as I don't add anything to the discussion other than that I think that the idea has some nice potential.
Not very pointless at all, support is important so I too call on D'Sparil to include(if he likes to)Silver Wolf's New Zendar to the official mod as a new faction so we can post new lore/adventures here in this thread..
FuryFire - The Grand Duchy, that simple. The Imperial State doesn't have a proper name and nobody seems to be complaining.  :lol:
Imperial State citizens might just be called "West" Swadians, seeing as they're ethnically the same as HSE Swadians. Just an idea.
Can be found in the fan fic thread created back then just upon the release of Chapter II
"Swadia Ulterior" for the IS so, Imperial State of Swadia Ulterior
"Swadia Citerior" for the HSE, but it's formalized as Holy Swadian Empire

Kaiserlichers - I have looked them up and it means soldier of the Kaiser if I remember correctly. So they only refer to soldiers, not the citizens.

So the people of HSE call themselves Swadians because they have original claim. The citizens of the IS are referred to by everybody in Calradia as "statesmen" because they are the only ones that use this "strange" form of goverment (hey, you would call it strange when your entire generation followed monarchy). The Duchy needs a place to name itself to because a Duchy still clings to the old monarchy or feudalistic styles, very common. They are called Grand Duchy now because there are no other factions ruled by a duke throughout Calradia. Think of Struggle of Bermia's Duchies of Livania, Ronda-Faventia, etc.
Aye Venitius, I expect a new piece of lore from you elaborating on the production process and properties of the strange cheese you were talking about from the Haelmar snow caves that drives those who can afford it into addiction and has been used as the casus belli of many petty conflicts in the history of Calradia..
A Treatise on Hälmarian Cheeses and Teas.

By Master Cheesemaker Iohann Gustaf Lindberg and Master Archivist of the Hälmar Tea Association Christian Terrson Berg.


The Hälmarian way of making cheese is much alike the normal way, but the quality of the cheese comes from the goats and cows from which the milk has been taken from. These animals have been breeded by countless generations to provide an unrivaled variety of tastes and textures. The hardy grasses in Nordland provide incredibly mature cheeses, with those in the ice caves near the Cheefsoborg Glacier, which provide a unique texture and maturity unrivalled. The Hälmarian and Berthe grasses often provide a medium or strong maturity to the cheeses, and the Bermianese grasses mainly provide a soft and stringy texture. All of these add to the great skill of the Hälmarian Cheesemakers.


Manor (Magnortroppentein) Cheese

A sweet, light cheese made from cow's milk, it is rarely eaten in the Hälmarian Army and is normally eaten as a snack in the homeland. Its alternative name comes from the inventor, the 3rd Count of Magnortroppentein.

Gorvennian Cheese

A light, easily spread cheese made from goat's milk. Often served with crackers in Hälmarian Cheese and Tea Houses. Every village, town or city in the Hälmar Union has at least one of these Cheese and Tea Houses.

Mottafremianberg "Old Fransaborg" Cheese

Similar to Mozzarella, this cheese, originating from the village of Mottafremian, under the Mottafremianberg, is a semi-soft cow's cheese using Bermianese cheese. Famous as the staple diet of the Fransaborg Garrison, keeping them alive and letting them live through every siege they have gone through.

Brungotten Cheese

A brownish semi-soft cheese originating from Northern Hälmar, and is occasionally used as a substitute for butter. Often melted and used in cheese in toast. When it melts, it turns yellowy-orange. Official Cheese of the 55th Regiment (Nythander) of Foot (Brungotten's).

Karenböthen Cheese

A creamy cheese that after a long time solidifies to an incredibly hard texture that originates from the Berthe-Nordland border. It is a popular cheese among the White Wolves, descendants of Nords and Nordic mercenaries.


Hälmarian Cheddar (Hälcheddaren)

The Hälmarian version of Cheddar, it varies in texture and maturity depending upon the region. Can vary from semi-hard to hard, and is a popular cheese. Often eaten by the Army due to how easy it is to produce and its popularity among troops.

Blue Ostferren

An adaptation of a Swadian Cheese, this strong cheese is produced on the borders of the lands of Hälmar, Berthe and Nordland. This border cheese is popular among the younger Hackapell Regiments. This cheese's amount of holes and size of holes varies, so it can have few holes or can be peppered with medium sized holes. The amount and size of holes depend on how it is produced, and variates from cheesemaker to cheesemaker.

Caccitridestom Cheese

After the Eridanian Republic declared war on Hälmar, the Hälmarians swept down and captured the eastern territories of the Republic with its newly reformed army, with the full might of the nobility's knights and new musket technology. Hälmar made peace, and allied with Eridania after offering some land from the Alma Mater and from the Republic of Zena, newly captured from the Laurians and their Bermianese protectorates. Since then, relations between the two nations have improved, especially after the ports burgeoning trade from Haelmarian colonies in the New World.

