New Druid Quest and warpaint for Brytenwalda Reworked

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Knight at Arms
In line with my goal to revamp all the major quest sites, I've reworked the druid quest to fit the times and be more respectful of the celtic religion.
I borrowed about 25% from the original quest, but I reworded it all and make at least the dialog seem more realistic.

The quest site has been moved from Wales to NW England, north of alt clut not far from the waterfall.
I figured that the Druids would not have been tolerated if the very Christian Welsh territories.

The Lord in Fortiu who originally gave the paint body just refers you to go see the druid.
You can see the druid without visiting the lord.

New: the sacrifice doesn't actually kill the prisoner.
You don't have to convert to go through with the sacrifice or get the paint body.
The quest can:
1) Give the player a war_paint suit early on without renown.
2) Health long-term battle wounds if you have that turned on
3) Grant a number of bonuses if you choose to go ahead with the "sacrifice"
There is an equal chance of getting negative effects if you choose the sacrifice.
4) You need to at least start the sacrifice then back out if you want to get the war paint suit.
After the painting ritual, the character gets Agility +2.
Yes, it's not too useful if you use the given skills.txt, but it's a freebie anyways.
5) There's a special last option if you want to increase your character and entertainment skills.

The whole thing costs about 1800 right now and it's well worth it early on in the game when the other quests are not doable.

I plan to have the patch C out by Saturday night.
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