Native Events

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This is my last resort since I don't know where to go. Looked on one place, nothing.. and this was the only other place I could think of.

My Native Regiment is new, but it's strong. But I am looking for a native event at 7pm GMT for my regiment to go to. If nothing is found, I would like to host a native event.

If anyone is interested, please leave a comment.

Lordaeron Survivors Lord Commander Arutha
Native doesn't really do events, a few efforts have tried to make regular ones, but most clans play competitive matches 8v8 instead. You can find more info on the format here:,346.0.html
Well like I say it's not a common thing in native. You can contact the creators of these threads maybe:,333010.msg7880257.html#msg7880257,331433.msg7833334.html#msg7833334,327199.msg7727423.html#msg7727423
Apparently my NW regiment is attending some sort of Plebwall event tomorrow, so they do exist, but from what I've experienced in prior Plebwall events, all it is is a bunch of people running around in lines using NW commands thinking that their NW tactics transfer over to Native perfectly.  I would recommend that you do the 8v8 events, form two teams if you need to.
the tactics I plan to use are formations. like Turtle Formation, Snake, Crane.. etc etc.. stuff used back in the day.. but if I can't get big groups.. I might end up doing clan wars.. which are more than 8v8.. well i would hope as my clan is atleast 17 people strong
LordCommArutha said:
the tactics I plan to use are formations. like Turtle Formation, Snake, Crane.. etc etc.. stuff used back in the day.. but if I can't get big groups.. I might end up doing clan wars.. which are more than 8v8.. well i would hope as my clan is atleast 17 people strong

what is turtle formation
Guaccmoleboy said:
LordCommArutha said:
the tactics I plan to use are formations. like Turtle Formation, Snake, Crane.. etc etc.. stuff used back in the day.. but if I can't get big groups.. I might end up doing clan wars.. which are more than 8v8.. well i would hope as my clan is atleast 17 people strong

what is turtle formation

ask nickdean
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