30th Sankt-Peterburgskii Polk [NA]

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30th Sainkt-Peterburgskii Polk

If you were invited to this group, you've been pre-selected for immediate full member status to this regiment (Pvt). Please message BUS STOP 14 ASAP on steam and leave him a message about your acceptance or rejection to the pre-selection invitation. Familiarize yourself with the below Regiment Code. It is closely followed.

"We serve to lead"

This is our motto. Our guideline.

It means that we're in this community and game as leaders. You serve in this regiment because we are a lead regiment. We lead in all aspects. We lead in respect, discipline, fortitude, cooperation, and combat. Everything written here is your bible. Learn it. Follow it.

You are subject to severe disciplinary action for any infraction contrary to this code.

✙ Respect - The most important creed. Respect yourself, respect the regiment, respect the community, respect your fellows, and respect this code. There will be no trash talking, amongst ourselves nor any other regiment members, officers, or pubs. Any hostility aimed towards us will be reported to an officer, but is not to be answered with retaliation.

✙ Discipline - The foundation of the regiment's performance. You will follow commands to the letter. You will not take it upon yourself to dodge, duck, dip, dive, or dodge. We function like a single well oiled machine. In events, you will only be pressing the keys you are commanded to press, like your peers on either side. And we will march to glory.

✙ Fortitude - There are no obstacles. We are like a mountain, firm and determined. We'll hold our ground and hurdle over anything thrown at us. I expect complete bravery in action and willingness to do what needs to be done; whether it is stand for an hour or charge an enemy horde. We are a mountain.

✙ Cooperation - The glue that holds us together. Work with your fellow rankers, your NCOs and your COs to keep us operating seamlessly. There will be no ongoing arguments or differences in the regiment. You will respect the views and opinions of everyone else. Because at the end of the day, you rely on your regiment mates' bayonet as much as your own.

✙ Combat - We strive to be the best. Our lines will utilize all the above creeds to make us the most maneuverable, the most accurate, and the most deadly lines on the field. We will train a lot. Because we do take this game seriously. You are expected to stay in combat shape by knowing the commands, and knowing the melee.

  Marksman II
Bayonet Expert
Recruiter Expert


Полковник - Polkovnik[Colonel]
Подполковник - Podpolkovnik[Lieutenant Colonel]
Майор - Mayor [Major]
Капитан - Kapitan [Captain]
Штабс-капитан - Shtabs-Kapitan["Staffcaptain"]
Поручик - Poruchik [First Lieutenant]
Подпоручик - Podporuchik [Second Lieutenant]
Прапорщик - Praporshchik [Propably Ensign]
Фельдфебель - Feldfebel [Seargent First Class]
Портупей-прапорщик - Portupey-praporshchik [Seargent Second Class]
Подпрапорщик - Podpraporshchik [Seargent Third Class]
Младший унтер-офицер - Mladshiy Unter-ofitser [Corporal]
Рядовой - Ryadovoy [Private]



Contact Infromation
If you would like to contact us make sure to contact us on steam
Teamspeak 3 Ip  ts9.freets3.net:10167

I was in the 1st FRG as a Pvt.
I want to join because my current regiment isn't as active or large as I would like.
I am 16
I will follow orders and rules.
My steam name is 1stFRG_Mikhail.
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