Parole script idea - a new lord interaction

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Today I've got a cool idea of a medieval law or custom of war that could be implemented into Warband: release on parole. It is an alternative to keeping captured lords for ransom: you release them but make them swear an oath that they will not participate in this war anymore until its end.

Whether or not a lord fulfills his oath depends on the lord's honor and personality. Some lords cannot be trusted to uphold parole, and will return and attack again.

You, too, may be offered to swear parole if you are captured. If you do so and try to attack the faction you swore parole to, you receive a warning that you are going to become an oathbreaker (-20 Honor) and a chance to cancel the attack and avoid the honor penalty. If you are under parole, the marshal will not summon you to a campaign and will not object to your absence if you are forced to swear parole in the middle of the campaign.
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