Importing names with uncommon letters

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Hey Guys

Currently playing as a hungarian lord who has just returned from fighting in the holy land. I therefore want to rename him due to his exploits (And for roleplaying purposes). I found out on the web that in hungarian, crusader is spelled "Keresztes Vitéz" or something like that. I know that you can export/import your character and edit the .txt file and give the character a longer name than you can in-game. The problem is the import won´t allow for the "é" to be imported so the name only becomes "Keresztes Vit"

Anyone has a solution for this?
You should explain this problem to a group of small children starving in Somalia and see what they have to say as a solution. Maybe that will put it into perspective for you.
How about you just for once reply with a constructive answer if you really need to reply to any post huh!!!!
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