Hälmarian and Eridanian Auxilliary Skirmishers are known to prefer this unique cheese from Eridania which is semi-hard and has the unique Bermianese texture mixed with strong Haelmarian milk.

Livebernian Cheese

This blue cheese is stringy but strong, and is the favourite cheese of Southern Nord-Berthe Dragoon Regiments. This easily produced cheese was originally the staple diet of the fledgling colonies in the New World.

Berjägarethänen Cheese

The cheese of the Berthe Jägers, this is quite a substantial cheese for a Berthe cheese, is said to improve accuracy while shooting with Jäger rifles after eating it. This cheese is in theory a Cheddar as it uses the Cheddaring process. This never has been proved, but the Berthe Jägers are known to fight much better after eating this cheese. Its unique process involves hammering it several times with a Jäger Rifle's stock by a drunk Sergeant-Major and then being buried underground for a long time in Northern Haelmar, as well as the standard Cheddaring process.


Vällterbootethen (Västerboot) Cheese

This cheese is a hard cheese that takes at least a year to age. It is also similar to Cheddar. Originally from the Central Hälmarian town of Vällterbootethen, the Calradians from the Hälmar Union's territories in Calradia called it after the capital of Hälmarian power in Calradia, and the capital of the province, Västerboot.

Jaemtlander Cheese

This hard cheese is popular among the Union's Merchant Navy and Merchants due to its thickness and long preservation time. Named after the island city of Jaemtland, it is notable for its bitterness due to the soil of the island. One of the staple diets of Hälmar's formidable Navy. Often melted, popular cooks in the Navy melt the cheese to make a cheese sauce on special occasions.

Norderennen Cheese

This strong and hard Nordic Cheese is very popular among the Nordic regiments and is wide spread among the armed forces due to its resilience against nature and sword cuts. It is not a crumbly cheese so pieces don't fall off or drop off like in the creamy cheeses. These cheeses are just blocks of cheese with very few holes in them, unlike some other Nordic cheeses.

Cheefsoborg Cheese

This cheese, a variation of the Norderennen Cheese, is the Official Cheese of Jarl Furgilforson's Maelstrom Company and is named after the Glacier near the ice caves where the hardly cows and goats that produce this cheese chew on the unique grass to make this unique texture and maturity. Its quality is unrivalled. Although this cheese can be expensive at times, most of the time it is easy to purchase, though at higher prices than the other cheeses. A good Cheefsoborg is said to require an axe to slice a piece off. It is normally eaten cut from the wheel, not melted or spread like other cheeses.


Tea was brought back from the New World after a Hälmarian Fleet captured a Laurian Treasure Fleet, bringing back a wierd plant, which the Hälmarians named tea. They found that when they boiled some water in a pot with the leaves in,  and after drinking the concoction the Hälmarians found it pleasing, not to mention that it was actually quite warm. The Hälmar Tea Association was formed to create new blends of tea and to expand on this subject. The Hälmarians found that surprisingly, it grew in their lands, and so grew the tea plants everywhere.

Every soldier had a few tea leaves in their haversack or pack; every General a case in his baggage; every family some chests in their house; every warehouse crates of the leaves. Tea was often drunk with cheese; and so an enterprising Hälmarian set up a Public House where Tea and Cheese was sold; these "T&C" houses were where people met up with some cups of tea and a plate of cheese to discuss matters in a friendly way in the morning and afternoon. The Hälmarians still drank alcohol of course, mead, brandy, ale and beer still being popular, of course, but Commanders prefered their troops to drink tea: for one, soldiers who had drunk a lot of tea were less likely to cause a nuisance than a drunkard.


Earl Grey

A tea with a distinctive flavour and aroma that is derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, imported from the New World. Popular among Knights, it is spurned by most of the army, navy, lower and middle classes.

Knromen Tea

A similar tea that has hints of apples and pears instead of orange. It is grown in an apple and pear orchard. Not really that popular.

Rontoff Tea

Normal Hälmarian tea that is blended with melted Karenböthen Cheese to make a creamy tea.


Hälmarian Tea

Standard Hälmarian Tea, that is the most commonly consumed tea.


A Berthe tea that is often served with one of the famous of Berthe cheeses, Berjägarethänen Cheese.


A tea that originates from the city of Närke, this blended tea has hints of cheese and red meat.


"Powder" Tea

Standard Hälmarian tea mixed with Gunpowder. Often consumed by musketeers without knowing, as the tea leaves are often stored in their cartridge pouches. Has a brittle and acrid texture.


A smoky tea that is treated next to smoking charcoal fires. Often consumed by charcoal makers and woodsmen.
Venitius said:
A Treatise on Hälmarian Cheeses and Teas.

By Master Cheesemaker Iohann Gustaf Lindberg and Master Archivist of the Hälmar Tea Association Christian Terrson Berg.


