Question related catching specific prisoners.

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Is there a way to turn off this annoying "Catch specific type of prisoners" quests.. seriously.. It's just impossible.

I've been asked to bring 4 T4 Vikingars (and I'm quite new here) but even if I beat the enemies.. I rarely get prisoners I want...  I even ordered my whole army to use blunt weapons only. Since enemy had 5 vikings in their platoon. So after 1 hour of beating em.. I get 0 prisoners..

Seriously.. this quest is just horrible.. training quest is annoying but doable.. this is just literally waste of time.. 100% loss of + points with the lord who gave me the quest.
If you're using blunt weapons, the prisoners you want should get knocked out and available for capture.  Only lords have a chance of escape (about 70% I think).  Having an all Manhunter line of troops with you helps too, since with the exception of the Slaver Chief, everyone uses blunt damage weapons.

If you don't have a point in Prisoner management, then you wouldn't be able to capture too.

Finally, just accept the quest and don't worry about completing them.  Usually the war with that specific faction ends and the quest gets canceled with no loss of relation for you.
There are troops that are particularly great for prisoner hunting, and it'd help you if you brought these as the majority or even the only troop type in your current party. Some choices include the Manhunters and the Sarranid Kapikulu Savari/Beylik/Sekban.

Telling them to use blunt weapons if they don't have blunt weapons in their inventory will make them attempt to use their fists, which is very ineffective against T4 troops and up. Check if you troops even have blunt weapons that can spawn on them before you bother using that command.
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