Plans for patch v0.7

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You could if you started out with kids in mature age for marriage. Then getting them married and produce a heir (survival) would give the game an extra element. Also the kids could be companions you level up for succession. Companien system could change to 5 agents (party skill) + 3 kids at any given time. Main character could start of as a widower.
I know that Brytenwalda, had a mechanic where you were able to kill lords if you captured them in battle. But then again that had lots and lots of different lords.
I would like to request a bug-fix for the "left click to continue not working after helping buddies in battles"
(Playing on 0.6.2). Thx for making this mod more awesome for each patch!!
Just a small status update - as you may have noticed, I haven't been very active this past months, due to exams and studies taking a lot of my free time. This will end soon however, so I'll be able to work on the mod again pretty soon.
Great. Just take your time and enjoy it whilst working on the mod. The mod is in a very good state as is and only need a little tweaking here and there so you shouldn't stress about it.
Deathwhisper said:
Lemming20 said:
You should add decapitation! :twisted:

Executions and a death system in general would be very hard to implement in a way that makes sense, given the scope of a playthrough (a few ingame years at most). You couldn't simulate a real family / dynasty system with heirs replacing their dead liege. Same issues for the player if he dies for any reason.

Hi! Thx for your  hard work now its best mod ever but has  few issues if i may say... About  killing lords and having children who would get to maturation age and become damsels or lords its possible something like that was  already present in Brytenwalda so pls try  think about it when youll have time. I know we want more  from you than we should but you already gave us  so much we are getting greedy.
There is one major problem in this mod for me. Colkar clan and order of the sun? They are overpowered and i mean it. Both have units with overpowered statistics but what makes them even worse to fight againts is their equipment and all their soldiers  even weakest are too damn strong. Order of the sun has paladins whos equipment makes them almost unstoppable and when they have big army they are unstoppable.
And hated Colkar clan.... ALL their soldiers have longbows and they are  too damn acurate! Whats even more annoying is that they also have other weapons. Overally too many units in this  game are like jacks of all trades... They have  longbows and are like Robin Hoods themselves. They have  one or two handed weapons and then they are like King Arthur himself. They have  javelins  longbows axes  swords  too much equimpent  making them unstoppable.


Other than that  this mod is  Complete and you should  just add what you think can add up to the fun :razz: this mod dead?  :sad: Please tell me I'm wrong. I really want that slider for the accuracy of the ranged weapons. :neutral:
Deathwhisper said:
Lemming20 said:
You should add decapitation! :twisted:

Executions and a death system in general would be very hard to implement in a way that makes sense, given the scope of a playthrough (a few ingame years at most). You couldn't simulate a real family / dynasty system with heirs replacing their dead liege. Same issues for the player if he dies for any reason.

I beg to differ. There already are many mods  like  PoP or Brytenwalda where you  can build  a church or castle in few months or weeks or kill an lord in an instant so talking that its not posibble technically or just dont seems right its a bit overstatement...
Can you add a Foreign Minor Faction that can capture towns and castles? These Samurai units are awesome, it would be a great addition to the current game!
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