(WFAS) Entry Point question

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Hey all,

I'm wondering how the Entry Points in WFAS differ from those in Warband?

Sometimes there are defenders spawning on a couple of spawns in the 32-64 range and vice-versa. What causes this? Is there a range of spawns that are "turncoat" and spawn whichever team has last touched them?

what about points 65 and 67-99?  do they have a function?

Is there a point that functions as a start-of-round defender spawn like point 32 for attackers?
Nobody cares about WFaS I guess. :smile:

Though without you specifying what battle scenario you're talking about there's simply no answer that can be given.
Yes, reply! Thank you!

Oh geeze, didn't I?
I'm asking about Siege mode.

The entry points in some of my maps have been behaving unexpectedly. Attackers spawning behind enemy lines and whatnot. Instead of spawning at points 32-64 exclusively they spawn on a few in the 0-31 range sometimes.
As far as I understand, in multiplayer the spawn point is selected by the engine using a heuristic with a set of flags. Nowhere in the code does it say that only entries from a specific range should be selected for a specific team (or at least I couldn't find anything of the sort).

I am no expert on Warband MP scripting, but I guess it's theoretically possible to design a map where the engine will treat some entry points as belonging to the wrong team.
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