The Hälmarian way of making cheese is much alike the normal way, but the quality of the cheese comes from the goats and cows from which the milk has been taken from. These animals have been breeded by countless generations to provide an unrivaled variety of tastes and textures. The hardy grasses in Nordland provide incredibly mature cheeses, with those in the ice caves near the Cheefsoborg Glacier, which provide a unique texture and maturity unrivalled. The Hälmarian and Berthe grasses often provide a medium or strong maturity to the cheeses, and the Bermianese grasses mainly provide a soft and stringy texture. All of these add to the great skill of the Haelmarian Cheesemakers.


Manor (Magnortroppentein) Cheese

A sweet, light cheese made from cow's milk, it is rarely eaten in the Hälmarian Army and is normally eaten as a snack in the homeland. Its alternative name comes from the inventor, the 3rd Count of Magnortroppentein.

Gorvennian Cheese

A light, easily spread cheese made from goat's milk. Often served with crackers in Hälmarian Cheese and Tea Houses. Every village, town or city in the Hälmar Union has at least one of these Cheese and Tea Houses.

Mottafremianberg "Old Fransaborg" Cheese

Similar to Mozzarella, this cheese, originating from the village of Mottafremian, under the Mottafremianberg, is a semi-soft cow's cheese using Bermianese cheese. Famous as the staple diet of the Fransaborg Garrison, keeping them alive and letting them live through every siege they have gone through.

Brungotten Cheese

A brownish semi-soft cheese originating from Northern Hälmar, and is occasionally used as a substitute for butter. Often melted and used in cheese in toast. When it melts, it turns yellowy-orange. Official Cheese of the 55th Regiment (Nythander) of Foot (Brungotten's).

Karenböthen Cheese

A creamy cheese that after a long time solidifies to an incredibly hard texture that originates from the Berthe-Nordland border. It is a popular cheese among the White Wolves, descendants of Nords and Nordic mercenaries.


Hälmarian Cheddar (Hälcheddaren)

The Hälmarian version of Cheddar, it varies in texture and maturity depending upon the region. Can vary from semi-hard to hard, and is a popular cheese. Often eaten by the Army.

Blue Ostferren

An adaptation of a Swadian Cheese, this strong cheese is produced on the borders of the lands of Hälmar, Berthe and Nordland. This border cheese is popular among the younger Hackapell Regiments.

Caccitridestom Cheese

After the Eridanian Republic declared war on Hälmar, the Hälmarians swept down and captured the eastern territories of the Republic with its newly reformed army, with the full might of the nobility's knights and new musket technology. Hälmar made peace, and allied with Eridania after offering some land from the Alma Mater and from the Republic of Zena, newly captured from the Laurians and their Bermianese protectorates. Since then, relations between the two nations have improved, especially after the ports burgeoning trade from Haelmarian colonies in the New World.

Hälmarian and Eridanian Auxilliary Skirmishers are known to prefer this unique cheese from Eridania which is semi-hard and has the unique Bermianese texture mixed with strong Haelmarian milk.

Livebernian Cheese

This blue cheese is stringy but strong, and is the favourite cheese of Southern Nord-Berthe Dragoon Regiments. This easily produced cheese was originally the staple diet of the fledgling colonies in the New World.

Berjägarethänen Cheese

The cheese of the Berthe Jägers, this quite substantial cheese for a Berthe cheese, is said to improve accuracy while shooting with Jäger rifles after eating it. This cheese is in theory a Cheddar as it uses the Cheddaring process. This never has been proved, but the Berthe Jägers are known to fight much better after eating this cheese. Its unique process involves hammering it several times with a Jäger Rifle's stock by a drunk Sergeant-Major and then being buried underground for a long time in Northern Haelmar, as well as the standard Cheddaring process.


Vällterbootethen (Västerboot) Cheese

This cheese is a hard cheese that takes at least a year to age. It is made from cheese and is also similar to Cheddar. Originally originating from the Central Hälmarian town of Vällterbootethen, the Calradians from the Hälmar Union's territories in Calradia called it after the capital of Hälmarian power in Calradia, and the capital of the province, Västerboot.

Jaemtlander Cheese

This hard cheese is popular among the Union's Merchant Navy and Merchants due to its thickness and long preservation time. Named after the island city of Jaemtland, it is notable for its bitterness due to the soil of the island.


This strong and hard Nordic Cheese is very popular among the Nordic regiments and is wide spread among the armed forces due to its resilience.


This cheese is the cheese of Jarl Furgilforson's Maelstrom company and is named after the Glacier near the ice caves where the hardly cows and goats that produce this cheese chew on the unique grass to make this unique texture and maturity.

A/N: Will do the teas tomorrow.

First i laughed.

Then i seriously wondered what would freud say about this  :mrgreen:
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