HOW OP are Juggernauts?

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I tried to hire them once, but gave up after seeing one cost 500+ denars a week. Haven't seen them after that.
I hear most of you use juggernaut armies. How OP are they? Are they worth the $$$? How often do they die?
They're alright, but like most mercs they cost more than they are worth. If you are looking for heavy cavalry twilight knights are better and have lances, if you want shock troops for sieges champions and blood lords are better, what they are good at is being versatile. They hardly ever die and they are great for rounding up prisoners as they never kill anything and are fast.
They are okay, $700 is a high cost especially early in the game. They are definitely a solid choice when you are building your army and have mostly mediocre troops. Probably aren't worth their weekly cost, but like an above poster said, they are mercs and cost extra.

i think the're worth it just because they can be a huge boon to an army just starting out essentially taking up the spot of a top tier unit until you can train up your own ones
A way to not make them so overpowered, but still remain strong, pricy and fill a role. Is to through Morgh's make them into Infantry rather than Cavalry, and reduce their weapon proficiency. This'll retain their status as shock troops that'll always knock the enemy unconscouss rather than kill them, but they won't be the killing machines they were previously, and not as mobile at the same time
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